Build Updaye 1.0

A Bessler, gravity, free-energy free-for-all. Registered users can upload files, conduct polls, and more...

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re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by james.lindgard »

with Mt 85, scissors are being used to pump water. A bellow can work in the same manner as a piston type pump. The bellow moves instead of the cylinder.
with Mt 26, if a weight rolls in a channel, scissors can "fire" it outwards or retract it. With "E" being a channel, in Mt 27 it becomes a channel in the rim and then that is referencing water and bellows. I think once scissors are demonstrated, there might be more interest in building. and then maybe easy to replicate builds will become known so the average person won't be intimidated. As B Hammer has mentioned before, I have a lot of machining experience and I do know quite a bit about making parts and assemblies.
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re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by james.lindgard »

I'm going to rout down my 3/4 in. plywood to 1/2 in. thick and then rout 2 seal rings. The outside will be trimmed using my table saw. I'm hoping this will allow for easy mounting of the plastic for the bellows.
with the seal, with double back tape, once the plastic is taped to the seal ring, then the tape might be able to be folder over the plastic. This would have double back tape on both sides of the plastic. If all else fails, a bead of fiber glass resin might seal around the outside of the plastic. This is the part that is holding everything up. With a mill, I could machine these parts within a few thousandths of an inch and would've had a nice seal made a long time ago. Working with wood and other materials, it requires developing a seal that is kind of basic.

p.s., once I move to Florida, I probably won't involve myself with this any more. It's a hobby but then I've had to fight at least one person who is bothered by my open source building.
seal ring.JPG
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re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by james.lindgard »

If the things I think can work on this, his wheel was an engine. While the water wheel would have been more for speed, it is complex. myself, I think most people will doubt all of what Bessler might have known and had incorporated into his wheels. and if anyone cares, pop the hood open on your car. And if it's naturally aspirated, then for Bessler's time, he was truly an innovator.
And with what I've been working on, it would be better to start over and make the wheel 3 or 4 feet in diameter. with what I am building, it's probably closer to his table top model and he built that after he gained experience by building larger wheels first.
Unfortunately, I'll probably need to produce a working wheel so cancer will not have ruined my life. I think that's called motivation or posmo (positive motivation) :-)

I'll probably have the bellows remounted tomorrow. And then when I know how much force it takes to open a bellow, i'll know what bells and whistles of Bessler's I need to add so am fairly certain I can get it to work.

edited to add; do think it would've been kind of nice if someone else like building Bessler's drawing and figuring out how to incorporate different elements. There is a lot to his drawings and IMO he is referring to 2 basic types of wheels. One uses bellows to move water and one uses solid weights.
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re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by james.lindgard »

The link is to a short video of my shop. It's for those who don't know me. It could be better. there are things I'd like to have that would make building easier but have to work with what I have.
Everything is prepped for assembling the bellows today. I will apply some more fiberglass resin to ensure there are no leaks around the outside of the bellows. I do like how the seal rings fit.

One lesson I learned a couple of years ago is to not work when I am in a lot of pain. I almost lost 3 fingers on my table saw because a sufficient amount of pain can be a distraction and can be dangerous.

edited to add; the morning of the 21st EST, I'll fill the bellows with water and see if they leak. If they don't, then I'll be able to seal the open water channel and hopefully they won't take much force to open.
The pic shows where I'm at right now. Who knows, if this works out, then with a little bit better shop to work in, might be able to enjoy building a little bit more.
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Post by james.lindgard »

I'm going to add a ring around the bottom. This will ensure I have a flat mating surface that is easy to access Some of what I'm doing is all about technique and it can be something as simple as placing tape on plastic.
John doe
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re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by John doe »

As always the devil is in the details.
Once you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains however improbable must be the truth.
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Post by james.lindgard »

@John Doe,
Yrp. :-). I might be able to seal these yet. Am trying deck water proofing.
With scissors, they are Bessler's peacock. If I'm right about them, it:s the pitch fork if you know what I mean.
John doe
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re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by John doe »

I'm not sure what you mean but let me think about it.
Once you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains however improbable must be the truth.
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re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by james.lindgard »

John Doe,
In some ways it's rather simple but if the basic principle behind scissors isn't understood, it won't matter much. The image is basically what Bessler was talking about. That's his "Peackock's Tail".
I will be starting a new build. There is a simpler way to make some basic bellows. And with a 30 inch wheel, it will have more room for everything and I can take my time with it. With this, appearance will be very important. I do plan on it working :-)
The "neat" part about the scissors is that they should allow me to have more force to play with. An example of this is with longer levers, if they generate 10 lbs. of force, I'll be able to amplify that up to 15 lbs. of force.
I think it's this point where everyone will become lost but if I am right, it is what scissors will allow for. And with Bruce's 1 inch punch, it rattles a persons brain. With scissors, each section is like a square sine wave that is directional, it transmits force. With a 1 inch punch, the shock wave reverberates, kind of why it was so potent.
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re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by james.lindgard »

This is as basic as it geys. If the lever (point A) drops X distance, point B dtops 2X. The spar off to the left prevents the scissors from wasting energy.
Like with my 20 inch wheel, if the lever (point A) drops 3/4 of an inch, the bellow will open 1 1/2 inches. This decreases the imbalance of the lever by almost 50%.
basic scissors.jpg
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Post by james.lindgard »

In case someone doesn't get it, when the 2 outside points of the scissors are pushed downward, they are pulling the top center in different directions. And when moving the top center joint upward, the 2 outside points are trying to compress it.
But if a slat is extended outward, it rotates the top center using an outside point as a fulcrum.
I'll give you guys some time to consider this.
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Post by james.lindgard »

If from B to the end of the dpar on the left is one lever, then the outside point of the scissors becomes a fulcrum it rotates on.
This is the augmented problem of Mt 26.
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re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by james.lindgard »

Will be modifying my 22 inch build to be more like Mt's 40 & 66. If you notice the weights they use, they look like the spin top in Bessler's Mt 138-143.
The riser pipe will remain stationary as the bellows will expand outward or upward (same thing in this case). The scissors will be to one side. This means that I've thought of a simple way to seal the bellows. I'll be using guitar strings to make my own. Of course, Mt 40 shows a weight being moved.
I think with weights and scissors with a Peacock's Tail that some R & D like what Boeing and the Wright Bros./Otto Lilienthal use(d) will be necessary.
The video is my "tribute" to the build I am doing of Bessler's wheel. Please be respectful ;-)
John doe
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re: Build Updaye 1.0

Post by John doe »

I have no words.
Once you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains however improbable must be the truth.
Posts: 516
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Post by james.lindgard »

Since Prince just passed away (he was okay) and we are talking about Bessler, maybe we can party like it's 1699 ?
I will be working on the scissors rest of the week. I'm thinking medieval because in a way it will remind me of a trebuchet.
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