Though...I see from those who share your vantage point, that your particular state of compromise doesn't 'suck' and quoting you or the eminent Dr. Hawkins would be cool....
Dr. David Hawkins revealed that mankind's greatest handicap had been that we had never before been able to discern Truth from falsehood.
Never before when? The day the 'serpent' opened the eyes of Eve?
Please pardon me if I don't subscribe to the kind of truth that quickly leads to thick smoke and fine ashes.
As uncool as that must seem to those of your 'persuasion'.
The Hand of Yahweh be upon you and your accomplices. This be sealed in the blood of Yahshua, Jesus Christ.
As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
The moon will become cloudy, a peculiar sight! And it will give many quite a good fright! For just as the raindrops pelt the dry ground, the dust is raised up and it does her, surround. What could cause such an unsettling show? Why, the same storm that next swings our way, don't ya know! And when it pains us in great conflagration, cries will rise up from every nation! And just when they say it's over.......NOT YET! There is one still falling and this one will get wet. It is much larger than all the first put together, but will splash down on the water like a relative feather. What will come of these impending events? We'll all see....I just hope that for some, I've made sense!
What is written above is taken from a book's pages, by way of Him who orders the ages.
As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
Doom's Day prophecies are a dime a gross. I think that most of us grew up being spoon fed these modern Jeremiah-like predictions of catastrophy that would surely come to "chastise" humanity for all of its various mistakes or sins.
I remember, as a child, worrying about the nuclear war that would come and surely wipe out civilization. It never came...
Then the sci-fi movies told me that the radiation being released from nuclear tests would cause various lifeforms to mutate into monsters that would devour humanity. Giant reptiles would emerge from the oceans and stomp entire cities (most Tokyo) into rubble. No such monsters emerged...
If all of that did not get us, then surely aliens, covetous of the shining jewel of Earth hanging in space, would attack us and use death rays and other super weapons to destroy any possible defense we could mount. Yes, while I believe that such things as UFOs and exterrestrials are possible (probable, in fact), for the most part, they avoid open contact with humanity...
I could go on and on about predictions of various ecological, seismic, cosmic, biological, etc., etc. disasters that were predicted to surely destroy almost all human life in the last century. Some of these were closed end predictions that obviously failed when their time limit expired. Others were left open ended so that they could not be disproved.
Well, I think the reason for all of these useless predictions is that when people are stressed out or feeling deprived or hopeless, they actually want to hear as many worst case scenarios as possible because, for the moment, it makes their present problems seem to pale into insignificance by comparison. Sure enough, where there is a demand, someone will provide a supply. The "consumer" of these realistic sounding prophecies gets his distracting thoughts for a while and the purveyors of the fear usually make a buck off of it all somehow.
The remedy for this bizarre form of feedback is for everybody, regardless of their plight or state of mind, to realize that, despite asteroid impacts, global pandemics, economic collapses, and even prophecies delivered to children by mysterious floating ladies, etc., etc., life has continued on planet Earth for billions of years and will continue on Earth for billions of years more to come. Yes, we will have many serious problems to challenge us in the years ahead. But, human beings are not made of over cooked lasagna. We can be very tough and resiliant when we have to be. With behavior guided by reason and not fear or superstition, we will find working solutions for our problems.
In the meantime, I choose to embrace the problems of the world and seek real world solutions. Yes, the Bible and other holy books can provide some important moral and ethical guidance as we make our way into the future. However, when overly focusing on the past, there is the risk of it becoming a form of escapism that will prevent one from fully participating in finding the solutions to those serious problems that lie ahead for humanity.
On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:
Yes, I agree Ken - sometimes those in pain or unhappy with the perceived inadequacies of their own life find no easier permanent cure than the end of the world. It's the universal problem solver ;)
To say it more compact: Pain is the universal problem solver.
To elaborate:
Without pain (mentally or physically) there is no problem to solve.
The only way to solve a problem positivly is to look inside, to finally find no separation between yourself and "the bad stuff outside".. and willing to connect with everything.
The only way to solve a problem negativly is to look outside, and find separation everywhere.. and willing to revenge yourself.
If you want to have a look at this spiritual (uplifting) path, then just have a look at the drawing Ralph posted in the "Oxygons Inertial Engine" Topic, and find yourself hanging in the Golden Mean.
Marchello E.
-- May the force lift you up. In case it doesn't, try something else.---
You're not getting all worked up about this one are you Mitch?
Worked up...? You mean like I was 'worked up' enough to warn New Orleans that God was angry at her continued behavior.....that He would visit her with a whirlwind?
Yeah. If 'all worked up' means caring enough about my fellow man (stubborn fools in general also included) to share with them what was mercifully shared with me, hit the proverbial nail on the head.
Now, regarding....
perceived inadequacies
Man is thoroughly proving incompetent to rule himself, neither the fallen ones before him.....which is a major point of this Earthly exercise. His tenets of moral relativism, on perpetual loan to him from the wicked one... ease his parched conscience, accompanied by more than a little help from the many diversions he uses....(or that use him.)
As for the 'end of the world' only means the beginning of the New One. I for one won't miss it. Though a great many will surely be in the perfect position to do so.
For too many, 'staying positive' comes at the price of doing many negative things to others. If not directly, then by varying degrees of complicit peripheral support......
Mankind would do well to perceive more of his inadequacies.....before his capitulation to corruption is complete.
Speaking of corruption in high places.....the following titillating expose' has helped to divert me momentarily from a few of my own perceived inadequacies actual and otherwise....
As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
Worked up...? You mean like I was 'worked up' enough to warn New Orleans that God was angry at her continued behavior.....that He would visit her with a whirlwind?
Was that foretold in the Bible ?
