What goes up...

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Post by jim_mich »

Bill_Mothershead wrote:
Which includes seesaw levers and pendulums. If a quarter of the clever solutions invented to try and make wheels run without "fuel" where applied to seesaw levers, runners would be everywhere. Problem w/these silly seesaws is that the amplitude is limited, and the number of oscillations per minute is also very limited.
I am glad you reminded me. I had almost forgotten about this one...


You description seems right on.

If it was real (not a fraud) then I suppose we would have
heard more about this.

Has anybody seen/heard anything more on this seesaw device?
I also had almost forgotten about that one. Actually it is a version of the Gary Motor.

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re: What goes up...

Post by ruggerodk »

My mistake Grimer - you are absolutely right....it's so easy to misread the two names ;-)

from the wiki:
John Harrison (24 March 1693 – 24 March 1776) was a self-educated English clockmaker. He invented the marine chronometer.
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Re: re: What goes up...

Post by nicbordeaux »

Bill_Mothershead wrote:
Which includes seesaw levers and pendulums. If a quarter of the clever solutions invented to try and make wheels run without "fuel" where applied to seesaw levers, runners would be everywhere. Problem w/these silly seesaws is that the amplitude is limited, and the number of oscillations per minute is also very limited.
I am glad you reminded me. I had almost forgotten about this one...


You description seems right on.

If it was real (not a fraud) then I suppose we would have
heard more about this.

Has anybody seen/heard anything more on this seesaw device?
I don't think that is a fraud. It's likely however that synch issues render the proposition unviable as it stands. Too much friction and stiction, too loose tolerances. magnetic attraction/repulsion dimishes with square of distance. Miss by a mm and you've had it.
If you think you have an overunity device, think again, there is no such thing. You might just possibly have an unexpectedly efficient device. In which case you will be abducted by MIB and threatened by aliens.
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re: What goes up...

Post by Bill_Mothershead »

I feel like I am hijacking this thread...sorry, but this magnetic
pendulum thingy is just so interesting, can't help it.
I don't think that is a fraud. It's likely however that synch issues render the proposition unviable as it stands. Too much friction and stiction, too loose tolerances. magnetic attraction/repulsion dimishes with square of distance. Miss by a mm and you've had it.

True. True. All true. But...

You have to view something like this as an early
"proof of concept" experiment.

I am reminded of of Jim's (?) image of the early work on cars.
(envision basically a 4 wheel bicycle that could barely propel one guy
and probably would get stuck in a 5 inch pot hole.)
Pathetic...not even close to viable...but showing promise.

This particular magnetic pendulum thingy LOOKS GREAT!
It captures my imagination as to what a crude perpetual
motion machine would look like. But it is just someone else's
video and I cant tell for sure that, as some of the comments
suggest, that there is not some hidden trickery going on

Sadly, I can't seem to remember seeing any video of a
Bessler type wheel that seemed as close to being "viable".
But even if there was such a video there would probably
be people like me thinking that there was a hidden motor
and battery somewhere.

And the point of this post is...?

It is conceptually easy to evolve an idea that
has a working experiment that demonstrates the concept.

They got theirs working already (maybe?) but Bessler did such
a good job hiding his secret that we can't say for sure
that, after a lot of years of trying, anybody is even close
to replicating what Bessler did.
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