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Re: re:

Post by Senax »

WaltzCee wrote:Fletcher once made the point eventually this is going to be solved. Then what do we do?
Where do we go from here? A footnote?

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I want to send a congratulatory email, on behalf of all you Screwballs, but I don't believe it's
my place to do that. That's never stopped me before.

However this could be an historic moment, so I don't want to screw things up. Again.
I'm going to flag this post and get Scott into the discussion. Maybe everyone could put their
thoughts down to give him some ideas to formulate the congratulatory email.

I'll start it off.
You bastards, that's my idea! I'm going to sue you for everything
you're worth and then some!
We are very pleased that someone has managed to accomplish
what we've been trying to do for a very long time. All the best.
It will not let me flag my own post. Are you kidding me. Next thing you know it's going to tell
me I can't ignore myself. Stupid software. I'm just going to flag Frank's post on top of mine.
It's nothing personal Frank.
You discovered the Italian mob so you should be the one to send it.

Frankly, the solution is so simple that you have to feel it must be correct.
I can't see them making a mistake on that.

I think what may have happened is that Sjack has been following this forum
and realised there was a much simpler solution than the one he had.
He therefore ditched the more complicated set up and went for the Apologia.

We shall have to wait and see.

In any case his device is only analogous to the Newcomen alpha-atmospheric
engine which will rapidly be made obsolete by the Laithwaite
beta-atmospheric engine harvesting 4th derivative energy.

Eventually we will get to what Steorn was attempting - a bridge too far in
their case. Their economist advert was a classic of Irish optimism.
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Post by Senax »

Another thing that suggests Sjack may have ditched his previous design is
that the symbol below no longer appears on his website.


I couldn't find it on Google images either. I had to go through the thread
from the beginning.
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Post by Senax »

The original video is still available.
Sjack's diagram is 1:03 mins in.
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Post by MrVibrating »

Senax wrote: Eventually we will get to what Steorn was attempting - a bridge too far in
their case. Their economist advert was a classic of Irish optimism.
..already there mate - "Orbo" isn't so much about magnets per se, as exploiting Noether's theorem - in this case the time-variant field is momentum as a function of gravity * time, and in turn, KE as a function of the resulting FoR acceleration.

Bessler's wheel is an Orbo; all asymmetric classical systems are..

In its most general form, 'Orbo' is the theory of how to understand and apply classical symmetry breaks.

As far as i'm concerned, mechanical OU is pretty much the last word on the subject - all that's left to crack is reactionless propulsion. But as an energy source, it's direct mechanical energy, or heat, or a mix of both - it can be optimised for whatever the application - and the power and energy densities are fairly arbitrary. Nothing else comes close.

I wrote to Sjack about a year or two ago to warn of the risks he may have been unaware of - fundamentally, if an OU system depends upon gravity, then it's an effective N3 violation and thus the KE gain is proportionate to the change in the net system's resting momentum state. It may be possible to mutually cancel the stray torques, but any given system is unlikely to do so by chance - it'd more likely have to be purposefully designed into the system - so if ANY gravity-based OU claim ever validates, i'm going to be singing this line from the rooftops. "Doomsday device!" i'll jeer.. and keep piling on the pressure until it's proven safe.

There's a disquieting tendency amongst us lot - you see it increasingly, folks tentatively coming round to the fact that mech. OU is a thing, yet still discounting wholesale the likelihood of momentum fallout. "Free energy? OK, maybe.." but "wandering Earth? Pfft".. yet the first 'impossible' thing is contingent upon the second.. No KE gain or breaking PE to KE symmetry without an effective N3 violation... and if it's 'effective' enough for energy gain, are you sure you wanna brush aside the environmental implications?

Thorny issue, but i'd jump at the chance to turn a buck off this - buy the ranch, or a least a small cottage in the Cotswolds, get meself a little doggy (i so want a dog), quit life as a 'rentboy with a motorcycle'.. Just do my own thing all day, keep hacking at N3 etc. But licensing would be the way forward, on a scalable technology base - not building a frickin' power plant! Steorn had the right idea.. and this issue of grounding stray momenta has to be front and center in the technology base. Still, no way to police or enforce it..

Bit dark, but if some loony cult or rogue state were to start dumping shitloads of momentum anyway (maybe to improve their climate, or wreck someone else's, or weaponise tidal waves, trying to initiate the apocalypse or whatever), we'd need some kind of contingency to detect and counter it.. which either means all governments cooperating to such an effort, or else independently acquiring the ability - just as a safeguard against someone else abusing it - potentially leading to suspicions and accusations etc. etc. - not pretty; but by the same token, this also significantly widens the options for terraforming Mars and Venus..

..if we can crack a propulsion application out of this too (ie. spacecraft sourcing and vectoring momentum from their own gravity fields + time), Mars would be just hours away, wherever it was..
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Re: re:

Post by WaltzCee »

Senax wrote:Another thing that suggests Sjack may have ditched his previous design is
that the symbol below no longer appears on his website.


I couldn't find it on Google images either. I had to go through the thread
from the beginning.
I noticed that image on their site also and saved it to my hard drive. Which thread did you
find it in Frank? When I saw it on their site, I knew it looked familiar. I wonder how they generated
it. When I was using working model 2D I made curves like that.

