One thing my critics are not mentioning is that if I am successful, then what would they be ? And that is the only reason they harass me.
They would lose their credibility and they are very aware of that simple fact.
Still, I have no need for them to emberass themselves in such a fashion so I will be the bigger person and let them have this forum.
James A. Lindgaard, proud son of
an immigrant and an Honorably discharged
disabled Vet.
AB Hammer wrote
The Bigger person???
You really going away after being banned several time here under your many sign in names??? NOW you are going let the rest of us finally have this forum???
I think I am going to loose my supper! I can't breath! slap slap slap the floor.
The reason I was banned was for working on Bessler's wheel. If you notice, people like rlortie, ab hammer and jim_mich are doing nothing more than defending their "credibility" which is not based on working openly or attempting to make known Bessler's work that is his Maschinen Tractate..
And since I am setting up a wood shop specifically to build some of Bessler's drawings to see if they do work in accordance with what he wrote, this would be good cause for people who only discuss his writings to be concerned for their reputations based partly on ridiculing people like myself.
After all, when have they actually shown any work of their own ? They only allude to having done something.
And ab hammer, at 340 lbs., you could stand to lose 140 of those if not a bit more so no, it wouldn't hurt you any if you missed a meal now and then.
Jim Lindgaard /smith66 /....
So you lied again. You are not gone and you most likely will never leave as you keep coming back under new names after being banned. You keep following me to each forum I go to and say the same things over and over again with your slander. Why are you so obsessed with me? It is YOUR!! creditability that is in the crapper not anyone else. Your games won't mean much when I show the wheel, for you sure won't because you are to busy stalking me.
You had a name of BAHammer a derivative of my sign in on OverUnity and you have smith66 knowing I am a blacksmith. The smith part is also a reference of myself but the 66 must be a reference to 666 for you are the devil to torment me as much as you can. So in truth a psychiatrist would say IMO you want to be me. That is what scare me about you, Jim Lindgaard.
I notice you did away with your quote that said something like education limits your imagination.
Why ?
Nah, BAHammer was a reference to Thor, the Norwegian God of Thunder and he has one BAD ASS HAMMER.
I also said that the reason I switched from p-motion to ba hammer was I disliked your attitude, I think you are an ugly and petty person.
Yet, you do have friends in Jim_Mich and rlortie who both agree with you that there is nothing to be found in Bessler's drawings. just a bunch of repetitive junk.
I guess that's where my schooling, ie. education, gives me an advantage over you guys because while I get tired of repeating it, like you guys, I am not always say I can do all these different things depending on how the topic changes.
Just like when rlortie said I am not alone when I am. I am the only person building any of Bessler's drawing with the intention of demonstrating that there is a working wheel in his drawings if not more than one, but 2 or 3.
And yet when I said I was alone in that, he said I was putting down people I don't know and as far as I know have no intention of building any of Bessler's drawings.
Instead, he changed the subject to wood working like they do on This Old house or in the forum The Burl. Anything so it won't be noticed that he doesn't build but like you Alan, do criticize people who do build.
But as I mentioned before, you are nothing but a nuisance. just Ralph's toadie is about all you are.
edited to add; Alan, if you want, you can be like rlortie and insult me for being 1/2 Norwegian. Then again, ralph lives in Eastern Oregon. Would rather not put the area down because of him. After all, his neighbor Ken the Great happens to like the work I do. :-)
Last edited by smith66 on Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
And to everybody who is not friends with rlortie, Jim_Mich or ab hammer,
I did finish the work on the legs for my work bench and it's stringers. possibly on
Wednesday I'll start work on the table for my drill press. It'll be a couple of weeks before I get them finished, I do need to budget my money as well as my time.
I wouldn't mind getting a router table since some of the detail work for the seals might be easier to do that way.
still, the 3 Amigos need a place where they can talk about how good they think they are or how valuable their opinions are. LMAO !!!
