A foolproof way to keep a wheel continuously turning???

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re: A foolproof way to keep a wheel continuously turning???

Post by raj »

First of all, I am not seeking anybody to BUILD anything.

Secondly, I cannot comtemplate building a device which I am not convinced (yet) that it MAY work?

Thirdly, If an idea, concept, design does not show anything positive THEORITICALLY, it will foolish to go for a built just to find out IF it will work.

I ask questions to fellow forum member only to check if they see things as I see them. If they do, that reinforces my belief that I may be on the right track. If they don't, I have to look closely why and take hints from them.

I have said several times here and I say it again: A Build must be the final proof of a working design.
So why keep reminding me of a build everytime, instead of answering the pertinent questions that I dare ask?

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re: A foolproof way to keep a wheel continuously turning???

Post by raj »

I believe the very reason for having a forum like this one is to help one another in our trials and tribulations. And the best way to help each other online is asking the right and relevant questions and answering the questions with sincerity, encouragingly.

I have asked, humbly, many relevant, eye-opening questions on this very thread, only to boost my understanding of what I am proposing. I have had no direct, sincere answers except one or two from Jim_Mich.

I keep getting the same rhetoric each time.

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AB Hammer
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re: A foolproof way to keep a wheel continuously turning???

Post by AB Hammer »


But about what you are asking. The answers take experimentation. I have done several wheels just for experimentation. Even those wheels that everybody knew would not work. I have built single devices to work with to determine if it warrants further build progress. What you are showing should be fairly easy to build and test. The actions of what causes a wheel not to work can develop into a road map to what does.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"

So With out a dream, there is no vision.

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