Trever Lyn wrote;
Hi Ralph, you know the answer to that, and it is up to you, it may be time to reduce your work load and look out for your self and your own designs, you can still advise people here, like I do if I think they can make improvements to there design, although that does not add to your credibility
Trevor this is my thoughts exactly, without assistance and at my age and health, I am ready to call it quits. But this pursuit is what I believe has given reason to live for the last 13 years and will never die until the day I do.
I will still be here and continue on present commitments which kindled my present design. I am not worried about adding to my credibility, I believe if I do not have it by now, I never will.
Retiring from analyzing other peoples designs means I will have more time to spend here helping for more "fivers" once earned and due.
I prefer to keep a clean separation on what is called "Integrity" and that known as "reputation", emphasize on the first and the latter will surely follow!
@ Justsomeone.
The arrache. org web-link is slated for complete removal. It will also be removed from my profile and signature.
However with an ongoing view of optimism I am hanging on to my commercial dot com sight.
Jim_Mich, although you would never guess is considered (by me) to be a close friend and supporter, it is members like him who have given me the drive and incentive to push forward with a "I will show him" attitude, I will be damn if I am going to give him the opportunity to get in the last word!