A free test bellows for quick test's , with a bicycle tube and a insert in the tetra pack sprout tied with a fishing line will give leak free test . Make a loop in the fishing line , start to wrap from the open side , ( 8 - 10 cycles ) and feed the end of the fishing line back into the loop once the end has been reached , pull the end of the line with the loop through the winding to secure , also good for gas ( L P G ) pipe connections .
One thing my critics are not mentioning is that if I am successful, then what would they be ? And that is the only reason they harass me.
They would lose their credibility and they are very aware of that simple fact.
Still, I have no need for them to emberass themselves in such a fashion so I will be the bigger person and let them have this forum.
James A. Lindgaard, proud son of
an immigrant and an Honorably discharged
disabled Vet.
AB Hammer wrote
The Bigger person???
You really going away after being banned several time here under your many sign in names??? NOW you are going let the rest of us finally have this forum???
I think I am going to loose my supper! I can't breath! slap slap slap the floor.
The reason I was banned was for working on Bessler's wheel. If you notice, people like rlortie, ab hammer and jim_mich are doing nothing more than defending their "credibility" which is not based on working openly or attempting to make known Bessler's work that is his Maschinen Tractate..
And since I am setting up a wood shop specifically to build some of Bessler's drawings to see if they do work in accordance with what he wrote, this would be good cause for people who only discuss his writings to be concerned for their reputations based partly on ridiculing people like myself.
After all, when have they actually shown any work of their own ? They only allude to having done something.
And ab hammer, at 340 lbs., you could stand to lose 140 of those if not a bit more so no, it wouldn't hurt you any if you missed a meal now and then.
Jim Lindgaard /smith66 /....
So you lied again. You are not gone and you most likely will never leave as you keep coming back under new names after being banned. You keep following me to each forum I go to and say the same things over and over again with your slander. Why are you so obsessed with me? It is YOUR!! creditability that is in the crapper not anyone else. Your games won't mean much when I show the wheel, for you sure won't because you are to busy stalking me.
You had a name of BAHammer a derivative of my sign in on OverUnity and you have smith66 knowing I am a blacksmith. The smith part is also a reference of myself but the 66 must be a reference to 666 for you are the devil to torment me as much as you can. So in truth a psychiatrist would say IMO you want to be me. That is what scare me about you, Jim Lindgaard.
I found your quote on an older post >>"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams" <<
No education is the real hindrance. Just look at you.
A free test bellows for quick test's , with a bicycle tube and a insert in the tetra pack sprout tied with a fishing line will give leak free test . Make a loop in the fishing line , start to wrap from the open side , ( 8 - 10 cycles ) and feed the end of the fishing line back into the loop once the end has been reached , pull the end of the line with the loop through the winding to secure , also good for gas ( L P G ) pipe connections .
How exactly does that stuff work ?
I guess you've used it before so you know what you mean.
smith66 wrote:Alan,
I notice you did away with your quote that said something like education limits your imagination.
Why ?
Nah, BAHammer was a reference to Thor, the Norwegian God of Thunder and he has one BAD ASS HAMMER.
I also said that the reason I switched from p-motion to ba hammer was I disliked your attitude, I think you are an ugly and petty person.
Yet, you do have friends in Jim_Mich and rlortie who both agree with you that there is nothing to be found in Bessler's drawings. just a bunch of repetitive junk.
I guess that's where my schooling, ie. education, gives me an advantage over you guys because while I get tired of repeating it, like you guys, I am not always say I can do all these different things depending on how the topic changes.
Just like when rlortie said I am not alone when I am. I am the only person building any of Bessler's drawing with the intention of demonstrating that there is a working wheel in his drawings if not more than one, but 2 or 3.
And yet when I said I was alone in that, he said I was putting down people I don't know and as far as I know have no intention of building any of Bessler's drawings.
Instead, he changed the subject to wood working like they do on This Old house or in the forum The Burl. Anything so it won't be noticed that he doesn't build but like you Alan, do criticize people who do build.
