What in your opinion is a crossbar?

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re: What in your opinion is a crossbar?

Post by ssmyser »

Ralph, I respectfully disagree. In three hundred years we are no closer to the answer by believing things he said. Especially, when he makes statements such as: 'don't ask too many questions, lest you get bad answers.' He admits that he is capable of lying about it, and even warns the reader of such. 'Apologia' in my opinion, is a work of veiled deception.
DT, on the other hand, is a work he wouldn't have lied too much about. Considering Karl had the facts, and the book contained his testimonial, AND it was printed at Kassel. I doubt that lying would be tolerated. I find DT to be the most significant source of truthful information.
Basically I've abandoned everything Bessler says his wheel IS, and started looking more closely at what he says it's NOT. -Steve
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Post by DrWhat »

He was a man of opposites (ie the Albam method etc).
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