Basic Pm Idea

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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Dwylbtzle »

he made the claim that making a pump would make a wheel
and that then he was going to laugh at us all when he did
and what the hell's our problem
so i told him
mine at least

the link he's asking for--it was in the "friendly little note" thread

jimmich complained about it, specifically
and him insulting me the first question of his off topic thing
is there--and then a bunch more

maybe now he'll leave US alone

he insists on claiming and claiming
then becomes outraged at any question of his "science"
and then has only insults and then 6000 frikkin word speculations about the questioner's mind
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Dwylbtzle »

and he said something about him being banned?

wot's that?
I t.....hink the only reason I would be willing to explain things to people who had me banned is because my medical situation prevents me from building
if you don't want him off topic
and you don't like my writing style
putting up with his name calling and mental speculations
and calling him on THE SCIENCE
here in his own ON TOPIC thread

what do you like ?

here--one of you try

i'm just tired of breathing coal dust ok?

trying to find the answer
we NEED this--if someone says they have it
we need to ask how and why
then we get "NEENER neener neener poo poo man!"
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Post by smith66 »

still no link, not from Ed or mr. pizzle.
Of course, I would not expect Jim_Mich to like the idea of my being able to demontrate that centrifugal force would allow a gravity wheel with no load placed on it's axle (performing no work) to rotate faster.
And with the friendly note, I admit that Ed and dwizzle are right. I was off topic when I pointed out that Bessler said over balanced weights would not rotate his/a wheel.
Yep, only at besslerwheel dot com is quoting Bessler considered off topic.

edited to add; @Jim_Mich, could you explain to me how a wheel with a radius of 1 meter and has a rim speed of about 3.2 m/s (1 Gravity) would work differently than a gravity powerec wheel that has 1 Gravity of downward force acting upon it ?
dwizzle says I need to learn how to do things scientifically. Care to teach me please ?
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Ed »

James, I actually was talking about when you came along in my thread and showed is your belly. Remember that? After one sort of on topic post, you then interrupted the flow and started talking about yourself. I don't care about it now, I just mentioned it because I thought it was the one Dwyezle was talking about. ... 345#110345

We all should be more mindful of interrupting and especially then carrying on and on.

I will wait to comment further on your ideas about MT125 until the dust settles, but I would like to respond to what you said.
Last edited by Ed on Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by smith66 »

What my critics have missed is that when a weight is moving towards top center, that because of gravity, it will drop. SOOO obvious.
This would allow it to work with another weight that is also dropping because of gravity.
And as the wheel turns, the weight that fell as it rotated upward will need to swing outward. And as it approaches bottom center, gravity and centrifugal force will allow it to do more work when it falls again.
Centrifugal force would not let any weights move because once they move, there is no opposing motion or force that could act upon them.
A little something I learned when I went to school for Propulsion Engineering.
Probably off topic again but have gotten used to it ;-)
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Re: re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by smith66 »

Ed wrote:James, I actually was talking about when you came along in my thread and showed is your belly. Remember that? After one sort of on topic post, you then interrupted the flow and started talking about yourself. I don't care about it now, I just mentioned it because I thought it was the one Dwyezle was talking about. ... 345#110345

We all should be more mindful of interrupting and especially then carrying on and on.

I will wait to comment further on your ideas about MT125 until the dust settles, but I would like to respond to what you said.
I used a personal experience as a metaphor just as you said that I need to be able to afford a mortgate before I buy a house.
What your reference to a mortgage was about that I need to be considered credible by people I do not know and probably have no schooling or experience with engineering.
And the example I gave for a metaphor is tbat I am intelligent enough to know what's worth buying into. I WAS ON TOPIC.
Myself, I find your accusation insulting.
Maybe one day when you, jim,mich anc cwizzle get some education or schooling in engineering, I'd like to know about because then you guys would have some credibilty when it comes to engineering.
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Dwylbtzle »

yer thread and the friendly little note thread too ed
spans more than one page so he needs a link

ed was walking in a field one day

and he saw a man holding a TUBA out in front of a starving dog
and saying "i'm not gonna give you this steak! because yer too stupid" calling the dog names

and the dog attempts: "i'm gonna have to ask you a coupla questions"
in english

and the man starts barking at the dog

and ed picks up a stick--hits the dog and says: "That was doggerel, dammit!"
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Post by Dwylbtzle »

smith66 wrote:@All,
What my critics have missed is that when a weight is moving towards top center, that because of gravity, it will drop. SOOO obvious.
This would allow it to work with another weight that is also dropping because of gravity.
And as the wheel turns, the weight that fell as it rotated upward will need to swing outward. And as it approaches bottom center, gravity and centrifugal force will allow it to do more work when it falls again.
Centrifugal force would not let any weights move because once they move, there is no opposing motion or force that could act upon them.
A little something I learned when I went to school for Propulsion Engineering.
Probably off topic again but have gotten used to it ;-)
but then the weights have to be reset
or else fall upward on the flipside
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Post by smith66 »

any more Dwytzble I think you're nothing more than a common drug adcict.
It's your thread now. And now you can show everyone how you do things scientifically. :-)

Ed, I know I am retarded for thinking Bessler actually built a working wheel using principles so simple that a child could do it.
after all, jim mich says centrifugal force and pizzle says some elaborate function of physics and then there is you, a wise sage who speaks in parables like Jesus.

and what makes me retarded is because I am willing to take the time to learn when something is new to me.
and for your information, the water wheel and the counter weighted cross bar are 2 ideas that CAN work.

btw ed, a parable for you by Jesus,
Throw pearls before swine and they will trample the pearls and then trample you

I just wonder what he meant by it ? it's almost like saying watch out for places where trolls dwell because trolls only like their own :-)
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Ed »

James, I'm actually trying to get this discussion back on track so I can discuss your ideas. In this thread i don't believe I've ever said anything negative about you. I don't know why you should feel insulted. I gave you the link you asked for. You did interrupt in my thread with your post AFTER the mortgage metaphor one. The one where we all had to see the picture of your scar. Remember?

Anyway, I said "we" all should be mindful of interrupting. I wasn't directing that statement at you. Never mind. It was only in response to what Dwyeasel said.

I've never called you retarded and I've never criticized your ideas, at least not as smith66. I tried to discuss your ideas here but kept getting interrupted by the bickering you guys were doing, so I wanted to just wait until the fighting stopped.
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by smith66 »

yes I am insulted ed. considering you're concerned about 1 post and the fact that I was wrong for using tne same metaphor that you used.
further more I am a fraud. just ask rlortie
he always enouraged ab bammer the way dwizzle is doing me now.
I was even expected to give my work to ab hammer so the arrache build group could have it. I endured years of barassment because ralph and alan had to protect tbeir credibility. if you search why try and rlortie, you will find that he doesnt believe in trying. of course he says he quit high school because he was bored. myself I would xay he is arrogant and ab hammer is his toady.
as ab hammer always said, anyone with a medical problem is a fraud and he is a well respected member of this forum. and yet he openly posts against education as having any value.
I think I'm going to give dwizzle a green dot for how well he represents this forum
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Ed »

You have misunderstood. I'm NOT saying your metaphor post was off topic. I'm saying your image and all the arguing about AB afterwards was. And I'm NOT even concerned with it. It only came up because it was used as an example of how you interrupted, like Dwyitzle interrupted, like I interrupted in a couple of other thread. My only point was to show that sometimes we all do it. I am NOT insulting you.
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Post by smith66 »

that's y I'm not discussing my work any more. 6 pages of dwizzle and you are comparing me to him.
it's thread now, he can show me how the folks here do things scientifically.
myself, I wouldn't know the difference between a muon and a gluon what ever they are.
have actually lost interest.

by the way ed, you should've said something tben but didnt. but now you are because you want me to spend my money so I can be dwizzles bitch. ralph and alan never got that to work.
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Ed »

I also compared myself to him, so what's your point? If you don't understand why I mentioned it now, then never mind. I'm sorry I did. Just forget it. It doesn't matter.

Now, are you going to keep going on about me now? Comparing me to AB for something I didn't do, just like you don't like others doing to you?

I don't want you to spend money, I don't want anything from you. If you don't want to discuss any Bessler related topics now, fine. Whatever...
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re: Basic Pm Idea

Post by Dwylbtzle »

a starving dog, ed

i want the steak, siblings