After the "flawed" intelligence we used to justify an invasion of Iraq, who would believe us?
The intel that we used wasn't only produced by America. Of the intel that we did produce it was collected and presented by former clinton appointees well into the Bush administration.
Congress used that intel to decide to give the president the authority to invade iraq. The security council (the only real authority of the un since their decisions are binding) voted to invade Iraq.
Who would believe 'our' intel? It wasn't only ours. Prior to the iraqi invasion most world leaders believed that sadamn had weapons of mass destruction.
When I hear the charge that 'there were no weapons found' I never hear the possibility that some were moved out of iraq before the conflict. When Clinton bombed iraq during his impeachment hearings he insisted that it happen real fast. Time was of the essence. I think the time frame was 3 days. When President Bush was gearing up for military action congress (the democrats) dragged their feet and insisted the matter be talked about first. Then they insisted that the un have a say in the matter. sadamn had plenty of time to move any weapons.
Another matter that is often not mentioned is the fact of dual use plants that sadamn had. They could make insecticides or toxic weapons. sadamn is the only world leader (that I'm aware of) that has used chemical agents on his own population. For all the right reasons he's been disposed and the world's better off for it.