Dr Oh Oh wrote:Almost 3000 clients in history so far but only yours actually exists. The others are silly made up nonsense. But not yours. Yours is real.
<tears of joy>For what ever reason, you finally see the light.
</tears of joy>
I'm fully persuaded by the Synoptic Gospels for a similar reason 12 Jews were persuaded to leave Judaism and follow MCB (my client's boy); and the fact the first century church was predominately Jewish. People left a centuries old tradition to follow another facing persecution from authorities and family.
He did not do the things claimed in secret, but right in their face. And boy did that piss the PTB off. You know the story. Even before the sacrifice and the oblation ceased, people began to follow MCB.
So as these first believers were persuaded by the power of what they saw, I'm persuaded by the power of the prophetic nature of what has been written. The destruction of the temple that put the nail in the coffin of the old testament is one. I can't speak to all the 3000 clients you mentioned, yet I can dismiss Judaism because there are no practicing Jews in the world today. Whether the law is truth or fiction, no Jew adheres to Levitical law. What's to follow?
Now there is another religion over a billion people follow. They teach MCB wasn't crucified. As Paul put it, if MCB wasn't resurrected our faith is in vain. This religion teaches the complete opposite, counter to, or against/anti- the doctrine of MCB.
The very fact all those believers exist was foretold.
Dr Oh Oh wrote:When Bessler's wheel is finally brought into the light, every believer will scurry away in search of another dark mystery to hitch their client to. And so it goes.
I'm going to bring this full circle. Some 750 years BMCB (before my client's boy), my client went on record saying it pisses him off when we destroy the earth. I don't think he was speaking to the people of that day because they really didn't have the technology. He also said it aggravated him when we build city beside city and wall upon wall wherein a man has no where to go. Again, I don't think he was speaking to those of that day. You could always find a place to get away from some jurisdiction.
These days, you can't even go to the moon to escape the authority of man.
But back to the idea of destroying the earth; you must know fracking is causing earthquakes all over the place. MCB mentioned this would happen eventually (earthquakes in divers places). However just because we know fracking isn't good for the earth, we're not going to stop. World economy is driven by energy.
This is one reason I believe energy can be extracted from what crafty people think is a conservative force and why I think Bessler discovered how. I don't think energy can be extracted without consequence. I believe if done sufficiently it will be an inertial drag on the earth. These consequences were touched on by the same oracle 750 years BMCB (the earth reeling on its axis like a drunkard) and by the Revelator (we'll be getting a bit too close to the sun).
The Revelator also spoke about the crashing of the world economy. Recently falling oil prices really put a crimp on the budget of oil producing nations as we began fracking all over the place. Free energy from gravity would have a much larger impact than that.
Gearing up the infrastructure would help slow this economic collapse, yet once it reaches saturation we'll be producing more and more goods without people producing the energy and even people to even produce the goods.
Who will be able to afford to buy these goods?
When Bessler's wheel is finally brought into the light, this believer
will shout,
I apologize for such a long post and you can know I had to restrain myself.