Parts directly from China

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Post by Furcurequs »

Mark wrote:Steve Martin?
As far as I know, just me.

I was actually (facetiously) making reference to some things that had been said in some other threads.
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Post by eccentrically1 »

Could there be a clue there with skeletons?


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re: Parts directly from China

Post by rlortie »


I have used timing belt material purchased by the lineal foot to make gears by wrapping it around a disc of given size. One must cut the wheel or disc to a circumference so that the abutting ends make for a tooth match. I then used belts for driving purpose. McMaster Carr was my source, they also sell splicer joints to connect ends of belts together. I do not recommend these when using the belt for gear teeth.

I would appreciate it, if you could post a web site link to your supplier that provided you with your order.

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re: Parts directly from China

Post by Furcurequs »

Hey Ralph,

I was considering the possibility of making gears in that way just last night. With the type of belt material I bought, though, I decided it probably wouldn't work too well. My belts are 2 mm pitch and 6 mm wide - the kinds of things found in computer printers.

Being so narrow and fine toothed, there doesn't seem to be much to mesh together when the teeth are facing outward, plus the tooth profile doesn't seem to be very good for that.

With bigger belts that have a larger tooth pitch and a different tooth profile, however, I could see how that might work okay for some things.

Here are the links to the specific items that I bought on ebay.

Timing belts: ... 1436.l2649

Pulleys: ... EBIDX%3AIT

That particular seller doesn't have much selection in regards to timing belts, however. He was simply selling them as 3d printer parts. It seems he mostly sells motorcycle related items and other things.

He does offer the sort of belt material I bought at about $1 a meter, though, it seems.

You might want to just search ebay for "timing belts" to find other options.

Ebay seems to have just about everything now.

Here's a website that I used to research some of the items I was finding on ebay. I've not actually bought from them, though, for things are usually cheaper on ebay.

They do have belts and pulleys and chains (roller and ladder) and sprockets and gears and all sorts of fun stuff that can be bought from the website, however.

They seem to have a wide selection of timing belts, though maybe not particularly large ones.

Here's a company that sells just roller chain:

...and this seems to be their ebay store: ... 7675.l2563

I hope I'll need some #25 roller chain at some point! I want something with a chain drive!

Once you figure out the appropriate terminology for what you are looking for, it's easier to find things on ebay.

To find springs of the right size and with a tension in the range of what I might experiment with, for instance, I did some research as to what was available from this spring company:

...before deciding I needed to limit my ebay searches to "music wire tension springs." find stuff like this:

Big ebay url

That page gives the price for 5 springs once you've selected the spring length you want.

I'll probably be ordering some springs eventually, for my makeshift springs made from tin cans just don't do very well. ...and the rubber bands, not only being more lossy if used as an energy storage element, just don't last very long.

Anyway, I hope some of this can be helpful.

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Re: re: Parts directly from China

Post by WaltzCee »

ovyyus wrote:Always refreshing to see someone promoting honest enquiry, as opposed to those pushing their pet politics and/or religious nonsense. Good luck with your build.
Honest inquiry? If the pursuit of truth doesn't lead you to my client, you're goofy.

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re: Parts directly from China

Post by ovyyus »

believer wrote:...If the pursuit of truth doesn't lead you to my client, you're goofy.
Almost 3000 clients in history so far but only yours actually exists. The others are silly made up nonsense. But not yours. Yours is real.

When Bessler's wheel is finally brought into the light, every believer will scurry away in search of another dark mystery to hitch their client to. And so it goes.

Hey Ralph, good to hear you're still kicking. I've used the same method to make toothed pulleys molded from epoxy on disks wrapped with a toothed belt.
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Post by Mark »

When I read "My parts are in! My parts are in!", I heard it with the voice of Steve Martin's character in The Jerk.
No offense meant, of course. It's just the way my dizzy brain reads stuff sometimes. That particular line has stuck with me since I first saw that movie.
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re: Parts directly from China

Post by Furcurequs »

Hey Mark,

I was intentionally trying to be silly, and so now that you mention it, I definitely do remember that particular scene from that movie. It is certainly a possibility, then, that there might have been some subconscious inspiration there.

Wow, I just looked up when that movie was released, though, and it was 1979! I was thinking that I had seen it in a theater nearly a decade after that while on a date with a co-worker. I would have still been in high school in 1979. Now I'm feeling a little dizzy. Am I misremembering things or had it been re-released at the time I saw it? I can't find anything about a re-release online, however.

Of course, I just woke up, too, so maybe things will be a little less jumbled in my head later. Well, I can hope, at least.

Don't worry. No offense was taken.
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Re: re: Parts directly from China

Post by Furcurequs »

ovyyus wrote:Always refreshing to see someone promoting honest enquiry, as opposed to those pushing their pet politics and/or religious nonsense. Good luck with your build.

This will be for the test of an idea that I've been kicking around for a while. I've tried to model it in the 2D simulation program Physion, but I didn't have much success with that because I've not really found a way to represent the idea in 2D without there being an interference between parts.

I could perhaps still use Physion to model it if I were to use some scripted work arounds, but I've not actually devoted the time and learned enough about the scripting language needed to do that yet.

I have now, however, been able to set up a simple model of the basic idea in Blender since it does handle 3D. I've not done all the simulation testing that I would like to do, for I'm still trying to find my way around the program's features, but from what I've seen thus far in the model's behavior using Blender's physics engine - and how it does indeed seem to behave in the manner that I was hoping it would - I believe the idea is worthy of a real world test.

