zit eest immpossibles

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John Lindsay
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Re: re: zit eest immpossibles

Post by John Lindsay »

Jonathan wrote:John Lindsay: How else do you do it then? Are you holding out on us with a new form of motion?
Well, the design concept that I came up with is listed in the old archives. It is not one hundred percent accurate(but close)as to how I would put it together but the idea is understandable. Let's look at it this way. On a seesaw, the person that weighs more that the other one-no matter how much-"wins" or is the person sitting on the ground. There also seems to be interesting anomalities with vortex phenomena-In other words the Universe has given us a couple of "hints" to work with. It is up to us to figure out what to do with them. Now the ability to have a rotational object that continuously has a "winner" and a loser would seem unlikely yet still a _Possibility_. As far as gravitational devices-using multiple weights acting in unison in a limited escape, specific geometrical, highly insistent leverage, cleverly conceived arrangement, there is the Potential to assert lateral pressure in the form of altering the flightpath of a weighted object, while this mass maintains it's gravitationally "assigned" position. From a mainstream science perspective their reverse psychology rationalle would go like this-"Since you cannot create something out of nothing, there can Be no circulatory system where two pressures at odds with and a function of each other has one that remains in a "resolved" state while the other one fluctuates in and out of ''resolve."(Even if there is!) So they have ignored the hints of the Universe and have an absolutist position without having explored all the possibilities! I would imagine Bessler saying- "Hey, I came up with what I was looking for. I did Not create something out of nothing-I just used an unrecognized principle that initiates self-rotational with what is already there. Perhaps you need to expand your concept of what "force" is."
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re: zit eest immpossibles

Post by Jonathan »

Well, I got the statement I was looking for, and here I thought it couldn't exist:
They are people like you, who block new ideas, concepts and views of things.
So it is I, a person on a PMM forum, who spent many hours this week working on a PMM, who is trying to stop new ideas? Not to mention the limitless logical fallacy that is that you think you could make such generalizations without getting to know me. In fact, it is almost impossible for such a thing to occur over the internet.
Georg, at no point have I attempted to silence you. In fact, I have encouraged further clarifications of your ideas in hopes of understanding them better and maybe getting some sort of revelation from them. But this is what I have gotten so far from what little I can understand of your posts:
gravity has something to do with:
-weight distribution
and you:
-have no math behind your theories
-are certain you know better than Newton
-are certain you think exactly like Bessler
-have never made a working wheel
That's not a particularly impressive theory or biography there. You have presented no clear proof of why Newton is wrong, why gravity has something to do with resonance, time, or weight distribution, how you know how Bessler thought, or why your previous wheels havn't worked.
And as bad as this sounds, I still have an open mind to your ideas. I want to understand more clearly, as I'm certain I don't get it. What I'm not certain about is if you even get your theory.
Now as to my disproof of the COG wheel, I will post soon the design of the little 'wheel' I made with Legos. Given the dissimilarity between Lego pieces and your idea, I had to change the design, which is why I have not claimed to disprove it for certain, only to my own satisfaction. But since I'm pretty sure of my understanding of why the wheel is supposed to work, I'm pretty sure that my change in the design didn't effect its potential to work.
Disclaimer: I reserve the right not to know what I'm talking about and not to mention this possibility in my posts. This disclaimer also applies to sentences I claim are quotes from anybody, including me.
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re: zit eest immpossibles

Post by Jonathan »

Okay, here it is. First, to explain:
-W1 and W2 are weights
-B, D, and E are gears of the same radius and number of teeth
-W1, A, and B are rigidly attached to each other
-W2, F, and E are rigidly attached to each other
-D is rigidly attached to the outside
-crossbar C can rotate about D's axle freely
-compound object W1, A, B can rotate freely about B's axle on C
-compound object W2, F, E can rotate freely about E's axle on C
-the movement of the centers of W1 and W2's masses is shown vaguely by the circle of arrows
My experiments with this model, which is modeled on the principles I understand of how the COG wheel should work, showed perfect and continuous balance in all positions. This fits with the Newtonian understanding of the world and Georg's failed but beautiful attempt at this device.
Disclaimer: I reserve the right not to know what I'm talking about and not to mention this possibility in my posts. This disclaimer also applies to sentences I claim are quotes from anybody, including me.
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re: zit eest immpossibles

Post by Jonathan »

Sorry all, I made a stupid mistake, this attachment is what I meant to draw and say:
-W1 and W2 are weights
-B, D, and E are gears of the same radius and number of teeth
-W1, A, and B are rigidly attached to each other
-W2, F, and E are rigidly attached to each other
-D is rigidly attached to the outside
-crossbar C can rotate about D's axle freely
-compound object W1, A, B can rotate freely about B's axle on C
-compound object W2, F, E can rotate freely about E's axle on C
-the movement of the centers of W1 and W2's masses is shown vaguely by the circle of arrows
**-gears G and H are of arbitrary, but same, size and are used to make the compund objects rotate and revolve in the opposite direction**
My experiments with this model, which is modeled on the principles I understand of how the COG wheel should work, showed perfect and continuous balance in all positions. This fits with the Newtonian understanding of the world and Georg's failed but beautiful attempt at this device.
Disclaimer: I reserve the right not to know what I'm talking about and not to mention this possibility in my posts. This disclaimer also applies to sentences I claim are quotes from anybody, including me.
Georg Künstler
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re: zit eest immpossibles

Post by Georg Künstler »

OK Jonathan,
you are open minded, and are able to see things from an other view.
But you should not tell over the internet that I don't understand mathematics and physic without knowing me. Also I am not crazy.
I like friends, not enemys. Qur task here will be dangerous enought.

But also you must accept, that I can't show all of my secrets and developments directly to you. I like to be alive. I think I had shown enought. I was going to the limit. There are a lot who understand what I did.

Only vistiting my homepage isn't enought, you must understand it, read the resonance page again and again.
Of course resonance is well known to the physics, I know. But if you open your mind, and accept an internal force, then you will see the way to unlimited energy. Wheels in wheels, while not turning !!

It isn't only Bessler who discoverd that secret, it was also Schauberger and Tesla.

Again, I like friends, not enemies. Jonathan, you are wellcome as a friend.
Best regards

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re: zit eest immpossibles

Post by Jonathan »

Hey now, I said crazy or brilliant. I just can't tell yet. Now as to you not knowing maths or physics, that was based on what I understood so far of your writings, but I'm getting better at understanding you.
You seem to be afraid of some unknown conspiracy. Granted, I can think of several parties that might do this, given that they have motive and opportunity, all they need is a victim. But it really helps if you share the infomation, assuming you havn't acheived a working wheel yet. If you have and are trying to get us all to discover it to, it'll be awhile. A better idea is to give all the relevant infomation to make one to everyone. Put up fliers, email, post on boards all over the place, that way many will have the ideas planted in them and there will be no point to killing you and there will be no way to kill all those you've told, so the idea will defeat any conspiracy.
I am beginning to think that if I could understand you as well as I do with most people I would get many great ideas. I have been to your site and plan to go read the whole thing many times soon.
Wheels in wheels, while not turning !!
You sound like Ezekiel. Hmmm...
Disclaimer: I reserve the right not to know what I'm talking about and not to mention this possibility in my posts. This disclaimer also applies to sentences I claim are quotes from anybody, including me.

re: zit eest immpossibles

Post by Jan »

Action and Reaction is the answer look at animation http://www.astrosa.8k.com I thin this is what you looking for.
Best regards Jan
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