James asked:
According to your 4th Law of Mechanical Motion, are we then to take it that there would be NO detectable heat exchange coming from the works of a realized, operating Bessler Wheel?
Basically, that is correct. As a rotating overbalanced gravity wheel slowly converts the rest mass energy of its driving weights into the kinetic energy that accelerates it and performs external work, there will be no change in temperature of the wheel...aside from some very slight increase in its surface temperature due to air resistance heating and an increase in bearing temperature.
This is an important point to consider. If Bessler's 4th Law of Motion is valid (and I am most certainly convinced that it is), then one of his wheels could, in theory, actually continue to run even if its temperature could be lowered to Absolute Zero! This is a theoretical temperature of about -459.67 °F at which
all molecular motion ceases and an object then has no thermal energy whatsoever. Of course, to actually have a gravity wheel running at this temperature would require it to be operated inside of an evacuated chamber and to use special lubricant free bearings. Running the wheel in a vacuum would prevent atmospheric gases from condensing on the wheel's parts and either disabling their motions or throwing the wheel seriously out of balance. For the wheel's bearings, perhaps Teflon or magnetic bearings would have to be used at this lowest limit of attainable temperature.
Bill wrote:
Ken, I think your definition has everything to do with supporting your own personal belief's and little to do with discovering Bessler's secret. I don't think you and I are working on the same problem here because I'm only interested in finding Bessler's solution, not yours.
You are quite right, my definition is based on my "personal" beliefs. But, I am firmly convinced that it does, indeed, actually represent what Bessler's wheels were doing. Thus, I am not convinced that Bessler's wheels were merely heat engines that were ahead of their time.
I think I remember Bessler saying that his wheels could be used out of doors in the winter and would be unaffected by the frigid ambient temperatures. That statement would seem to be more in agreement with my conceptualization of his wheels than with them being heat engines of any sort. The ambient temperature differentials outside in winter would be far less than might exist inside a room heated by a fireplace or sunny window. There does not seem to be any evidence that the wheels contained some sort of heat source such as glowing coals or burning oil.
Fletcher wrote:
We know all engines require a gradient to exploit or a differential to be created to be expoited. So far this has happened in mechanical examples by the introduction of fuel or naturally exploiting gradients found in nature.
Quite true and my concept of a Bessler wheel extracting the mass energy of its weights also fits this definition.
In the case of an overbalanced gravity wheel, the "gradient" can be considered to be the difference between two states of one of its drive weights after it has been forced to give up a bit of its rest mass during one wheel rotation. Each weight initially contains an enormous amount of energy that is "locked" up in it. The offset center of rotation of the wheel's drive weights in a planet's gravity field relative to the wheel's axle then serves to unlock this energy and allow it to be changed into the kinetic energy that accelerates the wheel and then performs external work.
In a strange sense, we can think of the this supply of mass energy in each drive weights as analogous to a large charge of electricity stored within a capacitor. When the appropriate circuitry is provided, the electrical energy of the capacitor can be used to perform work until it is all used up. In a similar fashion, the supply of mass energy in the wheel's weights can, when the appropiate mechanics are provided, also perfrom work until it is all used up.
On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:
Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