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Re: re: Bedini

Post by WaltzCee »

  • Quote:
  • I'm not sure if there was anything to any of his "free energy" claims, but I do remember
    that his ideas were some of the first such claims that I saw on the internet when doing
    research in the library over two decades ago now.
  • Dwayne
First, due respect. Amen.

Here is how the least of us can know Bedini did not present anything novel or new. First, he shared his ideas with anyone that would hear them. Secondly incredibly brilliant people have examined them. And finally, of all the incredibly brilliant people that have, not one single bastard has taken Bedini's ideas and run with them claiming them for themselves (or even recognizing Bedini) and published the results.

You can bet your bottom dollar if there were something in all Bedini published, someone would have seen it and retweeted it. It would have exploded.
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re: Bedini

Post by agor95 »

Another loss to humanity unknown to the general population.

Their work inspired me here. For the Bedini Wheel should have a mechanical equivalent.

Naturally the Bedini Wheel could have been inspired by Bessler's Wheel.

I understand this is a conjecture and can be dismissed if you want.

However the scientific method is available to us; even if commercial scientific progress is not focused in this human endeavor.

The concept of M. Turbine MKII is inspired by the Bedini wheel.
Also Bessler's of cause.

Let us support each other in contributing to implement the scientific method in 2017.

Merry x-mas
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