Just give it away?

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re: Just give it away?

Post by jim_mich »

I know how gravity works. It is the effect of the earth blocking the flow of ether energy causing a greater pressure from above than from below. Gravity does not store and then release energy, it just acts that way the same as a constant wind would act.

Inertia is the momentary pressure change experience when changing velocity through the ether energy flow.

Now can a spring replace gravity in a PM wheel? That's interesting to think about.

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re: Just give it away?

Post by ovyyus »

...OK, since this is how you think then I must assume you also think your other valuable property should be given away?...
I think that's a strange assumption Jim. Your suggested value system would have everyone charging money for their ideas! If this was to be generally adopted then progress would stop. I think it's the free exchange of ideas that feeds the inventive process. Many inventors are happy to protect and highly value their own ideas only after they have taken freely from others. I mean no disrespect, this is just my opinion, you are obviously free to act as you see fit and I have no problem with that. But I think your analogy is a little off, to say the least.
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re: Just give it away?

Post by Techstuf »

"I know how gravity works"

Jim, may I forward the supposition that your 'knowldege' is limited to speculation at this point? Or have your tests shown that the ether 'flows' in all directions at once in a non coherent fashion such that the effect you term as gravity is precluded from acting independent of distance upon any objects in it's otherwise infinite 'shadow'?

Certainly, the surety of your knowledge includes an adequate description of the engine that keeps the earth moving at a constant pace through the ether despite it's appreciable mass blocking some of the etheric 'flow'....ie. friction.

Me, as for my part, would say that......in effect, you are half right regarding your general assertion that gravity is a push. For it is, I believe, largely a pull/push situation. Which is to say that at the outer reaches of a of a given planetary gravity field.....much smaller objects are attracted at first....and as they reach far enough into the field, are both pushed and pulled downward.

Large bodies of sufficiently similar densities preclude the push effect, relying upon the pull of their respective fields.

Although the ether, as the fabric of the universe plays an integral role in gravitational dynamics, I believe your supposition to be in error, at least as I understand the wording of your idea.


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re: Just give it away?

Post by Ed »

Apples and oranges? Say someone inherits a ten million dollar mansion (rich uncle?). Are they obligated to give it away because it has great value?
No Jim, that's not what I'm saying at all. It seems like your only modes are black and white.
All those who think a working idea should be given away free, please step forward. OK, since this is how you think then I must assume you also think your other valuable property should be given away? Please send me your address and I will stop by and pick up titles to your car, house and any other real estate you own.
I can't believe any logical person would even make a statement like this. So if you gave your kid a present, should they assume that now everything in the house is up for grabs? Of course not!

My point is that you seemed to assume items with value should be sold, and items without value should be given/thrown away. I'm saying that it's up to the person with the items to decide what is given away and what is sold, it doesn't matter what the value of the item is.

If I used your logic, I would think this way: "You gave us your opinion. You must have thought it valuable enough to give. Now give me the keys to your brain!........Oh, and I'll take that statue of Justice too." :-)

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re: Just give it away?

Post by John Collins »

I've commented on this before but I've come to the conclusion that getting a patent is a waste of time - assuming you could get one. Much better to give it away.

Firstly you need to apply for a patent internationally otherwise people will just manufacture in another country and flood yours with their products. Sure you can sue but who wants to spend their lives chasing through the courts.

It costs a lot for worldwide patents - ask Clarkie. Yes I know you will be wealthy from sales of your idea but that comes later - before you patent.

Suppose you get your worldwide patent - you will still get the illegal copying made anywhere in the world and sold in your country, bypassing your pockets. What are you going to do? Sue them all of course!

By applying for a patent you automatically alert your government who might be interested in taking control of your idea for their own reasons - burying it to maintain tax rake-off? If you publish worldwide the genie is out of the bottle and no one can uninvent it.

As the recognised inventor of the idea, you will be pursued for interviews, book, film and TV rights - get a good manager and you'll make a fortune and yet you will have given it (the idea) away. Sounds good to me.

One more thing - once the design is published no one else can patent it - altruism and profit all in one package.

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re: Just give it away?

