Algodoo can handle it, in the sense that you can get them to function. Where it gets frustrating is what i need to do, to get it to function, is generally counter productive, and unrealistic.
For example; small metal hooks with 8 mm of movement would suffice to hold an arm in potion and have little effect on overall balance, addition counter weights, to the hook, could be added to reduce the negative effect even more. Algodoo doesn't allow anything small, or any interaction with little movement, it doesn't like it, objects go through each other if the density of them is realistic. Things need to be oversized and far heavier than they would in the real world.
When we are trying to achieve something with a very small dominance, the effect the mechanisms have on the overall COG of a system needs to be the strict minimum, unless the mechanism's function is shifting it's mass in a favourable manner, which i find to rarely be the case.
Everything is too big and clumsy.
Algodoo is bit like trying to repair a pocket watch, with the tools from a HGV mechanic's toolbox.