The origin of the GRAVITATION.

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re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Mikhail »

Hello has all,
On the site there are 3 engine:
01 10913 - at summer tested on a prototype in 1994.
01 11357 - is easily verifiable by arithmetic calculations.
02 00723 - this engine was not checked by calculations nor tested on a prototype.

Method of checking by calculations of the engine 01 11357:

It is considered, that the wheel axle sup. is on the level of overrates water, and one selected the weight of mass.
For ex. one selected the weight of the mass = 100 kg.
For ex. the distance enters the axes of the wheels = 5 m.
From here, the pressure has the depth 5 m = 0.5 kg/cm². (to understand, to see the point "D" fig. 1).
From (for this depth) we calculate the surface of the piston, in not do not forget that one with the springs has gases, which are compress (the spring has gas were compressed by the mass, when the float this found in top, of dimension right, on the level of the wheel axle sup.).
To counter the pressure of water the 5 m depth there is lays out:
100 kgf (weight of the mass) + 100 kgf (the force of pushed springs has gas) = 200 kgf (this force is at the end of the lever).
Holding account that the piston is thorough (worm outside) by the medium of the lever, the force is multiplied by 2:
200 kgf X 2 = 400 kgf.
Since the distance enters the axes = 5 m and to the pressure of water to the 5 m depth = 0.5 kg/cm², consequently:
400 kgf/0.5 kg/cm² = 800 cm² (piston overrates it).
From here one calculates coefficient 800/100 = 8. (it is for the convenience, it is easier to make calculate them more detailed with him).

Now, that one found the surface of the piston, one makes the correction for the depth, to which this finds the engine.

The engine is under water, the higher axis this finds with the 3 m depth by ex. From here: - the pressure has the 3 m depth = of 0.3 kg/cm² ("B" fig. 1). We lay out of this pressure on the piston with the point "B" and it will produce the force of thorough on the piston of 800 cm² (the surface of piston) X 0.3 kg/cm² (pressure of water) = 240 kgf.
Since this force is applied to the medium of the lever, then, at its end we will obtain:
240/2 = 120 kgf, which is added to the force, which comes from the mass, weighing 100 kilogrammes (fig. 1 point "B").
On the springs with gas there will be (to compress them) the force of 100 kgf (weight of the mass) + 120 kgf (coming from the pressure) = 220 kgf, which one will store in the springs with gas (the force of propulsion, that one will use, when the float moves at the point "D").
The distance between the axes = 5 m, that means that the lower axis this finds with the depth: 3 m + 5 m = 8 m. With this depth (not "D" fig. 1) pressure = 0.8 kg/cm².
The piston of 800 cm² operates the force, causes by the pressure of water (0.8 kg/cm²). 800 (piston overrates it) X 0.8 (pressure of water) = 640 kgf.
This force operates the piston of outside worm the interior.

Now let us look at the force on the side opposite of piston:
100 kg - the weight of the mass.
220 kg - the force of propulsion of the springs.
Total: 100 kgf + 220 kgf = 320 kgf.
This force acts on the end of the lever.
In the medium of the lever (and on the piston) one will have 320 X 2 = 640 kgf.
The forces of propulsion are identical on two sides of the piston (outside and interior). One little to leave like that. In this case in high A right "B" the piston will move worm the lower interior (increases the pressure of water in connection with the increase depth), and in bottom left it has will move worm outside above point "D"; (the pressure of water will decrease).
But one little also to increase the weight of the masses to 5-10-20 kg. To calculate these weights account should be held, primarily, of the losses for frictions, which comes from the springs with gas.

The operation of the springs has gas is explained here: ... =menue.asp
To choose Gas Springs.

Explanation of operation of only one float.

