Where are we all at?

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re: Where are we all at?

Post by axel »

I used to hold the rank of "respected".
I've posted many photos of my work, anybody seen any from the primos?
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re: Where are we all at?

Post by primemignonite »

mm"Boy, you have that right. I had two green stamps stripped for even daring to challenge a certain "fiver's" physics knowledge!" - cloud camper

Dear cloud camper,

I'm glad to see that someone else here also, shows that he has courage enough to dare speak to power. (At the hands of governments this can get one dead; here it can get you disappeared pronto! Curious, isn't it, how proposed Democratic systems morph invariably, to ones stinking Autocratic?)

Thanks for the backup, cloud camper.

mm"I used to hold the rank of "respected". " - axel

And no doubt DID deserve it, axel, if not more.

FACT: The Fivers hold and wield inordinate POWER!

Review what they can do potentially as aggregated, in the "FAQ" way above. When there, scroll down 3/5 to see "How many reputation points can a member give or take away?", and where ". . . all will it be revealed" (- H. Poirot) in the columns headed thus

Reputation of rating member
Multiplier for a good rating
Multiplier for a bad rating

Upon impulse (clean or dirty), if any of these suckers go Red on you, you likely will be TOAST for life here, ratings-wise. (Since Graham has not posted for a long while, I lost my fourth Rep point as a result. Ever since, this James have been a very, very unhappy camper indeed. Noticed it? Rawest, bloody petulance is mine!)

Also, for the very life of myself, I cannot understand why John Collins has not achieved the level of "Admired" - six Greenies.

Is he not truly admired by most and, does he not wholly and fully DESERVE this position? If not himself . . . then WHO, I ask???

Perhaps some long-needed weighting adjustments might be performed, so as to allow for Right to be done finally?

Yes. Why not loosen up the weightings and allow more credit out where credit should be granted and, everyone up a bit, out from underneath down-pressing, way too-self-admiring, oligarchical thumbs?

(Also to be noticed, speaking of them, most of the Fivers maintain Web sites. Could this be a clue to cracking the truth of this most vexing, dark-working dynamic?)


PS Here, I am playing with FIRE by daring to merely "irritate" the Establishment. Of this fact I'm well aware and, am prepared to vanish in a puff of smoke BUT . . .

Verily, I do place this on-the-record, here-and-now: When a Bessler Wheel appears of itself going soon enough, it shall do-so elsewhere and resultantly, activity here will become much like A GHOST, vanished just like myself. (Best believe it!)

("Criswell Predicts!" Will THIS one of his come true? As to this, only Father Time and the Three Fates themselves will allow to us such true knowledge.)

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re: Where are we all at?

Post by rlortie »

James, Cloud Camper,
FACT: The Fivers hold and wield inordinate POWER!
IMO this is not so! a Fiver holds no more voting power than a member with three reds. Nor does the statement that Fivers also have their own web sites carry any weight with me.

Out of respect of ones input and personality I vote as one individual sees fit. All the above authored posts in this thread has long ago received a green hit from me, it may or may not make any difference in the outcome.

As for six Greenies, when Scott set this system up he stated: "We would not see six greens".

The power is not with the "Fivers" it is every forum member here who is to lazy or apprehensive in either decision making and/or voting.

Win my respect and you get a green, piss me off and you likely will not get a vote. Really piss me off and you get a red. We all have the same power to do likewise. I as a "Fiver" refuse to take blame for those that believe they deserve a higher rating.

Asking for it is not the way to earn it. If any member finds this offensive, you have the power to assist in dropping my Green dots by either removing you "given" making for no vote, or change from a green to a red and see how long it takes for my standing to drop! If and when it should happen, do you think I will really care, I think not for my integrity is within me, it is not about me.

Do you really believe it is proper for one to cry the blues because their rating is not what they feel it should be? Do you think it is proper to earn it by asking for it? Do you believe that bad vibes between you and one "Fiver" can make an over-all difference in your standing? I do not think so, but it is obvious laying blame is not going to help.

When I read a post, I do not look to see the posters reputation, if he gets my attention then I will look to see if I have voted for him or not.

Greens, no votes and reds are earned by admiration or rejection from one's peers, and all members here are my peers, not just the "Fiver's".

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re: Where are we all at?

Post by ovyyus »

Well Ralph, I think you may have successfully defused a dangerous situation here. Well done.

As we well know, the seeds of revolution can sprout from the merest little things. Should your clever attempt fail then we always have four fingers and one oligarchical thumb to make an Iron Fiver Fist to crush pathetic truth in the womb of menopausal mother freedom!

BTW, I think it's your turn to be dark overlord at our next blood moon gathering. My turn to bring a new-born white baby for the alter, and Fletcher's turn to bring curried egg sandwitches for supper. Oh wait, where are we all at... we're open forum here, aren't we... perhaps I've said too much...
Last edited by ovyyus on Wed May 08, 2013 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Where are we all at?

