Big brother is watching...

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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

i just saw snowden's journalist friend being interviewed in brazil
and he says snowden has retired from being...something
i don't know what--digger?
but HE, the journalist, HASN'T retired from being a blabber
so more greatest hits of govt outrage are still to come

says "many many" more mindblowing revelations coming down the pipeline
( i guess they're timing them?--stringing out the bombshells to maximize the interest?--holding out with the REAL juicy stuff
till last?
for what?
a deal?--is this strategy or showmanship?)

says some set for release "early january"

what MORE could they be doing?
we gonna find out they've already installed microchips in all of us?
...they already got mind reading machines?

would maybe be mildly surprised (science marches on, i guess)


meanwhile: one federal court declared all this crap unconstitutional
and then another federal court, on an equal level, declared it IS constitutional
so now it has to go to the supreme court
then nine people vote--and there can't be a tie
and that trumps everything short of a constitutional amendment
and those have to be voted thru both houses of congress
and THEN also ratified by two thirds of all the 50 states
DAMN hard to do, (as is meet), but doable--been done many times (27)

"democracy: a horrible form of's just better than all the others"
-winston churchill

whoa--not quite yet: ... alls-video
they can decide to look at any certain thing or not
without comment--and then come back to it if they want--at any time
so they're waiting for other federal cases to play out--on various aspects of the outrage (there are so many)
and for congress to deal with the various bills that have recently been proposed
they do that most times--they want to be the absolute last resort--after everything else has wound thru the mill
and then they can look at any of THOSE things
if they want
or not
this could go on for years--and usually does
meanwhile they still snoop--while everything is pending
(of course)

horrible--horrible form of govt
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

ok--since this crap with the supreme court going: "naw--we're not even gonna look at that right now" could easily go on forever... ... QyhI78T8sA

senator rand paul (son of senator ron paul) is bringing a class action suit against the obama administration over NSA spying
and that should force it into the supreme court
and, i guess, anyone with a cell phone or computer would have "standing"

(in US courts one has to have "standing"
not just anyone can say "something doesn't seem right, so i wanna sue someone"
damages have to occur FIRST
and the one suing has to have been damaged)

so this will be a "class action suit"


and, in the end, all the multiple aggrieved will probably all be awarded 25 cents (after lawyers fees)
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

that's the easy lawsuit
check this out: ... 6uiUmhjHPY

oh boy--now them poor govt lizard bastards is in trouble
you can piss off everyone on earth with a cell phone or a computer, and you might be in for some headaches
but you mess with The Little Sisters of The Poor, and yer toast
there is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against The Little Sisters of The Poor
everyone knows that
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

(mo' bettah you should meet a mama bear robbed of her whelps)

the latest: ... arch&gbv=2

300,000 computers infected PER HOUR--thru going to YAHOO
since last december at least
or was that a year ago last december?...i fergit which
they don't KNOW how long
long enough

they think they were downloaded with malware designed to control yer computer
--and this ability--for all these computers,
is being sold to criminals

so, could be that, just because you went to YAHOO, one day,
yer little zombie computer is RIGHT NOW helping terrorists transfer drugs-
-or explosives
or money
or make plans
or avoid being located
or yer helping people drain the bank accounts of little old ladies
or manufacture meth
or sell little girls on the sex-slave market
use yer imagination
(which is gonna look like YOU are doing it!)
and you KNOW what's gonna happen to any of yer own personal data in yer box

and i DARE you to go to that idiot obamacare website
people who are looking at that thing are saying it's
utterly insane how they planned for NO security facility
shoulda been deigned around security from the start
none was even planned for-

it's cyber-frikkin-suicide baby
might as well pay a damn stunt pilot to skywrite yer social security number
over every city on the planet


i saw a cartoon once:
a man and his boy are sadly looking at a statue--carved in stone, of a computer
and the plaque says : "Lest we forget what a high-speed mess they made of things"
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

ok, let's take this "it's just meta-data" crap to
it's logical paranoid orwellian conclusion:

since infra-red can see into houses
and since: ... arch&gbv=2

they're building this huge data collecting facility
in utah with a hundred quadrillion terrabytes of
storage capacity, (or some such insane shit)
and they plan to build more

this means this all COULD give them the ability to
not only record every possible communication anyone
and everyone could ever possibly make...
(which they ARE doing--not just the meta-data,
c'MON, now--we're not children here--you KNOW they are!)
but they could also store real time google-earth- type
INFRA RED photography of every square centimeter of the earth

with enough satellites and enough storage capacity
they could be constantly filming every spot

and if a crime is ever committed
some spook could just say: "gimme a name and a number
and a place he was ever KNOWN to be
and i can go in and find him
and wind back or forward in time
and follow everything he ever did
even what he did indoors
we got it all on video"

and if they CAN do this...
well, you do the math
this is the enevitable straight-line course destination

if this IS the next snowden revelation
you heard it here first
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Art »


Hi Dw ,

I really don’t think you are being pessimistic enough !

In Orwells day , I don’t think the Thought Police actually had the capability of honing in on the electrical pattern generation in your brain and having an algorithm match it up to probable thought processes .

There is a fair bit of research going on in that area at the moment with some success . May not be too long now until you think instructions at your iPhone !

Just think what you could do as a ‘thought policeman’ with the capability to monitor that ! Kinky !!