We start by manufacturing a float in such a way that, folded up it "weighs" 10 kg under water and that once deployed it "weighs" -10 kg. By weighing we understand that the push that it undergoes from the Archimedes' principle and its actual weight gives the weight indicated. In other words, 10 kg: it runs, -10 kg it floats.
We place this float at a 3 m depth. The pressure associated with the weight with the concrete mass will cause the répliage float, displacing air through flexible tube towards the opposite float and decreasing the density of the float. We have a mass of 10 kg which run towards the bottom of the basin, until a 8 m depth, that is to say 5 m of way with a sufficiently slow speed that to avoid to the maximum the losses of energy due to friction of water.
In the same time, the expelled air of the first float will cause the deployment of the opposed float, in partnership with the weight of the concrete mass which, once the turned over float, brings a deployment of the unit. This increase in volume (20 liters) involves a reduction in the density of the float which "will weigh" -10 kg then and thus will float towards surface, producing a work identical to that produced at the time of the phase of descent. Once reached the 3 m of depth, the opposite float will be him to 8 m and both carry out a rotation of 180°, thus starting again the cycle.
We spend of energy for the phase of rotation, but let us produce we at the time of the floats run and float.
The difference between energy spent and that produced gives the useful work of a float. It is possible that the float is turned over all alone with the proviso of using a system of rails and of butted in such way that once traversed env. 90% of the 5 m displacement the float ridge against the thrust placed slightly side compared to the centre of gravity of the float.
The float will thus circumvent the rail and will be turned over. The float having changed direction, the mass of concrete will cause the expansion or the reduction volume. What avoids us having to even spend of energy by us and to extract it directly from the system.
The system thus produces energy in "consuming" forces: the force of gravitation at the time of its changes of volume, the force of Archimedes for its displacements. The actual weight does not have any importance since what imports is the density (variable) floats. It goes of course from oneself that several sets of floats (at least two plays thus 4 floats) are necessary along the chain in order to allow the reversal of the floats in phase of reversal (the only moment when they do not produce any work, they consume energy for their rotation has 180°).

P.S. Computer translation.
Last edited by Mikhail on Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Ed »

When someone actually comes up with a real working model and can prove it, it's going to be a free-for-all of claims from others that they have done it before........isn't it?
Vic Hays
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re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Vic Hays »


1994, the time when you claim that the first prototype was tested. That is nine years. Why haven't these engines been put to use? Why are they not available?


I don't have the translation for MT 61 , but it does look like a bellows and weight mechanism.


Thanks for the direct. I guess I keep forgeting the site.
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Re: re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Mikhail »

Vic Hays wrote: Mikhail

1994, the time when you claim that the first prototype was tested. That is nine years. Why haven't these engines been put to use? Why are they not available?
I just checked (for me) are that it goes on a primitive prototype. I did not patent because I had other priorities in the life and I patented when I have prove to make, in 2001.
It is an engine with the magnets (01 10913), it is expensive with manufacture and it is not powerful to be used.
The engine 01 11357 is much more powerful and less expensive: - not of the magnets but the concrete weights .
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Re: re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Vic Hays »

Mikhail wrote: I just checked (for me) are that it goes on a primitive prototype. I did not patent because I had other priorities in the life and I patented when I have prove to make, in 2001.
So you are claiming that:

1. You have a working prototype

2. You have a patented device

Do you have a video of your prototype in operation and running under self power? Have you presented it to any developers or manufacturers? The world can use such a device if it works. What actions have you taken besides a website to promote and develope your device?
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re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Jonathan »

How long did the primative prototype function?
Disclaimer: I reserve the right not to know what I'm talking about and not to mention this possibility in my posts. This disclaimer also applies to sentences I claim are quotes from anybody, including me.
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re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Mikhail »

I have destroyed the model right after the test. I wished to check up working capacity only. I have no video.
I also have made other models before it, in the form of wheels, but they did not function. So I have understood it that I should be used 2 wheels.
If you create the imbalance on the one hand wheels, you lose it on the other hand and balance is again established. That the engine function, it is necessary to keep the imbalance certain time, and for this purpose it is necessary to use two wheels and to fix floats to circuits. In that case, created the imbalance some time and the engine is kept works.
You have a patented device
Yes! Look at here PLEASE:
Last edited by Mikhail on Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by jim_mich »

One wheel verses two wheels. Yes! One wheel will never work. Two wheels might work. Smaller wheels are better. The energy required to tip over the floats must be less than the energy produced by water displacement. And this depends on the location of the center of gravity as the floats go around the wheels. If you look at this picture the little dot is the center of gravity. Notice that on both wheels the weight gets lifted up as it goes around the wheel.