Post by primemignonite »

"Well Ralph, I think you may have successfully defused a dangerous situation here. Well done." - ovyyus

With all due respect, Bill, Ralph's creation may have been done well enough as you award him for, but, as for the rest, I myself would prefer to make it a nice and neat "NOT so fast!"

Also, such verbiage as ". . . a dangerous situation . . ." is understood clearly here to be code standing for 'it is imperative that our status-quo be maintained".

Not at all, is this a thing coming to us as much surprise.

A deal of this sort of stuff was intercepted here, originated from our and your former sovereign lord, the Third King George. His agents of his Parliament were of the same sentiments as well as opinion, heart-wise. No?

As to this for-the-more, DO see below.

With All Possible Respects


"DAMN the torpedoes - FULL speed ahead !!!"
- Admiral Farragut at Mobile Bay

Yes, all this as you have said I understand, Ralph. My memory, though ripe, is not yet a thing too defective.

I well recall your having made clear-to-pain, these very points, in one or two posts from the past.

Again, I reiterate: It is SO that most of the Fivers DO have their own sites.

Would you not allow me to list them here?

Thank you. Then I shall.

John Collins

Big wigs all.

Are there not others? (Might I have some help here, in identifying more?)

How many, I ask, below Fiver-level maintain P-M relevant sites?

Anything near the same percentage, Ralph? Do I err by thinking "not"?

I merely pondered, did I not, whether there MIGHT BE some connection?

(I am not a ready friend of the dangerously defective, cracked-pot world of "Anti-Coincidence Theory" but, will accept reasonable assertions, for the necessity for the occasioning of such as suggestions.)

Clearly, HERE with this subject we have hit a nerve! (This usually stands up well as indication of "getting hot," in matters of importance.)


No pain - no gain!

Both cloud camper and axel had the force of character and boldness of wit so as to illumine this problem, my original comment having served as a reasonable occasion to reference it, and so they did.

Afterward, I MOVED!

One can handily understand, I think, how Fivers might find just cherry their own high situations and, as well, to be inclined to put colorful but questionable imputations onto us Lowers' objections - these as-to what we might find objectionable TO THE ARRANGEMENT. (Understand?)

This is not the first time that grouses about this fiendish and horrid, trouble making reality have been broached here. The main, calculated purpose that this functioning nastiness serves, is to segregate and elevate, and this to the extreme advantage of those on top, and disadvantage of they that are not.

Rationalize it all as you must and will, Ralph but, that is my view in-sum and, as it is appertainent, in it I am not alone.

(Although, it would seem I'm not accompanied by many having much courage to speak out. Well, that's quite alright for I've well enough of it for us all so HIDE, my timid little mice friends.)

Clearly, this pain making rating regimen IS DEFECTIVE prime faci and ab initio! Truly, it acts as a cancer of a sort, and it poisons and, any that might DARE assert that it is any way meritocratic, will surely draw my fire!

I would suggest, Ralph, that we all might consider the use of just a bit of empathy, when considering this tender subject when commenting with force, being as you are, at least, part of that old ruling elite itself???

Yes: a little empathy, Sir!

(But . . . an ugly fact is that minds that are oligarchically inclined find this an odd sort of suggestion, if not even less. I would term it if pressed a "self-interested disconnection". Of course, this is not in the least here intended to apply to yourself, Ralph, as I know you to be past-a-fault absolutely, kind-hearted.)

I await your report, if not now a red dot too? (Have I now not "earned" it?)

As Ever Respectfully,


*Well, Scott's is a special case, but I included him here just for beginning completeness' sake.
Last edited by primemignonite on Wed May 08, 2013 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: Where are we all at?

Post by ovyyus »

Congratulations James, you've created a butterfly of meaninglessness out of meaningless nothing. Quite the trick.

Decoding list follows:

Congratulations = bs
James = James
you've = bs
created = bs
a = bs
butterfly = bs
of = bs
meaninglessness = bs
out = bs
of = bs
meaningless = bs
nothing = bs
Quite = bs
the = bs
trick = bs
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re: Where are we all at?

Post by primemignonite »

I'm afraid I don't understand what you've just written above, Bill.

Are you drunk?

You seem to strive to appear as a psy-ops mind bender.

To what rational purpose could it be, such efforts so sadistic?

I suppose that fine artists can be sadists too.

Really, it is the deadest of dead ends.

(Will you sell me a painting still or, am I now "o-u-t"?)

I'd really like to meet you someday. I wonder what you are
like in person; if you are so bold as you are behind the keys
or, are actually a timid sort?

Care give us a few hints about it?
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re: Where are we all at?

Post by ovyyus »

Maybe getting drunk would make all this conspiracy rubbish entertaining. I doubt it, but I'm willing to learn.

Timid? Yes in real life I'm very timid. The keyboard is my Viagra, you got me James.