Post by ken_behrendt »


I think you've made an excellent point...as the acknowledged inventor of a genuine PM machine...even if it is not the design that Bessler found...one might actually make MORE $$$ from publicity then the invention itself! The fame alone would make one in demand for television advertisements...the current fee for a celebrity endorsement of a product is somewhere around $2 million USD! After a couple of dozen commercials, that begins to add up!

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Just give it away?

Post by PIMAN »

I think if you enlisted physics and engineering departments from major universities around the world to replicate and verify your PM principles, it would not only guarantee that your name goes into history as the true inventor, but, would also make you a shoe in to win the Nobel award in physics and peace, amounting to about 3 million and a couple of honorary diplomas, to boot. (That's one damn long sentence, it's like a prison sentence)

The Sky is the Limit

re: Just give it away?

Post by coylo »

Anyone who solves this problem is entitled to do what they want to do. They've earned it! I would not judge them by it or seek to send them on a guilt trip. The main thing is that the idea gets out and lives, without being suppressed, but I don't really rate the scare stories.

I've had a change of heart as of late and would be more in favour of obtaining a patent, given if I had a working wheel.

If you released it without a patent (gee, what a nice guy) the rest of the world would be asking why? You'd be seen as the worlds biggest mug!

I wouldn't like to take the risk of others developing and profiting from my idea and I could end up being left behind and forgotten about. That would really get to me.

Patent it Jim, because your worth it! (heehee)
I think you've made an excellent point...as the acknowledged inventor of a genuine PM machine...even if it is not the design that Bessler found...one might actually make MORE $$$ from publicity then the invention itself! The fame alone would make one in demand for television advertisements...the current fee for a celebrity endorsement of a product is somewhere around $2 million USD! After a couple of dozen commercials, that begins to add up!
This is fine as long as your comfortable with being a celebrity. I personally can't stand all the celebrity bullshit. I'd rather make money by patenting then slip back into obscurity.

I'd rather have money than fame!
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re: Just give it away?

Post by jtolan »

Vic Hays wrote
...Maybe you can explain the mechanism by which gravity stores energy and then releases it again...
in a second keep reading...

jim_mitch wrote
I know how gravity works. It is the effect of the earth blocking the flow of ether energy causing a greater pressure from above than from below. Gravity does not store and then release energy, it just acts that way the same as a constant wind would act.
what a primitive idea jim. You're a wolf in sheeps skin, take that Einstein avatar off, you're not worthy!! Its been 100 years man!!! where have you been hiding? Here's a little illustration to warm you up. Ever seen insects or tiny objects float on the surface of water, by surface tension, and OBSERVED that they seem to attract when they get close to each other? Why do you think that is? When you start understanding that you're on your way to understanding gravity.
Inertia is the momentary pressure change experience when changing velocity through the ether energy flow.
in a way it is, but the basis of it is momentum carried by electomagnetic fields. Accelerating charges radiate energy AND momentum, that's the basis for inertia. Forces appear when there is acceleration or "deceleration", which is nothing more then acceleration.
Now can a spring replace gravity in a PM wheel? That's interesting to think about.
Yes, its very interesting to think about, and I have already.

Here it is:

Gravity produces a constant force on an object depending on its mass. The force acts at the center of mass (also known as the center of gravity)

Can a constant force be duplicated? Ever seen a constant force spring?
You will be surprised, most even own one. Ever heard of a measuring tape?

That's right, go to your garage and take out a measuring tape and measure its force over a relatively short distance (if you stretch it to the max it will change rapidly as it nears a stretched position)

Take a look at the diagram bellow. It illustrates how to implement gravity in a wheel in space.
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re: Just give it away?

Post by graham »

If I were to find the secret behind J B's wheels I would be tremendously proud and satisfied. All these years of searching for an answer and then finally success , a dream come true.
Reward enough for me.

I would love to share it with the world and let those who would bring it to perfection freely have access to what I discovered.

So what if others make some money from my ideas , good luck to them if they help make this seed grow into a forest.
What about the money and time someone gives to charity? These things also have value
You are right Ed . If Bessler had just a little charity in his heart we would not be posting away on the Bessler wheel forum today.

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re: Just give it away?

