Towards a Milkovic Gravity Motor

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iacob alex
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re: Towards a Milkovic Gravity Motor

Post by iacob alex »

Hi Grimer !

I retype your expression as a "word formula" for a gravity powered device:

..."...with an efficient pendulum one only needs a small amount of energy to return it to top dead centre and restart the cycle".

I agree with you ,it's a "certain" pendulum ,or as you say "an efficient" one.

To be efficient ,usually is performing or functioning in the least wasteful manner...

As I see the things , here the main action word is increase ,not decrease.

I can name it as showing liveness ,a real "living gravity pendulum".

To be short : we know and we play the passive pendulum.But how about an active ("living") pendulum in relation with gravity and inertia ?

One more difference about the same lever with a pendulum abstracts: you play a "modified" Milkovic's scheme(I call it the old shadouf ) ,but I play a "modified" child's game ( the oldest balance-unbalance lever/seesaw),as the first step.

Anyway,we are on the same path...

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cloud camper
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re: Towards a Milkovic Gravity Motor

Post by cloud camper »

OK Frank - I believe we're real close to a solution here.

If we just work with what we have shown, I believe that we can duplicate JB's linear reset mechanism. This will require adding two additional weights however along with hinging the green weight.

Also, if we make the assumption that "new" rotational PE is being created within the mechanism, we can then consider a pendulum or weighted lever as just a conversion device to convert this new rotational PE to KE, not as an end to itself. With the impacts occurring at the right locations, we need not swing a weighted lever more than 90 degrees and indeed there would be no point.

If we are factually creating new rotational PE within the mechanism, then we require a mechanism that converts this PE to KE, which then would correlate very well with JB's statement that the weights gain force from their own swinging.

This would also entail creating a "split" or "binary" inertial system to in order to avoid 1st law violations and allows new energy to be created.
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re: Towards a Milkovic Gravity Motor

Post by Tarsier79 »


I think your mechanism lacks the intention of Milkovics pendulum. There are ratios of movement to keep the efficiency up, as well as the restriction on the main crossbar.

Also the reason for his pendulums comparably small movement is simple: take a pendulum and drop it at 90 degrees. It will quickly lose a lot of height, then continue to swing for much longer through a smaller arc.

Do you intend to power your pendulum? or hope to use timing to keep it swinging?
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re: Towards a Milkovic Gravity Motor

Post by Grimer »


It is interesting to compare The functionality of a potential Milcovic/Keenie oscillator with the classic LC oscillator above.

As you can see from the above diagram the inductance and the capacitance are inverses of each other, albeit at very different scales.

Considering first the simple 360° pendulum/ single falling weight, this must correspond to the inductance. Presumably the Newtonian gravity field is the analogue of the magnetic field flux and the Ersatz gravity field is the analogue of the electric field flux.

This must mean that the unbalanced beam of the Milko and the unbalanced compound pendulum of the Keenie is the analogue of the capacitance which gives feedback to the inductance to keep the oscillation going.

In the case of the Keenie the compound pendulum provides its feedback by rotating to help the recoil of the the single weight, the single pendulum reach its home slot thus restoring the outer wheel balance so that the next weight in line can repeat the cycle.

In the case of the Milko there is no "next weight" and so some way of providing feedback from the beam compound pendulum has to be found.
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iacob alex
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re: Towards a Milkovic Gravity Motor

Post by iacob alex »

.....this time as a pendulum-gravity motor in India , at :
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