The summary of my latest studies

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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by Andyb »

Path finder you are talking about cf i love it I have watched cf for hours in my wheels and i swear cf is a important force to use, my latest uses it on the fall and the lift the fall is faster and cf promotes this,the lift however is greatly reduced this is because the wejght is being forced inwards whilst in roration and the shape of the curve is countering the cf out of all i have learned i would say that some of the best payoffs results come from reducing your weight lift I know the power stroke reaction sounds like this is what is driving the wheel but i think everything has to create together to make this tool go.all the best Andy,
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Post by ruggerodk »

Path finder
you are talking about cf
i love it
I have watched cf for hours in my wheels and i swear cf is a important force to use,
my latest uses it on the fall and the lift
the fall is faster and cf promotes this,
the lift however is greatly reduced
this is because the wejght is being forced inwards whilst in roration and the shape of the curve is countering the cf out
of all i have learned i would say that some of the best payoffs results come from reducing your weight lift
I know the power stroke reaction
sounds like this is what is driving the wheel but i think everything has to create together to make this tool go.
all the best Andy,

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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

Dear Andyb & ruggerodk (same person?),
The centrifugal force could be involved in this old topic too. See here: ... 80c8#55360.

Dear raj,
you wrote:The most difficult part in this type of design, is how to make the ascending weights move INWARDS and UPWARDS at the same time
The path is conform to you assumption.
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

The answer is to go forward for a practical test.
Here below a shot of the wheel including the latest corrections.
The primemover will be linked to the divider (squirrel/hamster cage) and the replica (not yet included) of the small centered gear.

edited (for the newbees):
although the shape is not common, there is a pendulum in this design.
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by Andyb »

No Pathfinder Andy b and Roggerodk are two different people, I think Roggerodk has corrected my style of presentation, or lack of,all the best Andy.
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

Next step of the building.
This time the speed doubler is included (in fact a divider, the transparent relocated disk rotating at the same speed than the main wheel, instead the primemover's rim rotating at half the main speed, what was required).
The four elbowed pendula are not included yet.
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

Here is my latest doubler.
The four rollers (with the green spokes) are free to rotate thanks a gearing (green and yellow) around a rigid axle soldered on the main wheel disk (with the yellow spokes) and follow the circular motion of the main wheel. They have no contact with the inner rim of the main wheel.
The center roller (with the rosa spokes) is free to rotate thanks a gearing (rosa and yellow) around a rigid axle soldered on the same main disk.
The four rollers must absolutely keep the same position during their path around the main center. This is obtained by a heavy load at 6:00 of each roller (not represented here). In this condition the center disk rotates at twice the speed of the main wheel (like the famous squeeze of the two coins).
The implementation of the Raj Balkee's double elbowed pendulum is now much more easy.

Click on the image for a full size and a better view.
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by johannesbender »

I do not know anyone who shows as much as you .
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

Here below another animation explaining my latest building (in progress).
The four weights (in magenta) are not rolling inside the rollers, but inserted inside the rollers. They assume the fixed orientation of the rollers.
The rollers are free to rotate on a gearing located inside the main wheel. They have no contact with the inner rim of the main wheel, but only with the center gear.
The result is a 2X rotation of the center gear (if X is the speed of the main wheel) centered by a gearing inserted in the main wheel.
The green rod can now be used for a link with the arms of the raj's elbowed pendula (not represented).

Note: the center gear and the rollers can be of any size. The only requirement is: the FIVE gears must be of equal size.

Click on the image for a better detailed view.
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

Here below is a detailed drawing showing the concept used in my latest wheel.
The main wheel consists in two complementary sub-assemblies: a doubler and a primemover.
On the drawing the wheel is supposed to rotate clockwise.

The doubler includes four gears, one centered on the main axis, and three located every 120 grades with their center on the same centered circle. The size of the gears is idle, the only mandatory being the same number of teeth.
A chain is used as link between these four A; B; C and D gears, but with a particular path like shown (in black) on the drawing. Many thanks to the Iarga inhabitants for the transfer of the concept (another story). Summarized by JB with the famous 'A'?
The gear D is absolutely free to rotate on the main centered axis.
The A, B, and C gears are free to rotate on their axle thanks a bearing inserted in the main wheel (in red).
On the C and D gears are attached a rod (in green) soldered on the flange of the gear (they are NOT a pendulum, but a kind of bar-bells).
At the end of each rod a weight is attached, whatever the value but heavy enough for assume a fixed direction to the C and D gears.
Note there are only two of these external parts, but the chain obliges the A gear to keep the same direction.
The purpose of this subassembly is to create a referential space whatever the position of the main wheel.
With this configuration the D gear rotates at twice the speed of the main wheel. It can now support the radius G (in green).

The primemover is based on the Raj's concept. On the drawing the double elbowed pendulum is marked in brown.
Note the position of the second grey weight: centered on the main axis, it has no action on the torque.
The efficiency of the system is improved by using some freewheels instead of bearings for the A, B and C gears, clearing the erratic motion of the referential space coming from the E and F weights.

The raj's mechanism is shown again for the new members
Click on the image for a better view.
Comments are welcome.
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

After a long period of time where the priorities were a mandatory, I can return now to my studies.

I spent recently some time in the far south of Italy (Lecce and Otrante) where I put on the paper some ideas (I brought with me no computer). The first drawing below is a scan of one of these notes.
The second shot shows the first step of a building based on this concept. Only one half of the final design is supplied, I must duplicate it for the complete assembly.
Note: remember the keystone of the Bessler's house in Karlshafen (shot #3 for memory).
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

I was waiting on some comments about the position of the satellite.
In the previous shot all three disks are stable because their center are in the same vertical keeling line. But what happens during the rotation of the main wheel? The satellite falls...
So far we need a mechanism able to push permanently the satellite on the inner rim of the main wheel gear.
In my handmade drawing a triangle shall do the job, but this solution don't take in account the variation of the distances.

At this point we can return to the famous 'A' suggested by Bessler.
Bessler wrote:there is some spring, but not used as you think
The animation below shows how this mechanism works. A progressive pressure is applied to the satellite, now be maintained correctly in place whatever the rotation of the main wheel.
Note: the doubler disk don't need this feature, being centered directly to the main axis.
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by Nobody »

Dear path_finder,

first I like to give you also my deepest respect for showing so much of your excellent work and your
very valuable contributions within this forum.

Since you have mentioned and copied a picture of that keystone I like to say something:

A few months ago people were talking (in another forum) about that stone and the clues given through
that keystone. Then one member said he knows "more or less for sure" that this keystone was made
by a devotee of Bessler and after his death.

I have not done any further investigation whether above statement is true or not. I like to say this only
since it is quite important when looking for any clues.

With best regards,
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by path_finder »

Many thanks to Nobody for the encouragement.

Another way to get a simple doubler: the Iarga concept (see the drawing and the post above) implemented in a new building.
The four pendula are aligned with the vertical ground line (the shot introduced a parallax).
This step must be completed with the arm attached to the four central screws and the Raj Balkee's double elbowed pendula.
I cannot imagine why nobody though on this before, including myself? It is so simple!...
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re: The summary of my latest studies

Post by raj »

Dear Path_Finder,

Much, much simpler DOUBLER mechanism.


Keep learning till the end.
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