I believe what you refer to is the post regarding the merry-go-round with the push-pull horizontal axis pedal bars and the connecting rod is joined to an offset stationary journal/vertical axle.Rlortie said placing it (the swastika with wide swinging arm) on a vertical axis with crossbars that act like centrifugal receivers, can you elaborate a little more about what you meant rlortie?
If one wished to play the game using centrifugal force, you would have to change the horizontal for a vertical pivot. Using a framing square as an example; place the pivot at the 90 and the weight on the blade, connecting the tongue to your connecting rod.
In motion, one will swing outward and attempt to pull the one 180 degrees opposite inward. Describing this does arouse questions regarding the chord angle that Cf actually pulls/creates, not at a right angle to the axis. But more-so with the angle that the weighted lever would be pulling from.
The pessimistic side of this is, how do you pull the outward lever back in once it is fully extended? You would have to rely on inertia (motion) applied to the off-set journal to give you a break even chance!
Please note that I do not endorse this concept, but some may find it educational to experiment with. Who knows, a spring in the right place may be all it takes!
My opinion as well as my Doctor for prostrate is eat plenty of broccoli or related greens and follow with cranberry juice. A vitamin "D" supplement is also advised.