Bessler's Proof ?

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Re: re: Bessler's Proof ?

Post by James.Lindgaard »

DrWhat wrote:
Stewart wrote:
Fletcher wrote:Bessler talks about the weights being the essential & constituent parts which must endlessly exercise their their power & impetus, received from a motion - as long as they remain outside the center of gravity, that is !

Any OOB wheel will have power & impetus as long as something lifts & repositions the weights each cycle to create torque.
Yes, he clearly describes the weights as overbalancing weights, and yet also says how important they are - "...these weights themselves are the perpetuum mobile, or essential and constituent parts of it,...". I know we often talk here of the wheel having an overbalance system and perhaps a secondary "prime mover" system, but this description makes me think there is less of a distinction between the two. It seems from this description that the overbalance (gravity) aspect is considered by Bessler to be vital to the operation of the machine, rather than just a simple way to turn a wheel using a totally separate energy source. It's also interesting that he says the weights receive their power and impetus from the "universal motion", i.e. a single weight receives its power/impetus from the motion of all the weights combined or the motion of the whole machine. Anyway, I've got some more thoughts on this text, but I'll wait until I've finished the Latin translation and then talk about it in more detail perhaps in another topic.

Daxwc - you gave three quotes where Bessler talks about calculation. In the second one where you've quoted "tremendous amount of calculation", Bessler actually says "speculation". Here's my draft translation of that part (AP, Part I, Chapter LIV [54], Pages 116-117):

For when I will publicise,
one will soon hear among the ignorant people:

You people behold the true work,
there is indeed not much art to it. &c.

Be quiet you blockhead stop your babbling,
and bear no displeasure/dislike,
I have speculated with might,
before I even conceived such a work,
and refined [it] for some time,
before I devised it so simply;
indeed now it is in such a state,
that a bad craftsmaster's hand
will without any great brain-racking
weld/put the things together,
and (before one knows it,)
the construction of the work can have happened;
also in doing so nothing at all
will feel too elaborate to calculate,
besides, if also the preponderance*
will not be equal everywhere,
(so that in many places one may count
many an ounce [here], that may lack there,)
the work will still retain its motion,
and mind not a jot:
all this seemed best to me;
you master craftsmen, honourable people
will, God willing, in the meantime
go to work with more pleasure. &c.

*Uberwucht = preponderance / overweight / excess (of) weight / overbalance

Once again Bessler says 'Uberwucht' in reference to his overbalancing-weights and says they don't all need to be exactly equal.

For the last quote see the following post: ... 6028#46028

Thank you so very much for your post.
If a person can fold a piece of string in half, they would know enough to build Bessler's wheel. This is, if I have solved his mechanics.
And yes, the balance is not solely on one weight but weights working together. His exact design may be difficult to replicate.
It is all aboiut relationships and math can say them so sweetly.
It may be that when he referred to art, it is both in the math and the design. His wheel would have been poetry in motion.
Of course, I have been much chided for talking nothing but math. In time, it can show the sweetest melodies :-)

Merucury would be fluid, at the same time it's density might have been something he could work with. What would need to be researched is the availability of what material at what price in Bessler's time.
And because of it's density, it would have allowed for a more compact design.
And if you know me, I always thought water.

edited to add; @DrWhat, you just saved me $60 US. I was going to buy a scale to weigh all parts for obvious reasons. I do have tooling on order.
One set of weights working together will demonstrate everything. It could take 2 weeks.
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Post by nicbordeaux »

Fluid probably used in the sense of "aether", eg some imagined force (unexplicable).
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re: Bessler's Proof ?

Post by path_finder »

fluid: don't invent to much: just take the word with the meaning of the Middle Age:
Georg Bauer (De re metallica, 1556) wrote:This book describes the preparation of what Agricola calls "juices": salt, soda, nitre, alum, vitriol, saltpetre, sulphur and bitumen.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: Bessler's Proof ?

Post by Tarsier79 »

A lot of MT is devoted to fluid based designs. I believe Bessler never stated that he didn't use mercury, or some other fluid in his wheel as some part of the mechanism.
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Post by James.Lindgaard »

Most likely fluids were used to lubricate his wheel. This would be to reduce friction between two parts.
An example of this is if you have a tube around a dowel, a fluid could help to reduce friction. Also, the axle would need a lubricant as the wheels weight rests on it.
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Re: re: Bessler's Proof ?

Post by AB Hammer »

Tarsier79 wrote:A lot of MT is devoted to fluid based designs. I believe Bessler never stated that he didn't use mercury, or some other fluid in his wheel as some part of the mechanism.
Mercury is a faster flowing very heavy liquid state and is heavier than lead. But due to its weight, lifting mercury would be very difficult in a wheel like device. The mercury takes up less space which is good. So it is a thought, but I doubt it due to what is needed in holding the mercury would have to be very strong and keep it's seal.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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re: Bessler's Proof ?

Post by James.Lindgaard »

One reason why I thought about something like mercury goes back to what DrWhat posted. If he did a lot of math, I think he said he also built a lot of wheels.
What might be any easy way to change weights is to pour some more in or drain some out. Also, since he was a wood worker that was probably a master craftsman, could possibly make canteens or doughnuts which would seem to work well with the mechanics.
This would be because they could be placed bewteen levers. And lead weights might have more friction that wood. Wood can also be polished and oiled.
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Re: re: Bessler's Proof ?

Post by James.Lindgaard »

AB Hammer wrote:
Tarsier79 wrote:A lot of MT is devoted to fluid based designs. I believe Bessler never stated that he didn't use mercury, or some other fluid in his wheel as some part of the mechanism.
Mercury is a faster flowing very heavy liquid state and is heavier than lead. But due to its weight, lifting mercury would be very difficult in a wheel like device. The mercury takes up less space which is good. So it is a thought, but I doubt it due to what is needed in holding the mercury would have to be very strong and keep it's seal.
Remember this ?
Please leave me out of anything James.Lindgaard sends. I don't even want indirect contact without witnesses. He is always trying to claim crap. This is a sick game to him.