In the simulation I still need to add some necessary components to my model for a complete test, and I also need to set some initial conditions (which isn't quite as strait forward a thing to do in Blender as it is with other programs used specifically for physics simulations) before I can know if it actually "works" (as in works in simulation world).

It appears that if this design were to actually work in reality, it would need to operate above some minimum speed, and at a speed which might not be too far from its maximum speed. In other words, it will definitely require an initial energy input to get it started.

I'm also pretty sure that this design, at least in its current configuration, couldn't be called a Bessler wheel. Even if it could somehow be forced to fit within a single wheel-like structure, it wouldn't really make sense to try to do that.

IF it were to actually work, however, it would demonstrate the possibility of deriving energy from the gravitational field of the earth and so perhaps lend some credence to his claims.

At this time, though, and without a positive real world test, that is still but speculation.

Oh, I have actually started my build now! I've mounted my pulleys on two hardwood shafts that I cut from an oak dowel rod. I've also been cutting, drilling and gluing together pieces of my square popular wood dowels to fabricate some of the other component parts, too.

I now need to figure out how to align and mount my skateboard bearings. It would be much easier if I had a hole saw the size of the outer diameter of the bearings, but I don't and since I seldom get to town, I'll probably have to go another route.

I'll probably have more to say about building and experimenting later.

Thanks again.
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re: Parts directly from China

Post by Art »

"It would be much easier if I had a hole saw the size of the outer diameter of the bearings, but I don't and since I seldom get to town, I'll probably have to go another route. "


Forstner bits of the right diameter will make that job a snap ! And they will deliver right to your door ! : ) ... drill+bits
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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Post by Furcurequs »

Thanks, Art!

I may have to add some of those to my wish list.

Since I'm working with square poplar wood dowels and have to glue them together anyway, it looks like I've figured out a way to just box in my bearings on this build. ...and then, if I have to, I'll just add a little bit of epoxy in the corners to keep them in place.
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re: Parts directly from China

Post by rlortie »


Thanks for posting the links to your material source. you have obviously opened the door to new sources which lead to new ideas. Art's post to affordable Forstner bits is also a welcome site.

I have to agree that what you purchased is to small for my research. With lousy eyesight it is easier for me to think big. I have not built any designs less the four feet in diameter in years and the current build is six feet.

Yes, Bill I am still kicking, have more irons in the fire than I care to discuss. Automotive type timing belts and belt material purchased by the foot can be real handing for a number of things. Have not tried anything like a sun and planetary gears but I see no reason why it cannot be accomplished.

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Re: re: Parts directly from China

Post by WaltzCee »

Dr Oh Oh wrote:Almost 3000 clients in history so far but only yours actually exists. The others are silly made up nonsense. But not yours. Yours is real.
<tears of joy>For what ever reason, you finally see the light. </tears of joy>

I'm fully persuaded by the Synoptic Gospels for a similar reason 12 Jews were persuaded to leave Judaism and follow MCB (my client's boy); and the fact the first century church was predominately Jewish. People left a centuries old tradition to follow another facing persecution from authorities and family.

He did not do the things claimed in secret, but right in their face. And boy did that piss the PTB off. You know the story. Even before the sacrifice and the oblation ceased, people began to follow MCB.

So as these first believers were persuaded by the power of what they saw, I'm persuaded by the power of the prophetic nature of what has been written. The destruction of the temple that put the nail in the coffin of the old testament is one. I can't speak to all the 3000 clients you mentioned, yet I can dismiss Judaism because there are no practicing Jews in the world today. Whether the law is truth or fiction, no Jew adheres to Levitical law. What's to follow?

Now there is another religion over a billion people follow. They teach MCB wasn't crucified. As Paul put it, if MCB wasn't resurrected our faith is in vain. This religion teaches the complete opposite, counter to, or against/anti- the doctrine of MCB.

The very fact all those believers exist was foretold.
Dr Oh Oh wrote:When Bessler's wheel is finally brought into the light, every believer will scurry away in search of another dark mystery to hitch their client to. And so it goes.
I'm going to bring this full circle. Some 750 years BMCB (before my client's boy), my client went on record saying it pisses him off when we destroy the earth. I don't think he was speaking to the people of that day because they really didn't have the technology. He also said it aggravated him when we build city beside city and wall upon wall wherein a man has no where to go. Again, I don't think he was speaking to those of that day. You could always find a place to get away from some jurisdiction.

These days, you can't even go to the moon to escape the authority of man.

But back to the idea of destroying the earth; you must know fracking is causing earthquakes all over the place. MCB mentioned this would happen eventually (earthquakes in divers places). However just because we know fracking isn't good for the earth, we're not going to stop. World economy is driven by energy.

This is one reason I believe energy can be extracted from what crafty people think is a conservative force and why I think Bessler discovered how. I don't think energy can be extracted without consequence. I believe if done sufficiently it will be an inertial drag on the earth. These consequences were touched on by the same oracle 750 years BMCB (the earth reeling on its axis like a drunkard) and by the Revelator (we'll be getting a bit too close to the sun).

The Revelator also spoke about the crashing of the world economy. Recently falling oil prices really put a crimp on the budget of oil producing nations as we began fracking all over the place. Free energy from gravity would have a much larger impact than that.

Gearing up the infrastructure would help slow this economic collapse, yet once it reaches saturation we'll be producing more and more goods without people producing the energy and even people to even produce the goods.

Who will be able to afford to buy these goods?
When Bessler's wheel is finally brought into the light, this believer

will shout, maranatha!!

I apologize for such a long post and you can know I had to restrain myself.
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re: Parts directly from China

Post by Mark »

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re: Parts directly from China

Post by ovyyus »

Walt, you don't need me to validate your death cult.
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