Thx Machine II

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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by thx4 »

De l’énergie est perdue et heureusement 😊
La pression constante de la roue qui dispose de 12 billes en réserve redistribue l’énergie à chaque fois que le balancier vient percuter l’échappement tel une horloge classique.
La seule différence avec une horloge classique, c’est la subdivision des poids sur une circonférence qui en principe se reconstruit, mais c’est une autre histoire, seule l’expérience dira…

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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by thx4 »

Le modèle précèdent fonctionne mais un certain temps seulement cela restera documentaire, et il va finir dans mon jardin, mon bassin manque de déco… 😊

Maintenant je vais vous faire part d’une idée qui me semble être une très bonne idée…
J’ai un peu travaillé sur le MT13 et observé avec attention le MT135….
Vous pouvez étudier dans tous les sens le MT13 ce qu’il manque pour que le poids de 12h se lève comme un éclair comme dirait B, c’est qu’un des poids entre 9h et 6h ne pèsent RIEN…. 😊
Même les pires détracteurs vous diront que si vous faites cela, la roue tournera, c’est dire😊

Comment faire, il faut voir le MT13 comme un simple élément d’un ensemble proche de l’axe.
Le MT13 est contenu dans une roue beaucoup plus grande que lui-même, si un des éléments entre 9h et 6h touchent la roue pendant un temps (quelques micro secondes), ces éléments ne pèseront plus rien sur le MT13,
Il va prendre de la vitesse, la roue aussi.
Les poids du MT13 représentés par B sont incomplets, il leur faut une petite patte supplémentaire qui va leur permettre de reposer sur la roue principale, les autres poids de 12h05 à 5h entrainent la roue par contact sur la roue (différence fondamentale)

Le MT13 est indépendant de la roue il entre en contact avec elle par certains moments. Mais l’un ne fonctionnera jamais sans l’autre, c’est ma dernière réflexion.
Je vais de nouveau m’engager dans cette voie,
Au plaisir.

The previous model works but only for a while it will remain documentary it will end up in my garden, my pond lacks decoration... 😊

Now I will share with you an idea that I think is a very good idea....
I have been working a little on the MT13 and watching carefully the MT135....
You can study in all directions the MT13 what is missing for the 12 o'clock weight to rise like lightning as B would say, is that one of the weights between 9 and 6 o'clock weighs NOTHING.... 😊
Even the worst haters will tell you that if you do this, the wheel will turn, that's saying😊

How to do this, you have to see the MT13 as a simple part of a near-axis assembly.
The MT13 is contained in a wheel much larger than itself, if any of the elements between 9 and 6 touch the wheel for a while (a few micro seconds), these elements will no longer weigh anything on the MT13,
It will gain speed and so will the wheel.
The weights of the MT13 represented by B are incomplete, they need a small additional leg which will allow them to rest on the main wheel, the other weights from 12:05 to 5:00 drive the wheel by contact on the wheel (fundamental difference)

The MT13 is independent of the wheel and comes into contact with it at certain times. But one will never work without the other, that's my last thought.
I'm going to go down this road again,
See you soon.
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by JUBAT »

I think that is very valid. I've wondered for a long time how one would be able to transfer the load of the weight from one point to another, but was always too much of an idiot to figure out how to do it.

So could you possibly be alluding to a Y-shaped lever (KB will instantly become your friend) in which the weight on one side tips one way and puts pressure on the inside wheel and as it travels around tips and puts pressure on the outside wheel?

I look forward to your non-working solution!
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by JUBAT »

Is this kind of what you mean? Little blocks around the wheel to support the weights?
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by thx4 »

@ JUBAT, something like that indeed. We need others closer to the axis to cancel the weight of the one that goes up.
Two years ago I had already considered the thing, video attached:
(Already two years 😊) I had not yet integrated the interest of the outside wheel, independent and weighing a certain weight,
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Thx Machine II [Ratcheting Up]

Post by agor95 »

Georg Künstler wrote: Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:35 am So all 8 ratchets are forced to do the swinging in one direction.
When you are next on the forum. Could you confirm access to the 8 ratchets?
Their weight, length and centre of mass [from the ratchet end] would help.

All the Best
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[MP] Mobiles that perpetuate - external energy allowed
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by thx4 »

Déjà pour vous dire que vous pouvez continuer de chercher, puisque j’ai un résultat inattendu plutôt spectaculaire.
Qui est ce qui, quoi ou comment, vous saurez tout très bientôt.
Pour rassurer certain ce n’est pas une horloge :)
Je ne vais pas jouer au chat et à la souris avec vous, pour l’instant j’ai un réel gain d’énergie, puisque le proto a explosé lol.
Georges Kûnstler pour ceux qui s’en souviennent avait en partie raison, il s’agit bien d’une oscillation qui devient infernale… qu’il faut canaliser
Je voulais faire une vidéo un peu rigolote avant les vacances, et puis je me suis dit ajoute ça et puis encore ça, et là surprise. Mais il faut que je remonte tout pour confirmer, au plus tard Mardi
A ++

Just to let you know that you can keep on looking, as I've come up with a rather spectacular unexpected result.
Who's who, what's what or how, you'll know it all very soon.
Just to reassure you, it's not a clock :)
I'm not going to play cat and mouse with you, for now I've got a real energy gain, since the proto exploded lol.
Georges Kûnstler, for those of you who remember him, was partly right: it's a question of an oscillation that becomes infernal... that needs to be channeled...
I wanted to make a funny video before the vacations, and then I thought I'd add this and then this, and then surprise! But I'll have to go back and confirm everything.
A ++
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by JUBAT »

Not to bust your bubble, but it probably just fell apart. That's okay because you can just put it back together and test again.