Post by jtolan »

you're a man after my own heart 'graham' Its so true, the fame is way more rewarding. Money buys envy, the richer you are the more you got to watch your back.
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re: Just give it away?

Post by jim_mich »

Celebrity and fame is over rated. I'm shy in public. The verbal part of my mind works too slow and I act like a bumbling idiot. Give me a few minutes to compose my thoughts and I do OK.

Give me a quiet secluded country estate rather than fame any day. But wait, I do have a secluded country estate. Its not big and grand but its comfortable, just right.

I question whether someone else could promote and disseminate my idea better than I can? I know I move slow, but I'm thorough, I try to make sure things are done right. When I release the idea I don't want there to be any doubt about if it works or how it works.

The patent is mainly a badge to say "This was my idea!" and if you make big bucks from it then I'd appreciate a little something in return. If it weren't for my day and night work over many months stretching into years now, then you would not be making those big bucks. Would anyone deny me maybe $10 or $20 a wheel royalty? That is less than a night out on the town. It would be cheaper and easier to pay up than to fight in court. Besides, if I make big bucks most of it will go into more research or be given to charity. I already have most of the material things I want or need.

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re: Just give it away?

Post by graham »

I already have most of the material things I want or need
Jim there are millions even billions of people living on this planet who are starving and living in poverty and will never be able to say those words you just quoted.

Do you really need that $20 per wheel in order to have the recognition you deserve for discovering the secret to PM.
If you don't seek the fame and I for one would also agree that obscurity is a blessing, then giving it away would be your best option.
You would be one heck of a big man and a hero in the eyes of your fellow human beings.

Vic Hays
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Re: re: Just give it away?

Post by Vic Hays »

jim_mich wrote:
The patent is mainly a badge to say "This was my idea!" and if you make big bucks from it then I'd appreciate a little something in return. If it weren't for my day and night work over many months stretching into years now, then you would not be making those big bucks. Would anyone deny me maybe $10 or $20 a wheel royalty? That is less than a night out on the town. It would be cheaper and easier to pay up than to fight in court. Besides, if I make big bucks most of it will go into more research or be given to charity. I already have most of the material things I want or need.
I know what it is like to have ideas taken and promoted as someone else's. It has happened to me all of my life. It hurts to see someone else taking credit for your innovations. Tesla is a good example. He invented the induction motor, florescent lights, flyback transformer and radio. He had over 800 patents and yet very few people even know of any of his contributions. Edison got an awful lot of credit for his inventions on the other hand and very few of the ideas were really his. He was a ruthless business man and an energetic promoter. As a matter of fact, Tesla worked for him for a time and quit when Edison did not give him the bonus that he had promised him for some of his innovative work.
Vic Hays

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re: Just give it away?

Post by jtolan »

jim_mitch wrote:
The patent is mainly a badge to say "This was my idea!" ...
I have to agree with this, everyone is entitled to what is theirs and certainly hard work should be rewarded. Look what happened to Communism, whether you worked hard or not you got payed the same, what incentive is there in that? No wonder most Communist countries went bankrupt. Also, personal property is valuable.

But, ... and there is alway a but :)

you can get recognition by disclosing it and making a big announcement!! a big grand announcement, as in CNN, NBC, ABC, BBC, etc, type of announcement, and demonstrate the wheel. At the same time you can release on the internet the idea to everyone.

Maybe you are holding on to your idea jim_mitch because you want to be certain it works before you go out on a limb. That's wise, look what happens to some of us younger brash fellows. I guess life thought you well.

if you hold on to your idea, and work slow, it will take forever. You might not see something that others might see, and then they can point it out to you, and you won't be wasting time, if you disclose it. But, you risk claiming you did it by your lonesome. However, I guarantee, that you have been influenced by others ideas on this thread, but whether you will acknowledge that or are capable of pin pointing exactly what it was is another matter.

I guess it all comes down to how "hungry" you are.
Yes, we all want recognition in life. Nobody wants to be just another person in the crowd.
Your need for recognition is a basic "hunger" on the Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs!

And speaking of hunger, I smell something good, yumeee. Freshly baked cookies, hhmmmmm
Last edited by jtolan on Fri May 20, 2005 8:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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