In order for an unbalanced chain to work, the center of gravity MUST NOT be lifted very much going around the wheels. This is hard to accomplish.

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Re: re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Mikhail »

jim_mich wrote:One wheel verses two wheels. Yes! One wheel will never work. Two wheels might work. Smaller wheels are better. The energy required to tip over the floats must be less than the energy produced by water displacement. And this depends on the location of the center of gravity as the floats go around the wheels. If you look at this picture the little dot is the center of gravity. Notice that on both wheels the weight gets lifted up as it goes around the wheel.
you have not completely understood work of the engine 01 11357.
1. I have used the lever that allows to double pushing force on the piston and to reduce height of a float.
2. I have used gas springs that allows to reserve the energy occuring from pressure of water and weights of weight in point "B" and then to use it in point "D".
3. The float with weight which is inside, is supported by water and under water it has no weight. Means - no forces interfere with movement.
Look at here PLEASE:
Last edited by Mikhail on Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Mikhail »

The origin of the GRAVITATION.

I have an idea concerning the nature (origin) of gravitation. In my opinion, gravitation, is result of circulation of a matter in the Universe.

I Explain:
- Stars radiate particles and rays of light (and not only). Reddening of light which comes to us from the removed galaxies, speaks reduction of frequency of photons with distance (instead of displacement Dopler), consequence of dispersion because of friction, speed of photons decreases with distance.

- Presence of relic radiation, with low speeds - consequence of dispersion of light in space. In view of friction, speed decreases with distance.

- The photons of light which has been slowed down till rather low speeds, make dark energy (or missing weight) the Universe. In other words - vacuum not empty, but filled by a certain substance (particles, or energy) vacuum. This substance is similar to ideal gas (or a liquid) to which the matter can move without appreciable friction (friction proportional speeds), but friction are not equaled to zero.

- This substance is repeatedly processed (turns) to a matter inside of stars (and it is possible - planets) and other massive bodies of the Universe. They are greater "consumers" of this "substance". By means of high pressures and temperatures inside (in the centers), they process (transform) this substance into a matter. It creates a uninterrupted stream, with very big speed (?) of substance of vacuum to the centers of stars and planets. The stream of this substance which is passing through a matter, is braked by a matter, and this braking (resistance) - creates force of GRAVITATION.

- Other "consumers" of this substance, it is elementary particles (which not too elementary). Why? - yet I do not know, has not understood.

As it is told above:
By means of high pressures and temperatures inside of heavenly bodies, it is processed (ether) " the substance of vacuum " (turns) to a matter. In their center there is a point (the center of weights) in which the ether on very big speed is flown down and reaches the big concentration. Manufacture of a matter inside of planets provokes their increase (growth). Thus, planets grow also from within when their weight allows them it and as and outside. Growth of planets occurs as a result:

Losses of a dust on their surface in variable quantities which occurs from space in which they are.

Manufactures of a matter inside of planets, when they become massive enough to make substance in the gravitational centers from an interstellar substance-ether (vacuum which is not emptiness). In the center of planets there is a point (the center of weights) in which the ether on very big speed (?) is flown down and reaches the big concentration. This ether compressed up to necessary values, turns to elementary particles (in a matter). The matter is the concentrated (compressed) ether.

Continents were divided and dispatch, as the Earth "is inflated" from within, a comment as a ball. More planets "grow" more quickly they increase in connection with their weight, which involves a dust from the outside (meteorites and interstellar gas) and in connection with manufacture of substance inside, always in connection with weight. (on it the Floodlight radiates more energy in space, than receives from the Sun).

