Osama's Message to America!

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by racer270 »

it's all about the $$$$$.......we got a " oil man " fighting for big oil.....!

the average joe here in the usa , cant do squat about the government it does, what it damn well pleases....!
oil is money , and money is power,........the average joe, like me thinks we should ,
1)" give all the politicians jobs " at , " micky "D's"......at say $4.75 an hour, and by getting rid of all the crooks, their bribes ,back door pork barrel crap , influence peddling , raises in the middle of the night ,.....etc.

a nip here and a tuck there a bit of mopping up and the budget , HELL It would come around in no time...... back in the black......!

all the people of this ,"the good old "," usa " are pAwNs of the government, thae can tern the american dream , into the american nightmare......!
, and still thay turn a handsome $$$$$ profit $$$$$ ......??????

the average joe , just wants to feed and shelter his family ""world wide "", not go to war.......?

computerize the government to work for the people , not just the wretched and the powerful..... :)

but look what is going on here....!

Last edited by racer270 on Sun Jan 22, 2006 9:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by racer270 »


and this is a bunch of crap too......lol
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by terry5732 »

Please use the spell-check feature ignoramus.
So you believe we are fighting so that we can pay THEM more for THEIR oil?
And that profits a US oilman how?
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by racer270 »

ignoramus. ???

hay doofus:
terry 5732 " at "....... c-66-41-107-208.hsd1.mn.comcast.net

the Bin Ladin's and the bush families are in the oil Business ....
and have been ,and are business..... partners, and they have been for YEARS...!

don't you think high oil prices benefit oil men......?
can you say hildebrandt , or enron.....?
gas was .14 cents a gallon in iraq before the war, thay got it and we need it, and the price just keeps on going up.......duh.....!

...LOOK IT UP.......FOOL......~!!!!!


http://www.americanfreepress.net/10_07_ ... _w__b.html


and still you dont understand.........? $%......!

ps. i fart in your general direction... (@).............Terry
Last edited by racer270 on Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:03 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by AgingYoung »

ps. i fart in your general direction.....
I have a copyright on this expression and anyone that uses it owes me a quarter.

The democrat party in america has some of the best lawyers in the world.
If there were a financial relationship between bin Laden and the bush
family they would uncover the money trail and publicize the fact. If such a
claim could be substantiated it would be all over the press. The fact is it's
an absurd allegation.

I went a little on a tangent addressing the point that since most
joe-blow America (and Australia too)
folks couldn't find the middle east
on a map and also didn't know a heck of a lot about western intervention
of arabic affairs they couldn't rightly understand or judge the arabic
frustration and rage.

I know that my great-grandfather didn't know where saudi arabia was.
That's because when he was growing up it didn't exist.
The dissolution of the Ottoman Empire was a consequence of
World War I when Allied forces, including the Arabs, eventually defeated
Ottoman forces in the Middle East.
That was some of the 'western' interference in
arabic affairs but we were on their side. We also interfered when we
developed their oil fields. I really would like to know what in the hell that
we did that gives them justification to chop little school girls heads off.

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by SeaWasp »

Any conflict or tensions that regard oil production & supply, invariably bump up the price of oil. The middle east is not the only place where oil is extracted. As such the other oil producing areas / Corporations benefit from this.

Gordy is correct in saying that Bush is an oil man and perhaps, he may have ulterior motives. Bush's administration does and still has close ties with Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately, this is also where much of the terrorism is being financed from! Osama is from a wealthy Saudi Family. This family has also close ties to America .. Osama was the Black Sheik of the family so to speak.. :-P

Bush was democratically voted in as president of the US. The people will have to accept their fate by this. But unfortunately, the average American and others around the world will be impacted by his policies.

The list could go on and on regarding the US's direct involvment in much of it's current problems.. Financing & supplying the Taliban in Afghanistan against the Russians is but another example.

An interesting read...

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by AgingYoung »

it was an interesting read.
On The Diane Rehm Show last week, Dean noted what he called an
"interesting theory" that Bush had been warned about the Sept. 11 attacks
ahead of time by the Saudis. Later, Dean backed away, telling Fox News: "I
can't imagine the president of the United States doing that. But we don't
know, and it'd be a nice thing to know."

