Georg's way to the one directional wheel

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re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by Sevich »

Hi Georg!

Feel sorry you must do all this front running for this board as well as the rest of the world, I guess it's a job that nobody really wants to do due to fear of one losing his/her mental worth. (But you are different)

Seems it's a case where a German is leading the World once again!

* Worlds first jet fighter ....1944

* Von Braun ....Man on the moon 1969

*Georg Kunstler ......practical PM 2005 ?

Wishing you a safe PM release.
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re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by Ed »

Awe common Sevich, don't encourage him! I'm all for giving Georg accolades once he (or anyone else) proves they have something, but NOT before. Why do people continue to jump on band wagons that just don't want to play that tune?
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re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by Stewart »

Hi Sevich

How could you forget:

*Johann Bessler.....first Perpetuum Mobile 1712



re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by Sevich »

Hi Boys,
I'm all for giving Georg accolades once he (or anyone else) proves they have something, but not before
Georg has given out more info than Bessler would ever dare!

It's time to study more of Georg's ideas and less of Besslers' clues.

How could you forget: Johann Bessler......first Perpetuum Mobile 1712
Mr Bessler had his window of oppotunity to give it away for free, but he did'nt. He's missed the train and Georg has picked up the pieces to do what Bessler was squeamish at doing.
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re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by Trev »

Bessler exhibited his working wheels to the public, Georg has shown no proof and doesn't even have the courtesy to answer peoples questions.
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re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by ovyyus »

Sevich, you forgot James Cox in your list. Cox invented the first working PM that was fully described and able to be replicated...


Now I gaze at a photo of a beautiful machine. It is exquisite. It's tall like a grandfather clock. The polished wood and brass is a work of art. High up is a clock face. The body contains a huge blown-glass barometer. It has the noble lines of classic architecture.

This is James Cox's perpetual-motion machine. Not only is it beautiful, but it also works. This is no sham. Of course, it isn't really a perpetual-motion machine. But Cox, who built it in London during the 1760's, thought it was.

What it is is a clock that never has to be wound. As the weather changes, the barometer drives a ratchet mechanism. It keeps the clock wound. The whole action runs on jewelled bearings. It's a stunningly delicate and sophisticated heat engine.

Cox was a well-known clockmaker. He showed his self-winding clock in a private museum along with other fine clocks. When he died in 1788, a museum owner named Thomas Weeks bought the clock. It ticked away in his museum until the 1830s.

After that it was sold off again. This time, it vanished until it turned up on public display in 1898. It finally came to rest in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Cox's clock writes an odd chapter in the history of human ingenuity. For he seemingly succeeded in creating that great will-o-the-wisp, perpetual motion. 18th-century science hadn't yet written laws that would tell us it was impossible. But Cox saw where that science was going, and he worked around it. He saw how nature could provide energy and make it look like something for nothing.

A contemporary writer said Cox's engine was like a water wheel. That, he said, was perpetual motion of a similar kind. And he was right. Cox's clock was actually kin to the windmill.

Like the windmill, it took energy from the sun. The warming of air causes winds and pressure changes. Machines that tap that reservoir don't violate physical laws. What they do is create the illusion of magic by accepting a gift from nature.

This strange clock is a fit reminder of the most magical source of energy for our energy-hungry world. That source is the sun. The sun brings us as close as we'll ever get to realizing the age-old hope -- of perpetual motion.

re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by Sevich »

Hi Ovyyus,
The sun brings us as close as we'll ever get to realising the age-old hope -- of perpetual motion.
Hope this has'nt become a mindset ?

One of Oxygon's pictures posted here on this forum seems to partly work! ...whether he know's it or not is another matter. (I'll keep at it and see what becomes)

James Cox's machine is only an amusement of no practical value.
Nice piece of reading though!

Trev wrote
Georg has shown no proof
It's a slow learning process in which he feels is necessary for us to mentaly absorb critical understanding, before formal release.
Last edited by Sevich on Sun Jan 23, 2005 7:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by John Collins »

I must point out that although Germany produced the world's first jet fighter, it was powered by the jet engine originally conceived and designed and built by Frank Whittle of Coventry, England back in 1929.

As is the norm, British inventions are never developed by the British because the inventors are always dismissed as dreamers. They have to be picked up by others to make it into mass production.
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re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by ovyyus »

The sun brings us as close as we'll ever get to realising the age-old hope -- of perpetual motion.
Hope this has'nt become a mindset ?
Hi Sevich, these are the words of the author, not mine. I guess the point I'm trying to bring attention to is that in the 1760's Cox believed his machine to be a perpetual motion based on the criteria and knowledge of the time. We now know that it wasn't - but he thought it was.

In the early 1700's Bessler obviously had similar convictions about his machine. But unlike Cox, we can not ascertain whether Bessler's conviction would hold up to 21st Century scrutiny. At least not until his secret is rediscovered.

What if Bessler's secret isn't what everyone likes to think it is? He certainly hinted in that direction - why? How long might it take to find a solution if everyone is looking in the wrong direction? I think a genuine search for the truth should allow for all possibilities - even the improbable and the unpopular.

My mind is far from set. I might respectfully ask, is yours?

re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by coylo »

John Collins said...
As is the norm, British inventions are never developed by the British because the inventors are always dismissed as dreamers. They have to be picked up by others to make it into mass production.
I always thought that British inventions struggled in the past due to a combination of poor decision making by authorities and the lack of funds to develope them. The British Goverment was a stingy bunch.

Who was the man who built the first computer with his own money (goverment wouldn't fund him...could of been dismissed as a dreamer) to crack the German war codes...and succeeded. As a result he prevented many costly massacres. What did the goverment do after that?...Branded his computer Top Secret and confided it to a dusty history, and the inventor was broke (both in spirit and financially) man.

Meanwhile in soon to be Silicon Valley..........................
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Re: re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by jim_mich »

coylo wrote:Who was the man who built the first computer with his own money (goverment wouldn't fund him...could of been dismissed as a dreamer) to crack the German war codes...and succeeded. As a result he prevented many costly massacres. What did the goverment do after that?...Branded his computer Top Secret and confided it to a dusty history, and the inventor was broke (both in spirit and financially) man.
Government is not a friend or benefactor to be trusted.
Just think of it as greedy rich men!
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re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by Georg Künstler »

someone asked for the function of the dowles.
With the Dowels, you get a lifting and sinking of a rolling weight, like a man pulling periodically a rope.
If you have a system like this, you can increase the pendullum swing, by shorten and length of the rope. Correct timing of pulling the rope is essential.

Force on the rope is variating, by swinging the pendullum.

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re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by graham »

Oh yes , the British have a heritage of fine inventions used throughout the world today . The next time you pop into the "receiver" think of young Thomas Crapper and his plumbing business.

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re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by Georg Künstler »

to get a better working point, I have changed the construction.

The function is an increasing swinging of the pendullum by pulling the rope back and forth, in the correct frequence.
We are not touching the pendullum on the left side, only with pulling the rope, we get the increasing swinging.

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re: Georg's way to the one directional wheel

Post by Georg Künstler »

and now, that's my opinion the complete construction of the one directional wheel.

We have a swinging system, one is aranging the other. And, we have a fast up, slow down function included. When the left side, the weights is swinging downwards, we have the maximum force on the rope, so we can lift the roller, one dowel up. We get a turning of the big wheel.

In Germany, when we work togehter, we have the word 'hau ruck,hau ruck',
and with this we roll things uphill.

the future has begun

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