Owing to that that planets increase, typing weight and becoming more and more massive, planets leave from the stars and become Brown Dwarfs. They start to organize and form their planetary systems from their satellites, gas and an interstellar dust before turning to high-grade stars.
They continue to increase and involve more and more than a dust and gas (mainly - hydrogen), making there is more than substance in an internal part and heating up - they turn to stars, with their planetary systems.

Becoming a star, the Brown Dwarf slows down growth rate, in view of radiation of a plenty of particles, light and other radiations in space, as a result of transformation of a matter into radiations. From here we can draw a conclusion, that the Earth and the Moon will continue to grow, will become more and more massive and they have chances (but not 100 %) to become stars (system of double stars) what is available much in space.
Orbit Mercure, becoming more and more elliptic, will come nearer to an orbit of Venus and Mercure can become the satellite of Venus. Whether not so the Moon became the satellite of the Earth?

The Ether flows into the Earth not simply from top to down, and a whirlwind. Coming nearer to the center, speed of a whirlwind increases also it the highest in the center. This whirlwind of an ether supports rotation of the Earth around of its axis, it creates and supports a magnetic field of the Earth. Presence of a radio whirlwind we can explain also weight of subjects which on equator weigh almost as much, as well as on poles. Simply, density of an ether on much more on equator and it compensates, generally, the centrifugal forces created by rotation of the Earth about the axis (speed of a point on equator of a comment of 1660 km/hours). This whirlwind involves gas in movement and for its this reason it is easy to observe. To observe galaxies, or even our Solar System enough. It explains, why all planets are in a plane of Solar equator.

In a huge galactic whirlwind there are billions whirlwinds of an ether around of stars, which, rather, on much less. In whirlwinds of stars there are whirlwinds of planets and etc. Also it is possible to assume, that elementary particles are whirlwinds of an ether, only it is in the concentrated (compressed) condition. We can draw a conclusion, that Black Holes make very much a plenty of substance, from which billions stars of galaxies which, in turn make a matter, etc. are formed.

From here too we can explain very weak magnetic fields of Mars and the Moon: - They do not possess sufficient weight to support in the centers of reaction (?) on creation of substance from an ether of "vacuum". We can assume, that the Moon and Mars are empty in their internal part and to explain - why.

Emptiness of planets speaks that they have left from the Sun, the density of an ether became weaker also their internal reactors making a matter, have stopped. Their weights do not allow them to force to function their internal reactors in their present site. In their centers there was a hydrogen under pressure (which has decreased in due course). That is why they empty inside. The whirlwind of an ether around of these planets became weaker or it has disappeared in general, the stream of an ether, moving to their planets, has braked their rotation around of their axes. For this reason, their speed of rotation - is synchronized with their rotation around of their planets.

Probably it is possible to explain presence of a belt of asteroids and small weight of Mars, despite of its big distance from the Sun.
We Can try to explain heating of the Earth, and can and provide its future.
To understand some texts of the antiquity which have reached us., etc., etc., and etc...

I proceeded from idea of site Katjushchik which has proved that gravitation occurs from the outside (from top to down) and which has found on its site, here:

I awaits your comments.

P.S. Computer translation.
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re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Mikhail »

Georg Künstler
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re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Mikhail,
your understanding of gravity is very good, as I told you before, you are a man who look over your plate. Hopefully you will find an investor so that your invention will become more public.

But you will always have the egg, hen problem. No one will invest money.
But without invest of money you can't build your model.

I am lucky that I don't need financial help from anyone to build my prototypes, and can develope what I want, without restrictions.

Good luck for you

the future has begun

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re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Mikhail »

Hello Georg,

I believe that the price of oil will arrange all that.

Thank you.
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re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Wheeler »

Is your prototype type ready.
I belive you have already done it.
JB Wheeler
it exists I think I found it.
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re: The origin of the GRAVITATION.

Post by Mikhail »

Bonjour Georg,
Pouvez vous vérifier le moteur 02 00723 en version avec les aimants ?? (Fig. 25-26-27).
Last edited by Mikhail on Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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