This is what dwizzle misses and as Ed says, I am no different than him.
This is something that can and should work. And if you notice the short levers above the level of the axle, they haven't moved outward yet.
Simple understanding in physics, what goes up must come down.
And as the levers rotate upwards, they fall towards the center of the wheel.
Dwizzle disagrees with this and I won't quote Bessler as having said that weights move towards the center or group together, After a;;, what could that possibly mean ? After all, English IS my second language so it can not be expected of me to understand THAT foreign language.
And Mt 125 is what the very observant dwizzle said is the basic pm idea and not the one in the video which resets as it swings downward. And yet he has asked a great many times how that happens.
Maybe if he got off drugs and learned to read he wouldn/t have missed those things which everybody else has been aware of as his questions were asked and answered.
I think Chris asked early on and I gave him the best answer I could with a video showing how it could work.
So Ed, please tell me again how I am like dwizzle. I'd like to think I learned a little something when I went to school and work and paid attention and took the time to learn.
http://i979.photobucket.com/albums/ae27 ... wheel2.jpg
and the basic idea THIS thread is about, 2 videos, one showing the reset mechanism and how it works and the other showing how much over balance causes how much momentum in the weights as they rotate.
and Ed, didn't you ask in another thread after I posted this how much over balance creates how much acceleration ? I can show your post if you like but you and dwizzle are kind of late to the boat.
edited to add; The Da Wasserrad will work. Of course it's Bessler's and as my older brother Paul always said is the best way to be successful is to emulate someone who has been successful.
edited to ad, Ed, I went and got it. You were discussing with Jim_Mich how force can be derived from centrifugal motion which it can't unless the work is one something outside of the pump/wheel. Ye, such a different tone considering something that is possible and my discussing something that is possible.
Jim, just to be clear, are you saying that as the weights move in and out the wheel's speed remains constant (after reaching top rpm), or are you saying the speed will fluctuate but that it will be imperceptible? I was working on the math, but will have to pick up on that tomorrow. I could be wrong, but it seems that even around 3 inches of movement would be noticeable. How much power can you get from only one inch?
Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 5:45 am
http://www.besslerwheel.com/forum/viewt ... uch#111107
You see Ed, the reason I find this so funny is it is a somewhat accurate description of how a gravity powered water wheel would work if it had a pendulum attached to it to help regulates it's velocity.
with out the pendulum, there would be noticeable surges in acceleration and deceleration because of the volume of water being moved at any given time.
I guess this is where schooling kind of pays off. :-(