What I don't understand is how a god can punish the innocent along with the wicked. Were they all out of town that day ? Did he ensure they all had adequate insurance before destroying their homes ? Did he nullify the bad guy's policies? How does it work ?
The implication in your opening post is that we deserve to suffer global catastrophe and should lie back and let it happen. That seems to me to be grossly irresponsible. Presumably the scientists involved believe it will be more helpful than sacrificing a lamb or whatever it is you have to do to invoke divine intervention.
You are like the guy in the story who repeatedly refuses help from rescuers as he belives God will come and save him. When he inevitably goes to meet his maker he asks God why he did not save him. God replies that he did all he could, he sent rescuer after rescuer but all attempts had been refused.
Many Christian fundamentalists rationalize all of the bad things that happen to humanity as the result of God's punishment of the "wicked". At least that is the idea they got from the various Bible stories they are familiar with. However, in all of those stories, it is always some prophet who emerges and then predicts or rationalizes a past calamity based upon what he (the prophet) claims God told him. It can require an enormous amount of faith to accept such one witness stories as factual.
Currently, around the world there are probably thousands of "prophets" and "holy men" who claim to be in some sort of contact with God or his angels and receiving all sorts of messages about coming disasters and how mankind can avoid them. I'm sure that if one was to make a careful study of their various revelations, one would find that many of the predictions are in conflict with each other. It is sort of like the situation that exists when two countries engage in a bloody war and each claims it has God on its side!
I generally avoid giving any credence to such prophecies, predictions, or individual or sectarian interpretations of various metaphysical "salvation" schemes. They are all the product of guesswork and wishful thinking and, I've concluded, not in the best interests of coping with the real problems in our here and now world. However, that being said, while I believe in "freedom from religion", I also believe in "freedom of religion" so that those who can use religious beliefs in a positive, pro-humanity manner will be free to do so.
When it comes to claiming that natural disasters are the result of God's wrath for the "sins" or "wickedness" of a countries citizens, I also have to dismiss that as erroneous.
In December of 2004 an earthquake occurred in the bedrock below the Indian Ocean off of wester Indonesia that then produced a tsunami that is currently estimated to have drowned about 200,000 people. About 100,000 of them were children.
Am I supposed to believe that a loving, all powerful, all knowing God either caused this or allowed it to happen because all of the drowned people and children in the particular parts of the world affected had committed acts so immoral that they merited a death sentence? Or, perhaps, I am supposed to believe that God allowed it to happen because it served some "greater good" which, eventually, by and by, we'll all understand and approve of?
I choose to believe that disaster was the result of the random action of the blind forces of nature, the over population of the areas involved, and the inadequacy of the planning for a warning system that might have prevented it all from happening or, at least, have minimized the consequences. Unfortunately, the death toll was very high, but, on the positive side, it will now stimulate research into the monitoring of various seismic processes that, hopefully, will save many times more lives in the future.
On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:
As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
For the most part my mind is distracted by the flow of events in my life and my thoughts are occupied with love, dislike, joy, fear, pleasure and pain. But there are clear moments when I remember the fact that I exist and it strikes me that it is such an awesome privilege. In the millions of years the universe has existed I have been a part of it. I don't know if that is something anyone else can relate to.
I have even experienced moments where I have experienced reality as a singularity, when it seems that beneath the tangled web of worldly fragmentation there is a unifying oneness. Wether this is due to my blood/sugar level, some sort of mental sickness, environmental poisoning or a true insight into the nature of reality is something I keep an open mind on.
The point of this is that I have experienced something that I cannot discount. That is that there is a possibility that reality is spiritual in essence. I know, from experience, it is an achievable mental state, and appears as real at the time as my normal perception.
It would not be a far stretch to suppose that this state of 'oneness' is the seed from which a monotheistic deity evolved. The problem with organised religion is that it has set God apart from the 'oneness' and attributed characteristics to him. When these characteristics were found to be at odds with reality they then had to create a second god, Satan, that they blame all the bad stuff on.
A religion should, in my opinion, be a system for invoking this state in people. It is very difficult to wrong your fellow beings if you realise that they may be the same oneness as yourself. How more effective would that be than coercing good behavior with threats of the wrath of an unseen God, pits of fire and eternal damnation?
In the 2000 years since Christ we have advanced to a point where our understanding of psychology could be used to this end. Rather than conditioning us to buy a certain brand of soap powder, these techniques could be used to enrich people's lives spiritually. You may object on the grounds of brain-washing, but what is it the religions, governments and advertisers of the world been doing to us all this time ?
War in Heaven !? Doesn't sound like it's all it's cracked up to be, this Heaven of yours.
I would not rely on there being a superbeing who will safeguard your soul just because you have declared you are playing with the white chess pieces. As long as you set yourself apart has one who has had his faults washed away by another and not stripped them out yourself you will always be separate.
I actually visited that last link you provided where I learned that St. John was actually having a vision about a giant mountain sized asteroid that was, most likely in the next few decades, going to crash into the Earth and destroy a good third of it! Wow! Now I know what "Chicken Little" felt like!
Actually, although a cosmic event such as that is possible (though extremely improbable), I think that with all the various telescopes scanning the night skies, we would realize that an uncomfortably large mass of rock was headed in our direction and would have more than enough time to deflect it from its course. This could easily be done with a rocket carrying a large nuclear warhead. And, the farther out in space we detonated the nuke against the asteroid, the more it would miss the Earth by. However, even if it did impact the Earth, damage could be minimized by shifting people away from the impact area temporarily. It need not spell the end of human civilization.
I think like you, I consider myself to be more "spiritual" than "religious". I, too, think that the main goal of a religion should be to foster the unity of humankind, despite its diversity, rather than trying to exploit the differences between people to create fear and superstition. In the future, we will, hopefully, have such a universal religion on Earth.
On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by: