I feel like I am hijacking this thread...sorry, but this magnetic
pendulum thingy is just so interesting, can't help it.
I don't think that is a fraud. It's likely however that synch issues render the proposition unviable as it stands. Too much friction and stiction, too loose tolerances. magnetic attraction/repulsion dimishes with square of distance. Miss by a mm and you've had it.
True. True. All true. But...
You have to view something like this as an early
"proof of concept" experiment.
I am reminded of of Jim's (?) image of the early work on cars.
(envision basically a 4 wheel bicycle that could barely propel one guy
and probably would get stuck in a 5 inch pot hole.)
Pathetic...not even close to viable...but showing promise.
This particular magnetic pendulum thingy LOOKS GREAT!
It captures my imagination as to what a crude perpetual
motion machine would look like. But it is just someone else's
video and I cant tell for sure that, as some of the comments
suggest, that there is not some hidden trickery going on
Sadly, I can't seem to remember seeing any video of a
Bessler type wheel that seemed as close to being "viable".
But even if there was such a video there would probably
be people like me thinking that there was a hidden motor
and battery somewhere.
And the point of this post is...?
It is conceptually easy to evolve an idea that
has a working experiment that demonstrates the concept.
They got theirs working already (maybe?) but Bessler did such
a good job hiding his secret that we can't say for sure
that, after a lot of years of trying, anybody is even close
to replicating what Bessler did.