I'm sure it would, Mr. Dean. Now if only Mr. Dean could get some
respected member of the press to forge some documentation to that effect...


ps edit: The democrats were manning the polling places in florida like
white on rice; if there were anything provable they would have done it.
They have some of the finest lawyers in the world. The own a few judges
also not to mention most of the press.
Last edited by AgingYoung on Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by racer270 »


bush "won" the presidency in the state of " Fliorda" a state were his brother : Jeb , just happens to be the governor of that state,....? must be a coincidence...?
and another, that the " voting machines malfunctioned inthat state in that election.......hhmmmmmm did you ever here of the................................" hanging chad scandal ".....!

ya,,, in a pigs eye....!!!
after his first stolen term as president, the government settles down , back to the same old crap........and when the second term comes around, he has enough partisanship $$$$$, built -up to winn again.......TADA....
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by SeaWasp »

Nothing surprises me much these days!

Also, Bushy and daddy were in the CIA.. So a coverup on their affairs, would not be an issue!
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ovyyus »

George W is a bot who does as he's told. He has little concept of foreign policy - he didn't even have a passport until after he made president - lol

He's on a self-proclaimed mission from god and now the Neo-Jesus cult have their champion at last - at long last - Halleluiah, praise the lord!
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by AgingYoung »

If christians would do as they were told to do by Jesus this would
be an interesting world. One admonition was to love your enemies.
If christians could just be as obedient to Jesus as muslims were to mohammed:
4:89 They would love to see you deny the truth even as they have
denied it, so that you should be like them. Do not, therefore, take them for
your allies until they forsake the domain of evil [108] for the sake of God;
and if they revert to [open] enmity, seize them and slay them wherever
you may find them.
And do not take any of them [109] for your ally or
giver of succour,

For the arabic brothers on the forum:
Waddoo law takfuroona kama kafaroo fatakoonoona sawaan fala
tattakhithoo minhum awliyaa hatta yuhajiroo fee sabeeli Allahi fain
tawallaw fakhuthoohum waoqtuloohum haythu wajadtumoohum wala
tattakhithoo minhum waliyyan wala naseeran

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by AgingYoung »

If the above allegations were even remotely true someone like this clown
Dan Rather (CBS)
would have some forgery hammered out and present it as fact.

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by AgingYoung »

dumb it downer:
Ken brought up an interesting prediction about America
only existing for 222 years and that 1998 represents the end
of the "American Dream". Some think the dream is indeed over
and that you guys have already slipped into a position of global
authoritarianism - the last 8 years tend to support that notion.

cia factbook:
The US has the largest and most technologically powerful
economy in the world, with a per capita GDP of $41,800.

In case you haven't noticed 1998 has come and gone. The rumor of
our demise has been greatly exaggerated.

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »


Hey...I like Dan Rather! I've watched him for decades on the CBS News and I do not hold him accountable for that business with forged documents back during Bush's second presidential campaign.

As far as the "Washington Prophecy" is concerned, it is true that the 222 year period has ended in 1998, but that period of time may only have been that time during which the USA would be its most powerful. When the 222 years are over that may then have triggered the gradual, but ongoing, decline of the power of the USA as a world leader. It is interesting that the "war" that Osama declared on the USA began around July of 1998 almost exactly as that time period ended.

I do not think this was chance, but rather that time to declare war was specifically chosen by al Quaeda so they could "fit" themselves into the prophecy and, perhaps, even increase their chances of inevitably defeating the USA and its coalition allies in the "war" on terrorism.

Well, Bush has about another 3 years to go as President of the USA. I wonder were the war on terrorism will be 3 years from now? I'm sure that we will be not be out of the Middle East by then and, quite possibly, will have had to extend our operations to several other countries whose West-friendly governments are on the verge of toppling because of the activities of the terrorists in those countries.

Meanwhile, the USA continues to spend about $800 million USD a day of borrowed money in the Middle East as the price of energy slowly creeps upward. How long can we continue to do this? Who knows...

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by racer270 »

hi ken.

Well, Bush has about another 3 years to go as President of the USA. I wonder were the war on terrorism will be 3 years from now? I'm sure that we will be not be out of the Middle East by then and, quite possibly, will have had to extend our operations to several other countries whose West-friendly governments are on the verge of toppling because of the activities of the terrorists in those countries.

i think we will be in the middle east , past "Bush's term ".
the next president will inherit a huge mess.......world wide...........:-)
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