I wonder if you're an emotionally robust person in real life? Please don't read too much into that :D
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re: Where are we all at?

Post by primemignonite »

Am I "emotionally robust"?

Cripes, I never thought of wondering about that, Bill.

Good question!

My Scientologist friends (I am not one of their number nor ever was) tell me that I possess "a good confront".

This terminology of theirs is of real use. It means that one having one does not shirk from meaningful contact hot or cold, and, can defend one's self effectively in real-time.

So, my answer would have to be gettin' there.

I don't believe that in real life you are timid. Doesn't compute! No way, Jose.

(You still did not say if you would sell me a Bessler or not. I live in terror that you won't.)
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Re: re: Where are we all at?

Post by Animal »

Oh, I'm still alive, and occasionally drop in for a read without logging in.

Gravity wheels are never far from my mind, while doing all the other things that life dumps on you.

Having said that I having been working for a client who's been spending a lot of time working with magnet systems, so far with little success, and we've both been looking at low temperature Stirlings with long term heat storage systems (read overnight) again with little success... well really, the size gets a bit daunting if you want to go off grid!

All that time used up when we should have been developing the multi level, high density, LED lighting forced food production that we are supposed to be working on!

Anyway.... I've got 42,000 post to catch up on... so I bit quit typing and start reading :-)
primemignonite wrote:Thanks for those corrections, boys

So, Animal knows all about it; my effort was to no avail. (Or, was it?)

Whichever may be the case, nevertheless, my points as-made still stand high, and for the general good.

Truth reigns supreme but, can be painful to ones on the receiving, denying side.

Uniformly, specifically, PATIENCE is running out. (As well as time???)

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re: Where are we all at?

Post by ovyyus »

Well James, Scientology has to sell you something. I mean, who doesn't want to live in a fantastic science fiction parallel universe where a fake battle between good and evil rages perpetually in order to deliver justice to the strong and slavery to the weak. Oh wait...

Fear not, the old rouge is a whore :D
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re: Where are we all at?

Post by axel »

Bill, would you be so kind as to post a picture(s) of any attempts you've made towards a solution of PM.
It need not be something that would give it all away, leaving you with nothing.
Many of us post our failures, etc., but you and John have never that I know of.
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re: Where are we all at?

Post by primemignonite »

CORRECTION: my whole opus collapsed for want of one single word: "Anti-" which should have been present before "Conspiracy Theory".

Now, the entire makes most perfect sense, to actual English readers.

Sorry for the omission and lack of perfection, which my many supportive friends have a perfect right to demand.



It is good that you've rejoined the excitement here.

There are WHEEL SECRETS to be had for the seizing!

This is such a warm, cooperative little bund. Would you not agree?


Bill, the Scientologists have there effective ways of dealing with this world. I count many among them as friends. They handle their enemies as all enemies should be - mercilessly. "Repressive personalities" do not last long in their ranks; that worm being drawn-out for the mincing soon enough. I admire that, just as I have contempt for studied, acquired weakness. (Your own case is in fact the precise opposite of that, being studied acquired strength, even though your methods rather often are ones cruel.)

They stick-up for themselves and one another unlike, say, the feuding, ingrate rabble (generally but with a few very nice exceptions) operative here. Know what I mean?

Such demand, or so it seems here, that THE SECRET itself be put before their stamping feet on a silver platter immediately, for their possible favor and use. Such is the world of the self-admiring and will-worshiping dead enders.

(Have I dug my hole deep enough yet? More?)

To them for their improvement instant I say, consider this if you will:

mmTHAT Bessler's Wheel and it's impelling secret laying within, is very much like the fabled Excalibur of King Arthur's day and further, that NO STINKING NAVE is going to remove it for his (or her) selfish purposes ever!

Now, admittedly, those are hard words but, they ones true.

As to this mark James' words and then, PUSH whatever you like!

(Hey! My time here is limited so, why not have some fun? Right, kind and loyal chaps?)

(Done it now, Bill??? We'll see . . .)

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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Re: re: Where are we all at?

Post by Ed »

ovyyus wrote:Well James, Scientology has to sell you something. I mean, who doesn't want to live in a fantastic science fiction parallel universe where a fake battle between good and evil rages perpetually in order to deliver justice to the strong and slavery to the weak. Oh wait...
Hey Ba'al, I mean Bill, you didn't go and say something you shouldn't have, did you? They have ways of dealing with people that do! :-)
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re: Where are we all at?

Post by ovyyus »

primemignonite wrote:Bill, the Scientologists have there effective ways of dealing with this world.
Yes, it's the classic corporate model: Do what thou wilt.

Cults impose a separation between inside and outside. It creates good vs evil, a tool for separating common men from their common sense. After that anything becomes possible.


Axel, attached is a photo of a wheel component I built and tested some time ago. It was not a failure. Hopefully it does not give too much away.
Wheel Component.jpg
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