Drawings by preoccupied

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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by rlortie »

Rlortie said placing it (the swastika with wide swinging arm) on a vertical axis with crossbars that act like centrifugal receivers, can you elaborate a little more about what you meant rlortie?
I believe what you refer to is the post regarding the merry-go-round with the push-pull horizontal axis pedal bars and the connecting rod is joined to an offset stationary journal/vertical axle.

If one wished to play the game using centrifugal force, you would have to change the horizontal for a vertical pivot. Using a framing square as an example; place the pivot at the 90 and the weight on the blade, connecting the tongue to your connecting rod.

In motion, one will swing outward and attempt to pull the one 180 degrees opposite inward. Describing this does arouse questions regarding the chord angle that Cf actually pulls/creates, not at a right angle to the axis. But more-so with the angle that the weighted lever would be pulling from.

The pessimistic side of this is, how do you pull the outward lever back in once it is fully extended? You would have to rely on inertia (motion) applied to the off-set journal to give you a break even chance!

Please note that I do not endorse this concept, but some may find it educational to experiment with. Who knows, a spring in the right place may be all it takes!

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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by preoccupied »

Tonight I drew a classic overbalanced wheel (red) with the lever falling to one side but I put a mostly balanced rolling ball (green) system in with it. The ball system is supposed to push the lever into place to fall without changing the balance of the wheel. I just doodled, and I didn't put much thought into it.
overbalanced wheel.png
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

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The ball system was something I had seen Raj draw. Thank you raj. I didn't realize it until today. Raj had drawn a rolling ball system to try to think of a balanced method to use centrifugal force.
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

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I drew a Rune "Dagaz" because I think it resembles a mechanism I am studying. Yesterday I read some about runes off of an internet resource called Internet book of shadows. I think the rune looks like a mechanical device. Who likes this rune? I think it was the most brilliant description of hope of all the runes I read there.

The website link quotes Dagaz as:
" V. Dagaz: An elongated 'X' with both the left and
right sides being close into triangles by vertical

|\ /|
| x |
|/ \|

Normal: A major breakthrough is at hand. The right
outcome is inevitable, but not predictable. Timing is
correct. If followed by the blank Rune, the
transformation may be so total as to portend a death, a
successful conclusion to your passage. The dawn has
given way to full daylight. But remember not to
collapse yourself into the future, for that would be
reckless. "
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by murilo »

The design you sent has some to see also with helloha works.

In the link text I found as interesting these last words:

''[ed. note-- I don't agree with the majority of
interpretations presented here, but figure that someone
will find it useful. --Amythyst]''

Sure you are 'that someone'!
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by preoccupied »

I have a question that I'm not sure of. I hope you can help. How heavy does the "???" weight have to be to cause the two 1lbs weights to move up even a little? Or how heave does it have to be to be balanced? I did 1/sin1=57 for the string angle, meaning the weight "???" can be slightly larger than 1/114 lbs to cause it to move just a little. I don't think that's right. I am not a pro with math. My gut says 4 pounds and it's balanced.
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Post by jim_mich »

Initially any amount of weight, regardless of how small, will start to lift the two weights. But just as soon as the middle string sags a tiny amount, then the ??? weight will begin to balance the two 1 lb weights. When the ??? weight has dropped to an infinitely lower distance then the ??? weight will balance when the ??? weight equals 2 lbs.

Therefore the ??? weight may be anywhere between slightly less than 2 lbs and near zero lbs in order to balance.

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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by Tarsier79 »


According to COE in a frictionless environment: The angle of the rope makes the difference as to the balance point. Initially, the centre mass will be losing more PE than is gained by the outside weights. As leverage becomes less, it will take more weight to lift the outside weights. The balance point will be when the amount of PE gained/lost is potentially the same between the centre and outside weights.

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Post by jim_mich »

Well said!

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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by Tarsier79 »

Cheers Jim.
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by preoccupied »

I doodled a picture here and it is a classic overbalanced wheel (red) with only four levers and a balanced ball system (green) to push the lever over before it's in position to fall. I think having a smaller inner circle helps.
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

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I modified my first overbalanced wheel painting and added springs (pink) to the ball system. I also made the levers longer because I think that helps. The springs are to keep the CF from holding the ball against the wheel and to speed up its trajectory to the lever when the wheel is moving faster. It would be interesting if this were what Bessler's wheel was. The weight would make eight bangs against the side of the wheel going around like was eye witnessed.
overbalanced wheel2.png
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

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In my overbalanced wheel2 painting the weights come to be stacked together one against the other because on the left the green weight and the red weight get to be next to each other on the way up. This allows the green weight to start pushing the red weight into place right away when it is topside. The weights are working in pairs such that one weight green pushes the other to fall red weight on lever. The weight gains force or leverage from its own swinging the red weight because it is swinging outwards giving it more mechanical advantage after the green weight pushes over the edge. Springs are employed to the green weights to prevent them from laying against the side of the wheel when in motion and to push velocity towards the red weight to make it more effective. This lines up with clues given on the bessler wheel website. I feel like I'm closer to solving this and I didn't even have to buy the cheat sheet. It's like one of those cracker barrel puzzles.

I think the green weight should be a cylinder so that the lever can pass between the ramp but yet the green weight can hit the lever.. So I've got a cylinder weight pushed by a spring and a lever falling just to clarify. I put a landing area for the weight purposely so that there would be less strain on the lever so that it might not snap under the pressure.
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by preoccupied »

I drew the overbalanced wheel by hand using a ruler and drawing book. My drafting table was left behind when I moved and my other drafting tools are in storage. The picture quality is not perfect as my digital camera is in storage as well. I am using a web cam.

There should be springs (not drawn) on the edges of the ball system to push on the balls when the wheel is in motion. I am very happy to realize this idea. Much thanks to Raj who drew the ball system to attempt a CF wheel before I used it in a drawing incidentally a day ago without knowing. I'm sure Raj's drawing was in my subconscious mind when I was doodling and I'm very pleased about it.

Would arrache like to test build this wheel for me? How about it Rlortie?
OBW drawing.jpg
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re: Drawings by preoccupied

Post by rlortie »


I hate to write you in this manner, but seeing as how you have asked me directly and publicly, I have no other choice than to respond.

Your design you ask if I/we would build, is a perfect training example of what we refer to as the "height for width syndrome" a disease that effects 99% of all levered designs,

Note how many levers you are expecting to lift with the torque value of the three extended. The leverage on #3 is in a reduction stage leaving you with two which neither are in their prime leverage position.

NO! 'Arrache' will not build this for you, but point out to you and others that this type thinking and approach will get you absolutely no where.

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