Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

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Sam Peppiatt
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

The rollers are totally independent of the phase of the wheel. At any position, if the rollers are moved to the right, they will cause the wheel to turn CW. All of them. As the wheel rotates, the exact center of the cross-bar(s). is fixed in space, always down. It's like the wheel rotates under the rollers. All of this I have demonstrated.

If a shaft,(with bearings), at the very center of the cross-bars were moved to the right by a small amount, all of the rollers would roll to the right and, the wheel would turn CW. If moved to the left it would turn CCW. If centered the wheel would stop.

The great simplicity of it, is a little difficult to grasp-----------------Sam
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by SHADOW »

Vous avez raison Sam mais ils doivent rester indépendant des autres couples de rouleaux de sorte qu'il n'y ai qu'un couple en excentration, les autres étant en équilibre naturellement.
L'astuce est de trouver le moyen de peser pour pousser sans contrarier les autres positions de couples de rouleaux.

You’re right, Sam, but they have to remain independent of the other couples of rollers so that there is only one couple in eccentric, the others being in balance naturally.
The trick is to find the way to weigh to push without thwarting the other positions of roller torques.
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Sam Peppiatt
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

It doesn't matter if a cross-bar is horizontal or vertical, or some where in between. If it is pushed to one side or the other, the wheel will turn in that direction. It doesn't have to be just at 9 & 3. It will work when it is vertical, 12 & 6. It may not seam like it but, it does.

Any position of a cross-bar will work----------------Sam

ETA Agor95 said it was beyond Bessler. I can't believe that he could be right about any thing. Also, a shift lever could be mounted vertical and pivot on the center line of the wheel. The lower end of it would hold the shaft extending through the centers of the cross-bars. It would give foreword, reverse and neutral.
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

I feel like I have been branded a heretic----------------Sam
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by agor95 »

Hi Sam Peppiatt

I think we all feel like heretics depending on the company we are in at the time.
I also tried the lever through the hub in a simulation.

It showed promise as the wheel rotation increased over time.
However it did not acceleration at a fast rate and was dependent on Delta T [time] size.

Last edited by agor95 on Tue May 14, 2024 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by SHADOW »

Bonjour Sam,
L'avancée du jour.
J'essai avec une couronne d'excentration pour voir!

Hi Sam,
The advance of the day.
I try with an eccentric crown to see!
Capture d’écran 2024-05-15 083142.png
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by SHADOW »

Modèle avec couronnes d'excentration.

Model with eccentric crowns.
Capture d’écran 2024-05-15 091250.png
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

Right, I get the idea, the double rings would shift all of the rollers to one side. That should work. The wheel would have constant torque--------------------Sam
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

My new wheel is nearly complete, with 4 extended rods and weights. I think I can convert it to rollers only to see which works the best.

I'm grateful for your help. Thanks for your time and effort----------------Sam

agor, don't mean to ignore you, it's just the fear of banishment, for what I might say. For instance, I don't know what the fuck a lever hub is! So how can I, or any one respond to that?
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by preoccupied »

shadow inspired  wheel.png
inspired by the image in this post ... 18#p208118

The wheel has free flying weights when falling on the Right Angle it tips a weight resisted by a spring to the side and then the spring lifts it back up the next quarter and it sits there until it is tipped to the side again.

Sincerely, Jon Perry
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Sam Peppiatt
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

It looks nice; not sure if it would work. The red weights are the flying weights. If you cancel out the two black weights at 9 & 3, it would leave 4 weights below the center line and only 2 above. I'm afraid it would become bottom heavy. But, maybe I don't understand every thing about it.

Please take care--------------Sam
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by preoccupied »

Hello Sam,

It's true I see it too. It is bottom heavy. But I think that it will be bottom heavy without every having to be equally top heavy. Some wheels might become bottom heavy to eventually need to be top heavy. This one just hangs weights so they hang low, so they never get top heavy eventually. As a balance from top to bottom heavy it is about even because weights don't tend to go high enough. Maybe if you set your line of what is top and bottom lower because the weights are hanging it would be more even to that respect.

It appears that it would be overbalanced in the position I've drawn it. Unfortunately MS Pain doesn't let me rotate objects so it's hard to animate at an angle very quickly. But as a bonus I think the spring will help pull on the wheel too. Because the spring pulls up the weight I think it pulls on the wheel al little extra going back up into position. So while it looks like it might need a little extra to be continually overbalanced, I think that little extra might come for the spring. Otherwise it should turn less than 90 degrees overbalanced in a cycle that is less than 90 degrees to reach the next repositioning of the new weight behind it. The weights reposition themselves less than 90 degrees at a time but turn 90 degrees of the wheel because they retract back the angle they move by a spring. How is this possible? The weights shift less than what they move (from gravity) to make this gravity wheel work, if it does. Isn't that strange? The shifting of the weights done by gravity is less than the turn of the wheel.
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by SHADOW »

J'ai mis une manivelle entre l'axe de la roue et l'axe de la goupille reliant les barres.
J'ai mis un galet sur l'axe de la goupille
J'ai mis un galet sur un levier axé sur la roue, ce galet a un pendule pesant et presse sur le galet de la manivelle des barres de rouleaux.
Tout les rouleaux sont déplacés.
Sur la simulation la ruoue s'arrète après quelques tours!

I put a crank between the axis of the wheel and the axis of the pin connecting the bars.
I put a roller on the pin axis
I put a roller on a lever focused on the wheel, this roller has a pendulum weighing and presses on the roller crank roller.
All the rolls are moved.
On the simulation the rush stops after a few laps!
Capture d’écran 2024-05-17 133022.png
Last edited by SHADOW on Fri May 17, 2024 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
La propriété, c'est le vol!
Sam Peppiatt
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by Sam Peppiatt »

Wow! You did it. I think you have every thing right. It should work. Maybe it doesn't like the pendulum for some reason, or the other. Hmmmm. Is there any way to rotate the crank a little with out the pendulum? It shouldn't require a rush. It should just start turning on it's own.

I think I can try my wheel today. Maybe I'll learn some thing from that-------------Sam

ETA SHAOW Your expert ability and, not only that, your willingness to help; I'm grateful for, for demonstrating the principle, of it. It's very graphic. Even the critics should be able to understand it.
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Re: Zeroing in on Bessler's wheel

Post by Robinhood46 »

Sam Peppiatt wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 1:27 pm
ETA SHAOW Your expert ability and, not only that, your willingness to help; I'm grateful for, for demonstrating the principle, of it. It's very graphic. Even the critics should be able to understand it.
We can definitely agree on Shadow's contribution to this attempt.
As a critic, i would say you have the same problem as Georg had, with his octagon in a hamster cage. I can see a lot of similarities with what is going on, and i can't see any differences that would make this more likely to be the answer than his efforts, or mine, because i also tried to get something out of it, and failed miserably.
Just because some of us have failed, certainly doesn't mean all of us will fail, but it does, generally, mean if there is a chance of finding success, there needs to be something different going on, or the same thing going on with a different method, or an original addition.
What do you think makes the difference between this and Georg's attempt?
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