Nice try though!
Last edited by JUBAT on Wed Jul 05, 2023 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by thx4 »

A la différence de toi, tous ce que je fais est visible et, je ne perds pas mon temps dans les blablas, et je t’emmerde.
Pauvre la France
Unlike you, everything I do is visible and I don't waste my time on blah, blah, blah... fuck you.
Poor France
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by JUBAT »

re: Thx Machine II
Post by thx4 » Sun Jun 17, 2018 4:30 am

Good morning,
Sorry but it doesn't work... lol


This was after you claimed it worked back in 2018. Is my skepticism unfounded?
I'm in here keeping things real from all the failed hopefuls. Someone has to be the voice of reason. So far I haven't claimed once I had a runner and then have it failed so I have a better track record than anyone. I say it can't be done and won't be done in my lifetime and I'm right.
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by thx4 »

Je propose au GARDIEN de mes couilles d'aller chialer ailleurs...

I suggest to the GUARDIAN of my balls to go cry somewhere else...
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by ovyyus »

Ironically, the guardian of your balls is WHONG.

By definition, WHONG is bigger than schlong :D
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by ovyyus »

Just to head of premature accusations of some sort of psycho-sexual weirdness on my part.


Bigger than schlong. Means a big penis.
Supposed to tie in the words whoa and wang

Whoa! :D
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by thx4 »

@Ovyus 😊

J’ai toujours eu un caractère difficile, et ça ne va pas s’arranger avec les années…
Je pense simplement que ceux qui non plus de doute, et qui sont convaincus que Bessler est une fraude, dégage simplement de ce forum et laisse les autres plus créatifs continuer leurs recherches qui sera toujours alternées de plus et de moins, quelle importance ?
Historique : B à fait une roue pas de doute possible, J’ai pensé aussi qu’il pouvait s’agir d’un modèle d’horloge original (MT47), mais faire tourner à cette vitesse pendant 52 jours une roue de cette taille il faudrait des tonnes d’énergie en magasin, donc peu probable.
Donc quoiqu’en disent certains, B a trouvé quelque chose qui n’est pas à la portée du premier venu (suivez mon regard lol)

Juste une question technique avant de vous montrer quelques photos de mon nouveau projet ;
J’ai un contrôleur de vitesse, et à mon échelle de travail la roue ne dépassera jamais dans mon atelier plus de 1 mètre de diamètre, j’ai pu constater qu’a 50/60 RPM, plus rien ne tombe…tout reste collé en périphérie, ce qui veut dire selon moi, que toute roue a déséquilibre à cette vitesse et à ce format est un leurre.
Je pense que le système de démarrage est indépendant du system de croisière…une démultiplication (engrenage) pourrait expliquer la chose, passer de 0 à 52 rpm c’est énorme sans moteur.
Soit une roue dans une roue pourrait expliquer ma constatation, soit une amplification oscillante qui finit par atteindre un cumul d’énergie exploitable (si possible), c’est la deuxième version que j’essaye pour l’instant. Mais la première est également tentante une roue qui tombe en permanence, j’aimerai voir cela.

@Ovyus 😊

I've always had a difficult temper, and it's not going to get any better over the years...
I simply think that those who no longer have any doubt, and who are convinced that Bessler is a fraud, simply get off this forum and let the more creative others continue their research which will always be alternated with more and less, what does it matter?
History: B made a wheel, no doubt about it, I also thought it could be an original clock model (MT47), but to make a wheel of this size turn at this speed for 52 days would require tons of energy in store, so unlikely.
So whatever some may say, B has found something that's out of reach for the average person (follow my lead lol).

Just a technical question before I show you some photos of my new project;

I have a speed controller, and on my working scale, the wheel will never exceed 1 meter in diameter in my workshop. I've noticed that at 50/60 RPM, nothing falls off...everything sticks to the periphery, which means, in my opinion, that any wheel that's unbalanced at this speed and in this format is a decoy.
I think the starting system is independent of the cruising system...a gear ratio could explain the thing, going from 0 to 52 rpm is huge without a motor.
Either a wheel within a wheel could explain my observation, or an oscillating amplification that eventually reaches an exploitable energy accumulation (if possible), it's the second version I'm trying for the moment. But the first is also tempting: a wheel that falls permanently, I'd like to see that.
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Re: Thx Machine II

Post by JUBAT »

I can appreciate your attempts and the effort put forth...just quit claiming you've succeeded until you have a literal working wheel. This forum is filled with claims of success only to find out it was a lie.

I say it can't be done.. Maybe Bessler succeeded and maybe he didn't. But I've had enough of people claiming they succeeded when they've failed repeatedly.

So far I'm more right in my claims than anyone else on this entire forum. And boy would I love to be wrong. Funny how I shared your first post in this thread (and there are quite a few more actually) and you jump down my throat with talk of your balls. Shows where your mind is at.

I see all these thousands of failed attempts scattered over 20 years on this forum - claims of success without one of them working and so I'm siding with the general trend of failure. Even I have failed, but I've never once claimed success then eaten crow afterwards.

It's okay - evidently people like false claims more than they like someone who says it can't be done in this day and age and before I kick it.
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