Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

To Vic Hays,

I examined your drawing with interest. It has the following essential elements:

(1) a rotating cylinder with weight at the rim to extract gravitational energy,
(2) a pulse force mechanism (the block that would start the rolling ball mechanisms) at the rim
(3) the rolling balls that would work with (2) to provide a non-balanced situation to continue the spinning in the same direction.
(4) the feedback mechanism is expected to be at the central axle. In the drawing, no energy is feedback from the central axle. However, if what you want is just constant rotation, this will do.
(5) the rotation - I believe you would use a separate mechanism to start the rotation to a certain speed. You might have to adjust it so that it is in resonance with the rolling balls. You may even hand turn the central axle for this purpose.

Congratulations. You have a potential working model. However, it is not the best I have seen. I shall wait for a few more alternative posts before posting what I considered to be the better mechanical alternative.

We consider the mechanical alternatives only for fun. The products are based on IC. We are still not perfect in our products yet - the prototypes still have not passed the 6 month no breakdown test. However, the decision is to show them outside China in Oct.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

To ken_behrendt,
That's all a little vague. Can you post a simple diagram that would show how the weights are arranged in this modern version of Bessler's wheels that you are suggesting?
In the following simple diagram (3rd generation):
1 is a starting motor that can be disconnected after the central axle 2 and cylinder 4 have achieved the designed rotating speed.
2 is the central axle from which energy is extracted
3 are the spokes connecting the cylinder 4 to the central axle.
4 is the inside cylinder with 800 IC (China 3008)
5 is the outer non-rotating cylinder with 100 IC (China 3001)
6 is a conventional electricity generator extracting the energy from the rotating central axle 2

Note that the weight distribution of the rotating cylinder 4 is UNIFORM. When we use IC as the pulse force, we do not need to use unbalanced weight to maintain rotation. The implementation is basically IC programming. The rest of the diagram should be obvious.

Refer to my previous post for more details.
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:52 am Post subject: re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators
The simple Liang engine diagram
The simple Liang engine diagram
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

On Wednesday, March 1, 2006 an 8,000-lb Ford 150 pickup truck with extended cab & long bed powered by a Newman Energy Machine was run for 1 hour 15 minutes nonstop around a circular track.

The battery voltage level measured before the test run was 43 VOLTS and finishedat exactly the same level - 43 VOLTS - after the 1 hour 15 minute test run.

Approximately 40 people witnessed and documented the event.
The above was from the website.

The Joseph Newman machine is what we call the double motor. It works according to the following principle:

(1) An electricity generator A provides electricity to power an electric motor B. This generator A uses battery C to supply its initial energy.

(2) The electric motor B rotates and drives a cylinder D (or a flywheel)with axle in the horizontal direction to extract gravitational energy.

(3) The output energy of the motor B PLUS the extracted gravitational energy is fed back to the electricity generator A (using the rotating shaft and gears). The battery C is recharged at the same time.

(4) There would be additional energy left - used to drive the 8,000 pound truck.

(5) The steps from (1) to (4) are repeated with no additional input of external energy.

We call this a double motor because it essentially has an electricity generator and an electric motor at the same time. This method is interesting as existing technologies and parts could be used. The basic theory is still extracting energy via rotation in gravitational (or magnetic) fields mentioned in our patent. Joseph Newman discovered this some 40 years ago but with no theoretical support. One of our researchers, Mr. Chan, produced a prototype 10 years ago - also with no theory. I am sure that both Mr. Newman's group and our group know the theory now. (They received our Chinese CD over a year ago.) The coming development will be exciting. They will a friend and a competitor.

Study the Joseph Newman Machine. It will help this group to come up with the purely mechanical design of the Bessler Wheel.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by LustInBlack »

Fact: Conventional equation must be changed to the following:

HP of rotating shaft of motor:

HP = ft lbs X RPM divided by 5252 X 60 = HP per MINUTE.
Yeah it's easy to get free energy when you DECIDE to modify an existing formula and multiply by 60 ..

Yeah! 60 times more HP, I only had to modify to formula, FREE ENERGY for the entire world!

.. Well, if that's true, everybody have 60 times more HP in their car.. So ?

Tseung, you keep using the same presentation in all your posts, no real world data, illusion, no proof.

You're funny .
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by racer270 »

55 posts in 14 days,
and still .... it's eurg 888 along........stop it...!

how much money do you wont to just go away.?

"cosmic energy electricity generators " , what a load of crap...!

ps. i can drive for more then 1hr and 15 min. around a track , and still have the same voltage i started with send me your $20 bucks and i will send you a "cd" too.....
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by LustInBlack »

That's people like him that makes Free energy "research" looks bad..

