An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

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re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by murilo »

Haven't seen your concept!
Don't be shy!
I know by the hardest way what is suffer for a model!
Mine is just cruel!
Did you see it?
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re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by daxwc »

christo4_99 wrote:
Like doing builds of Bessler's drawings is considered stupid as they are non-runners.
Who said doing builds of Bessler's drawings is stupid ?
I don’t think doing any of Bessler’s builds is a waste of time because each one of them is a lesson to be learned. It is my belief they were to be used in his college as a technical lesson advancing to the perpetual motion machine discovery. The biggest problem is that without building them the lessons are harder to learn and the end ones are missing. The journey is long and Bessler himself admits he had to rethink the problem and approach it in a different way, so the outcome may raise a few eyebrows.

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re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by christo4_99 »

Bessler wrote his books so that he might be known and appreciated.Like i have said before,if you knew the man you would know his device.Bessler had a heartfelt love for mankind but he was proud.You cannot assume that Bessler didn't include parts of his maching it the MT.
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Re: re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by ........ »

daxwc wrote:
christo4_99 wrote:
Like doing builds of Bessler's drawings is considered stupid as they are non-runners.
Who said doing builds of Bessler's drawings is stupid ?
I don’t think doing any of Bessler’s builds is a waste of time because each one of them is a lesson to be learned. It is my belief they were to be used in his college as a technical lesson advancing to the perpetual motion machine discovery. The biggest problem is that without building them the lessons are harder to learn and the end ones are missing. The journey is long and Bessler himself admits he had to rethink the problem and approach it in a different way, so the outcome may raise a few eyebrows.

I would say who, but at the risk of jacking Christo's thread, the concept depicted here is one of two different types of wheel's I believe Bessler built.
This one is based on Mt 25 which according to the Keel Effect, can not work. As Bessler said, use a discerning eye when considering his drawings. What the lever keeling does is when it moves slower than the wheel, it causes the weight moving towards bottom center to be lifted conserving momentum.
In the Mt's in the low 30's, they all show a similar principle of lifting a weight. A lever that is perpendicular to the path of the weight being lifted.
With Mt 25, it shows either way the lever (pendulum if you like) moves,
the weight either moves towards or away from center.
It was someone else who suggested using scissors to lift a weight. It just took a long time for me to realize how they worked with everything else. A

@Murilo, hope you like the concept. There is math to be considered. When that is understood, then the why's wherefore's become clearer.
I may wait to build so I can find a place to work. As it is nice, I can only demonstrate and develop the principle.

Christo, my apologies.
As the lever moves upward, the wheel will rotate fasster causing it to lift/retract the scissored weight. On the way down, it will move faster than the wheel causing the scissored weight to be lifted/extended.
As the lever moves upward, the wheel will rotate fasster causing it to lift/retract the scissored weight. On the way down, it will move faster than the wheel causing the scissored weight to be lifted/extended.
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Re: re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by ........ »

murilo wrote:Haven't seen your concept!
Don't be shy!
I know by the hardest way what is suffer for a model!
Mine is just cruel!
Did you see it?
Not sure if I have. Where is it ?
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re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by daxwc »

Eight dots:
I would say who, but at the risk of jacking Christo's thread, the concept depicted here is one of two different types of wheel's I believe Bessler built.
I have little doubt Bessler built them all, but the ones he attributes to other people. Even the abstract drawings are probably of some reverence to his builds as he said he built 300 wheels.

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re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by christo4_99 »

didn't Bessler say he built 101 strange machines before he found the mobil?
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re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by ........ »

I was refering to 2 different types of wheels.
The one using scissors can be modified. The basic version
would be slow. When modified according to Mt 24, it would be much faster.

John Collins (if I remember correctly) once posted where someone wrote a book about Bessler in the 1950's and the use of latches was mentioned. It would be a neat trick of engineering but if this design works, could be where Mt 24 clue's us to how the levers worked.

@Christo, I hope one day to be able to buy a book or 2 on Bessler and be better informed to his thoughts and what he did.
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Re: re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by ........ »

murilo wrote:Haven't seen your concept!
Don't be shy!
I know by the hardest way what is suffer for a model!
Mine is just cruel!
Did you see it?
Is the Avalanche drive yours ?
There is a way it could work. At least the principle
can. The mechanics would need to be modified.
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re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by murilo »

your design is not very clear for me, sorry!
It looks that you want to increase and short radians in sequence.
Is this true?

Avalanchedrive is THAT project of mine!
Any comments and/or opinions are welcome! Be my guest, even if I'm sure it will speed exactly in the way you see shown here. 8)
First of all, I ask you to don't modify too much main parts of the conceptions, so as, please, be sure that you understood well to my thinking.
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re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by ........ »

With your concept, the mechanics would need to a little be different.
But as you want the main parts to be changed little, it would be a challenge but might be possible.
I will need to think on it some, but might be possible to only add a second chain. If so,, the second one would be what moves the chain you now have.

Whith the design I am suggesting, I can make a video and post it to you.
I think that would make clearer why I like it.
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re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by murilo »

I have done hundreds of different draws and many with auxiliaries chains.
If I remember, I try one in the place of the reversion under wheel, other in parallel to rising pile, in order to sustain it open and also other that with some transmission would pull and manage to the rising phase.
The conclusion I got is that a LOT of stuffs can be done, since the basic design speeds fine! 8)
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re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by ........ »

Thank You Murilo !
Hopefully it will an idea you can use.
I will post it tomorrow for your approval or rejection :-)

edited to add; would it be possible to post a different view to see it's thickness ? Would much appreciate it.
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re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by murilo »

In the model I fight, the bigger weights are ø50mm, while the transverse axles have 80mm.
Here is another view with the 3rd D.
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re: An infamy: the Bessler secret discovered by a troll?

Post by ........ »

Here is the basic idea. A second "chain" would be the "prime mover".
It would hold the weight's most responsible for generating force.
Then your existing set up would carry the weghts from bottom back to top again.
In the drawing, there are 7 weights as prime movers. There are 6 weights being lifted. Some of the other weights would generate some force.
M's Avalanche.jpg
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