I guess these gangsters have been looking at our site. Maybe we should send them a horse head?
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Post by Senax »

I found it on this post: ... 304#157304

If it works out I'm looking forward to the huge dissonance it will cause.
The Saudis will have to go back to camel herding. 🐪🐪🐪🐪🐪
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Post by Senax »

I've been playing around with my three weight wheel and have seen a
possible reason for the three arm design, viz. the loss of NG potential is
less when a weight swings back than when the following weight falls forward.

If you turn it very slowly this effect becomes quite obvious. So the PKE
generated by falling weight is available as surplus energy.
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Post by zoelra »

The symbol is still there.
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Post by WaltzCee »

Thanks Frank, wealth of information. I hope Mooie Energy isn't Half Steppin.

Airborne, in the twinkling of an eye.

Earlier, as I was picking some of Bambi's dad from between my teeth, I also was perusing
the internet. Reading the reviews of the incredibly fantastic Great Pyramids of Egypt.
Obviously the work of ancient occultish Mason's. A pinnacle of human
brilliance. Western Civilization doesn't hold a candle to the ancient priesthood of semi
gods who orchestrated these magnificent crypts.
Disgusting rubbish drifting everywhere in the water and all over the streets. Locals don't care what it looks like, live between the rubbish
FYI: learn to say 'no, thank you' in arabic as there are many beggars and vendors.
I mean you know there is Mayo Clinic, the chain of Methodist hospitals, Harvard, William &
Mary, Yale, across the pond Oxford, Catholic Charities, etcetera. Although that's a short
list it pales in comparison to these mighty edifices, the work of human hands. The
people of Egypt have so much to be proud of.

Hopefully this ancient wisdom can be recovered, and today's society could be blessed as
present day Egyptians are. I'm so excited by the thought it's starting to create an edifice, a
pyramid if you will, in my loins. Yep, I'm getting a boner.

What happened?

Would that this ancient priesthood would be revived.
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Post by zoelra »

Here is another symbol on their site which might indicate the type of preponderance used in their invention. The R is slightly rotated in the clockwise position showing the heavier side, with two apostrophes (weights?) on the descending side and only one on the ascending side. The second apostrophe on the descending side is also moved to a greater radius, so can we say the preponderance is due to both quantity and radius?
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Post by Senax »

zoelra wrote:Here is another symbol on their site which might indicate the type of preponderance used in their invention. The R is slightly rotated in the clockwise position showing the heavier side, with two apostrophes (weights?) on the descending side and only one on the ascending side. The second apostrophe on the descending side is also moved to a greater radius, so can we say the preponderance is due to both quantity and radius?
That is fascinating - well done zoelra.

It also casts light on something else I've been wondering about,
How long have mooie been on the three weight trip?
Much longer than the recent deletion of their latest bulletins.

Come to think of it the switch point was probably when they dropped their
original symbol and adopted the R symbol.

I wonder what the R stands for.[/b]

This is the earliest post I could find so they've had plenty of time to get
things right.
Welcome to ‘Beautiful Energy’
On our new site we will provide you with the latest publicly available information regarding our revolutionary energy system.

For the time being there is no contact form because answering the flood of questions from all over the world has become an impossible task. Please check back soon for the latest news.
I've just found these: ... 2234477571
Last edited by Senax on Sun Oct 20, 2019 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by WaltzCee »

I wonder what the R stands for.
Rosie Crux?
Anybody's guess.

Or double entendre, just to keep us guessing, to prove that we don't know Jack.
Last edited by WaltzCee on Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Senax »

Could be Dutch. It was a long time before I twigged the mooie meant beautiful.

Oops! the answer is in plain sight again.🤦‍♂️

Above the symbol is the sentence:

The Green Revolution has begun!

so the green R stands for the green Revolultion.

and the circle round it stands for things revolving.
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Post by Senax »

I've been experimenting with my Ferris wheel shown earlier and can see how
mooie are harnessing the 3rd derivative energy.

Below is a diagram of the position of a 360° pendulum at 1 second intervals
as it falls to 6 o'clock and rises to 12 o'clock.

In the blue zone it is accelerating, in the red zone it is decelerating.


If the wheel is turned at a slower speed than the orbital speed of a
360° pendulum then in the third quadrant, around 7 to 8 o'clock, a weight
will fall back from the leading cross bar to the trailing cross bar under
Newtonian Gravity.

This energy can be harvested by a spring or other device and locked in to
that device. It can then be carried round to the 1 to 2 o'clock region and
released thus adding to the Newtonian Gravity in that quadrant.

By using a spring one is taking the energy outside the system and storing
it as strain energy. No significant energy is lost from the spring by raising
it from 7 o'clock to 1 o'clock therefore gravitational potential energy is
gained by the system

If the variables are chosen optimally we have free energy.
How far have I got to this end?
Good question.

Well, I've used some elastic bands and confirmed that with the wheel turning
at the right speed the weights do fall back in the manner described. The
bands are stretched but start to lose this stretch in the fourth quadrant which
is not good enough. Clearly I need to lock the energy in by having some kind
of catch to keep the weight in contact with the trailing cross bar before
triggering the catch in the first quadrant.

So far this task has defeated me.

However, I'm sure many of you are better experimenters than I and so
you might like to tackle it yourselves. It would be nice if the forum could
beat mooie to publication.
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Post by Senax »

I have contacted with the following message on their
contact form.
I am making good progress in building a model mooie based on
the info gleaned from your Italian site. ... 919#169919

Thanks for releasing the info.
I doubt if they will reply although they did reply many years ago to someone
who contacted them from the OverUnity forum.
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