This is what is being discussed, what you said you wished no part of.
@Jim_Mich, no word twisting here, just reminding Alan of his own wish.
But really, you guys should learn engineering.
Alan, any liquid that is in a container will need to be sealed, The amount of pressure and allowable leakage will determine what type of seal is nescessary. Even lubricants for the axle which could be anything from animal fat to whale lard will leak. After all, it will get on the axle and this would slowly pump it out.
Such as a steam trubine uses gland seals to allow leakage. this prevents the seals from drying out.

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Post by James.Lindgaard »

jim_mich wrote:Dawn,

That is what the reputation system is for, to help newcomers know who's opinion and knowledge to trust and who to disregard.

You are wrong about that. After all, when Alan wants nothing to do with what I am working on, why as usual is in he posting in a thread I start ?
Can't he start his own discussions and discuss his own idea's ?
He can't.
But I have no reason to open source what I have been working on if Alan feels the need to put his stamp of approval on it. The rating system only shows who people like.
But then, there are people who like me but it only takes 3 or 4 people to discredit someone because of competitve jealousy. Watch the movie Twister. That kind of competitveness can be found at work just as easily as in anything else.
And yet, you will not let people decide for themselves what they think of my work. No need to judge a person on the actual work they demonstrate.
What I will be demonstrating, and this will be off line until I am finished is that both rlortie and AB Hammer as well as unbalanced were wrong when they saw no merit in this design or it's elements.
It is because the engineering at present is more complex thsan they understand. But once demonstarted, they would claim to have some knowledge other people in this forum do not have.
This simply is not true. The easiest way to be successful is to do one thing well, such as Civil Enginnering which is what ralph might have done or armoring which alan does. It does not mean that their skill sets transfer to other disciplines.
And at the same time, this would disregard my own education and experience.
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Re: Bessler's Proof ?

Post by James.Lindgaard »

This link is to an idea I had years ago. It is an idea I came up with as an active expression of trigonometry. Something to better help me understand how much the movement of a weight effects it's potential.
And where a board is 3 dimensional because it has height, width and depth, this design occupied space in 3 dimensions. And as it moved/rotated, ALL values changed. It was a heck of a study tool for this type of behavior.
After all, as far as I know, no school teaches how to do stress analysis on this type of behavior or how the force and/or resistence can change with the rotation of the wheel. The simple reason for this is such movements would create drag and waste energy. The movement of a gear or lever would need to be efficient and perform a function.
Myself, I believes having studied a body displacing it's own mass gives me a unique qualification over those who have a conventional education.

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re: Bessler's Proof ?

Post by James.Lindgaard »

I have already recieved the tools I bought to help me. Later this week I will recieve the tooling I also bought. Add this together with what I already posses and what I have built, I can build a complete wheel.
It is not a matter of how much someone has but what they can do with what they have.
This is where my experience as a machinist will help.

Jim (aka P-Motion)
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Post by James.Lindgaard »

here is a link Scott is allowing where AB Hammer is outright slandering me. Only personal attacks.
FYI people, expect self proclaimed experts to try and discredit me as I have always worked openly and have discussed my work with other people.
Unlike the experts who do not build or do so in private have little to discuss with anyone when they have no work to show.
And this can go back to Bessler who might have been methodical in his work. One reason to suspect this is because of his judicious use of math. It would require going back to the drawing board many times.
One thng I have done differently than people who claim knowledge about this type of behavior miss the most basic aspect of it, generating an over balance is easy. What allows the wheel to be perpetual and have any velocity in it's spin or rotation is conserving the enrgy from the over balance. Most people ignore this aspect which is actually the most important part.
You know what they say, waste not want not. Energy conserved is observed in increased speed of rotation. Plain and simple physics. ... sc&start=0

edited to correct spelling
Last edited by James.Lindgaard on Fri May 06, 2011 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Bessler's Proof ?

Post by James.Lindgaard »

Il est por Johann Bessler.
S'il vous parlez Anglais, English, va, va, va and allez, allez, allez
means go, go, go.

Au Revoir
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re: Bessler's Proof ?

Post by James.Lindgaard »

I am waiting to find out if I am going to have my ladel.
After this, only building the test fixture and working out the details will be left.
There will be much work to be done. R & D is what it is, a step in hopefully the right direction.
I will still have some things to learn. And this will be by trial and error.
Thanks to people like Helmut, DrWhat, Jan (J is pronounced as a Y) and others, they have helped to keep me motivated and encouraged. I am after all, an American :-)
I am not sure how long I will be in the build process. When I am finished, I will post a link to the video.
Until then,

Jim (aka P-Motion)

edited to add; to be up to date

would prefer other things in life but I don't have those. This may help me in that regard.
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Post by James.Lindgaard »

@All, here is a lin to the ladel I'm bidding on.
would in a way be one of those funny things, an immigrant father had to do more and learn more.
If he would've been an American (I do live in America), probably never would have been exposed to all the things I needed to learn to understand Bessler. Could see where someone whith less exposure to
engineering might be jealous. Still, I think I like the math best.
Besides, Helmut told me we would have sausage and sauerkraut, with bier of course to toast Bessler.
He encouraged my pursuit of math which was essiantial.
But building is as boring as doing the R & D to finalize the design.
Guess that's where you guys are lucky if your dad's not an immigrant, a lot less to deal with. Makes it easier to fit in. But then, Bessler was 1/2 Polish.
forgot the link :-D ... 2eb4ec2b71
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