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Post by spinner361 »

I caught the second mouse today, too. It knew where to find the food. This time the peanut butter remained, and all I had to do was reset the trap. I've been putting the mouse trap underneath my food, to prevent my food from getting stolen. I've learned the hard way that putting mouse traps in places other than where my food is doesn't protect my food.
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Post by Senax »

Senax wrote:...
The trouble with the right hand rule is it's math's not physics. I forget who
"In so far as maths is true it doesn't apply to the real world.
In so far as it applies to the real world it isn't true."

In my younger days on this forum I posted the following:
Grimer wrote:The big temptation with understanding the mechanics of the Newto-Ersatz interactions of the off set gyro is to start off with its big brother model, the Electro-Magnetic right hand rule.

C Johnson is a case in point.

The right hand rule is a boundary case, a mathematician's wet dream.

It isn't physical. If variables are truly orthogonal then no interaction can take place and they are totally disconnected from each other.

The three dimensions, x, y and z ar only independent if they are continuous. If they are discontinuous then movement along one implies movement along both of the others.

For example, if we have cube consisting of 10 by 10 by 10 unit cubes movement of five along the x axis implies movement of 0.5 along the y axis and movement of 0.05 along the z axis.
If magnetic and electric forces acting at right angles makes no sense then the question arises at what angle do they interact?

We can deduce the order of the angle by comparing the different strengths of magnetic and electric forces.
Magnetic forces are much stronger than electric forces when you compare them at the saturation and breakdown strengths of materials. That is the reason why all practical electromechanical conversion devices use magnetic forces.
A typical example would be, force between two 1 sqm plates plates at a magnetic field intensity of 1.6T( at which most ferromagnetic materials saturate) is 25600 times stronger than force generated by electric field at intensity of 3MV/mtr (breakdown strength of air).
This gives an angle of 90.0022° or 89.9978°, not the type of thing you're going to find unless you're looking for it.
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