getterdone wrote:I dont think we can rule out the possibility that a wheel can turn with just gravity and common sense
Trevor wrote:but I believe a gravity wheel to be possible,
AB Hammer wrote:IMHO I can't see how anybody can exclude gravity in the actions of Bessler's wheel.
It seems most everyone except myself thinks Bessler's wheels were gravity powered. The problem with this type of thinking is that Bessler's last two wheels were balanced and they worked in either direction. Add to that the fact that gravity is conservative and thus cannot supply perpetual force/energy to the wheel.Tarsier79 wrote:I don't think anyone doubts Besslers use of gravity in his wheels.
Bessler never claimed his wheels to be gravity wheels. He said that weights caused his wheels to turn. Immediately everyone (including Wagner) imagined in their minds OOB wheels turned by gravity. Read Bessler own words as to what caused his wheels to rotate!
Bessler very plainly says that his wheel was turned by force which comes about from the movement of the weights that swing/move after the wheel is rotating.Bessler wrote:the inward structure of the wheel is of a nature according to the laws of perpetual motion, so arranged that certain disposed weights once in rotation, gain force from their own swinging, and must continue their movement as long as their structure does not lose its position and arrangement.