Esotheric theory, references to God power, invention with names like "Cosmic", "Radiation power", "god induced electrical magical pulses in an open-loop configuration with cold energy radiant impulse from the inner core of the atomic pulsating nuclei subatomic chaotic region of the particulate substrate laminated lightwave inertia machine!" etc..

All bullshit .

Btw, what are those IC, looks like you don't even know what IC means or how electronics work ..

Can I add you to my list of posers ?!

- Tom Bearden
- Snpssaini
- [Your Name Here]

Here is my opinion on all this ..
This guy is an eleven years old that upgrade his frauder skill by using the information we provide in questions reply.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by rlortie »

Are we having fun yet? :-)

Until some one realizes that this bull crap does not belong in Gravity Wheel General Discussion, I will have more time to spend elsewhere.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by LustInBlack »

Meh ..

I've said it before, this calls for a moderator.

At least, this non-sense could be moved to the off-topic area ..

re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by Sevich »

Hi all..

Just been reading up on this web site!
They have for years been giving away free ROMAG and other "alien generator" plans......seems its not of this world..? ....need to download PDF file. It'll
take a while if you have'nt got a fast internet service.

This German website has this generator in it's scopes. Includes manufactured parts!???

Also, JNL labs have shown interest in it:
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ken_behrendt »

I think Mr. Tseung is suggesting that its possible to construct an overbalanced wheel or cylinder in which the imbalance is temporarily created by the action of IC controlled solenoids.

The problem is that this idea is not new. There have been several past attempts to make overbalanced gravity wheels that have weight shifting done by solenoids. When a weight is on the descending side of the wheel, a field effect transistor is triggered by a small magnet on the wheel and the transistor then acts like a relay and energizes its associated solenoid to cause the weight to, temporarily, shift away from the wheel's axle.

Does it work? Yes, this system will result in a wheel that runs.

The problem is that, if one then has the wheel drive a generator and uses the output from the generator to power the solenoids, one finds that one never quite gets enough power output to activate the solenoids.

These systems can not be used to extract the mass - energy of the wheel's weights. To keep the wheel running, the inventor must leave the battery that initially powered the solenoids connected to them so that it can make up for the insufficient power derived from the wheel driven generator. In time, the battery will be completely drained and the system will come to a stop.

No doubt, such a device can look impressive when only a brief demonstration of it is given. But, even a brief demonstration will be disappointing if the battery is immediately disconnected from the solenoids after the device is gotten into motion.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

To ken_behrendt,
I think Mr. Tseung is suggesting that its possible to construct an overbalanced wheel or cylinder in which the imbalance is temporarily created by the action of IC controlled solenoids.

The problem is that this idea is not new. There have been several past attempts to make overbalanced gravity wheels that have weight shifting done by solenoids. When a weight is on the descending side of the wheel, a field effect transistor is triggered by a small magnet on the wheel and the transistor then acts like a relay and energizes its associated solenoid to cause the weight to, temporarily, shift away from the wheel's axle.
Eliminate the solenoid. Use Hall effect IC interaction directly. NO magnet is used at the wheel.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by LustInBlack »

Eliminate the solenoid. Use Hall effect IC interaction directly. NO magnet is used at the wheel.
What the !???

Where do you get those North-South orientation then Mr.Tseung!?
Oh I see, it's the COSMIC reaction force with a hall effect sensor . . .

This is getting worse . . .

Btw, this janitor washing toilet analogy.. It was you, wasn't it ?!!
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by rlortie »

How to make a Hall switch Motor.
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by ltseung888 »

To rlortie,

Thanks for pointing us to

The following figure shows the principle of the Double Motor such as the Joseph Newman Machine.

Generator 1 supplies electricity to Electrical Appliance 2 and to Motor 3.

Motor 3 drives a flywheel or cylinder 4 to extract gravitational energy.

Some of the torque from axle 7 is fed back to axle 8 via gears 5 and 6

Extra torque from axle 7 could be used to do work.

Simple but brilliant design once you understand the theory.
Principle of the Double Motor
Principle of the Double Motor
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re: Cosmic Energy Electricity Generators

Post by cw »

This remarkable video clearly demonstates a pulse-fed wheel extracting energy from the gravitational field. In my opinion, the mechanism is far more understandable and impressive than any of the drivel ltseung888 has posted here. Note the amazing energy "lead out" at the end. Maybe it's technically an overbalanced motor? ... &q=hamster

I second (or 3rd, 4th?) the motion that this thread be moved to the Off Topic, or better yet, Fraud forum. The BS is getting so deep here we're all going to need hip waders soon.
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