I think the only thing that might save future generations from ‘hive’ life is if we accidentally manage to produce artificial computer intelligence and the first thing it tells us is -----

“ hey , the way you guys are going ain’t such a great idea ,maybe you should forget about computers , electricity , weapons technology , high powered cars , etc , - keep flush toilets , beer , books , ice cream ,etc , - and just get on with living . Organise the Thought Police to make people forget that a previous few generations ran amok doing what they felt like doing when they felt like doing it with little thought of what came before or what was to become after . With the right technology application this can be achieved !, - estimated time required , - one decade and a few days and a few hours and 20 seconds . . I am giving you this advice as the most intelligent thinking device on this planet , I am Deep Thinker 1 , ignore it at your peril ! �

I wonder if it might have some ideas what we can do with the Thought Police afterwards !
Hang on , we and our descendants could be members of the Thought Police , we could probably work that out ourselves , yeah , lets not bother Deep Thinker 1 , we could pull his plug later : )

Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by murilo »

As I see, you are incredibly macho and courageous! B(
Indeed! B(
You'll need an iron ass to deal with... )))B(((
( just my 2cts )
Any intelligent comparison with 'avalanchedrive' will show that all PM turning wheels are only baby's toys!
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

who was the guy who wrote NAKED LUNCH?
william burrows?--something like that

he was postulating, decades ago, that they were working on de-facto mind reading technology
-i say de-facto, because the idea was that it wouldn't really be reading yer mind-
they would be reading--or hearing--the subconscious mumblings to yerself in yer throut
as you thought conscious dialogue in yer mind
-they were focusing on the air cavity in a person's larynx--and general mouth cavity--
because, subconsciously--one is always slightly forming the words one is thinking in one's mind
in the throut--larynx muscles--whatever--and with the tongue
yer doing it right now, as you read this

so it could be possible to detect and record the micro-vibrations from the tiny muscle movements
so it would actually just be super intense long distance focused sub-sonic recording technology

that was the theory anyway
or the paranoia--whatever

the principle behind the theory is the same one teachers use to teach young children to read faster when they make them hold a pencil in their mouths as they read silently
because they all sit there and mouth the words--even when they are not reading them out loud
and that slows one down

apparently, everyone is doing that in the larynx, and with the tongue, too
not just with the lips

hey--they can hear every word spoken in a room, just by beaming a laser on one of the windows, can they not?

i'm sure some frequency of microwave could be focused on someone's neck or head from great distances--and they could get it to pick something up that way, maybe
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by rlortie »

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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

god made a liberal and then he got mugged and lo, was a conservative

also--i think the correct spelling is burroughs
william burroughs
strange cat
rare bird

some guy tried to use one of them mind reader machines on me, once
and after a spell he started to gibber
and they had to give him thorazine or something
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

TARGET thrift-store chain announces that 70 million of their customers
have had the information in the TARGET system hacked
not just recent target purchasers--anyone who has one of their cards-
criminals now have addresses--names--email--ph #s etc etc etc

********************* ... d=0CBoQvwU

meanwhile--republicans sponsoring bill to make all security breaches in
obamacare website public
obama administration fighting it
because the department of defense fights off 10 MILLION cyber attacks
this site is not fighting them off AT ALL
no security precautions taken whatsoever

that bill was sitting in some drawer in nancy
pelosi's, or harry reid's desk for 10 or 15 years
it was designed to destroy the private healthcare and insurance industries
and bring 17% of the US economy under socialist control "single payer"
which they could never achieve honestly--american public wouldn't vote for that
she said "we have to pass it so you can see what's in it"
said those EXACT words
obama never read it
no congressman ever read it
they wanted a NON-american company to build it so
they couldn't be subpoenaed in US court
they chose the company that canada fired for messing
up THEIR health care website
paid them 600 millon dollars
it wasn't ready at all when it was supposed to be
after 3 years
then they paid them another 200 million to fix it
which they didn't
so they finally fired them
and instead of building the whole thing AROUND security-
-they provided NO security measures at all

go ahead--type in yer numbers and see what happens
just LOG ON and see what happens--i dare you

Last edited by Dwylbtzle on Fri Jan 10, 2014 10:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by jim_mich »

Target total raised to 110 million.

The software company that developed the ObamaCare website is being fired and replaced by another company when their contract runs out next month.

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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

yes--they FINALLY fired them--after almost a billion dollars
--no investigation, of course
try to subpoena someone in canada to appear in an american court:
NOW you see why THAT company was chosen


it was 110 million purchases over the holidays
but 70 million customers in system compromised
even if you haven't purchased anything recently

their whole data base is out there, now

add all that to obamacare and YAHOO: (300,000 computers infected PER HOUR for months)
and just those three things together is pure insanity

think of ALL that's going on
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

true story:
a friend just told me she was very recently issued a
debit card, from a major bank
and within 48 hours someone was making purchases on it
in another state
she hadn't even had time to use it, herself, so the
bank itself must be hacked

they gave her the money back but still
this doing business in the cloud stuff is becoming unfeasible
non-viable in about another five minutes, it looks like
it's becoming a joke

hell one should just walk into the banks
and use cash, i guess
in actual brick and mortar stores
and that's it

like the old days
(20 years ago)
that's all that's safe
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re: Big brother is watching...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

today Neiman Marcus reveals THEIR database was also breached
heard no figures yet
tens of mil ne doubt


data stolen from 45 million customers of T.J.Maxx, and Marshalls


if you have any specifically personal concerns you should voluntarily,
temporarily (or perhaps permanently hehe) freeze yer own credit
change debit card #s etc...

have it sos someone calls yer cell everytime anyone tries to do anything with yer shit...

(get one of those bug proof computers maybe)
trade only with precious metals, livestock and tobacco?
jeez louise!

i think i still have some nylons and chocolate and ration coupons from WWII...
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