But as I mentioned before, you are nothing but a nuisance. just Ralph's toadie is about all you are.
edited to add; Alan, if you want, you can be like rlortie and insult me for being 1/2 Norwegian. Then again, ralph lives in Eastern Oregon. Would rather not put the area down because of him. After all, his neighbor Ken the Great happens to like the work I do. :-)
Jim Lindgaard
First off Thor is what I named my first hammer wheel. Then you claimed for yourself later to aggravate me. You have a long history picking words to get my attention. You are the one who claims to be the expert but a few of us here are in your way of your delusion. Finish your build, that is what I'm doing. As they say put your money where your mouth is.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"
What some people have missed is that where I live (in the United States of America), there are salvage laws that are recognized. As such, Discovering Bessler's wheel could be construed the same as finding a ship wreck and it's lost treasures.
A storm or other incident happens and the ship and it's treasures are lost to time. And as time goes by, treasure hunters and fortune seekers look for this treasure by reading ancient manuscripts such as ships logs or someone's writings or drawings.
In the U.S., such discoveries now become the property of the flag (country) the ship sailed under. So, under U.S. salvage laws which might be applied to Bessler's wheel, any and all wheels that are constructed and attributed to Bessler could become the property of the country of Germany.
And this is where if someone plans on getting rich off of realizing Bessler's wheel, chances are that will not happen. And to help drive this point home, when myself and ab hammer were posting in the museum of hoaxes dot com, one person told us that if either of us realize Bessler's wheel, we would become nothing more than a foot note in history like that guy who discovered King Tuts tomb who ever he was.
I told the guy that I am okay with that because I was fascinated by the work Bessler had left behind and I think that in the end, that is what it's all about. Either you find Bessler's work fascinating or you don't.
smith66 wrote:
I found your quote on an older post >>"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams" <<
No education is the real hindrance. Just look at you.
Jim Lindgaard
Education is always good. What my statement is a different way of saying don't let your education put blinders on you and put you into a box. So you are not open to new ideas.
Most educated people can see the meaning in my statement. Why couldn't you?
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"
read your previous post telling me to put my money where my mouth is.
Between myself, you, jim_mich and rlortie, I am the only person building.
Considering you missed the obvious, I can not consider you and your 2 friends to have any credibility.
read your previous post telling me to put my money where my mouth is.
Between myself, you, jim_mich and rlortie, I am the only person building.
Considering you missed the obvious, I can not consider you and your 2 friends to have any credibility.
James A. Lindgaard
smith66,Jim_L, the want a be.
yes I have notice you making all small letter of my name. Well small thoughts from a small person.
What you wrote has got me laughing, really laughing. You show a few photos of some wood on some equipment and call yourself building. You have shown some of your test in the past but still no completed builds. The only builds I have ever seen finished from you is the 4 ft rolling dumbbell weights at a storage location a few years ago. Where are your other wheels you keep saying you have and we have never seen? It has been what 6 or 7 years? I have 4 on youtube as we speak and the wonky start I showed this month here on the forum which is less than a year old to help raj on his work if he could use it. I have built more than 70 wheels and nearly 120 test. I have shown several here on this forum and 11 are still in my album and I showed about 17 complete designs as well. Again where are your completed wheel? A few loose boards don't count as a build of a wheel.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"
Why do you always lie so much ?
Just because someone posts a picture of something doesn't prove they built it.
As you have posted, you find pictures on the internet and re post them.
So myself, I can't be sure that you have built anything.
edited to add; Alan, you can not be a part of what I am working on. Your poor attitude towards me is the only reason I need. And I doubt I'll post any more work or idea's.
it's not worth the hassle.
>> A few loose boards don't count as a build of a wheel. <<
I'm getting shit for setting up a shop ? Kind of tells me you have nothing.
Also, I do not consider "private" builds credible because no information prior to demonstration had been made known.
What is posted is open to skepticism as actually having been built by someone who claims they did it but have never discussed it.
In an open forum, that just never will work for me. And also, you have seen a lot of my work Alan. It's why you try to treat me like your bitch and you're just a dog that's all excited over what it's not gonna get.
And the shipment is my drill press which will allow me to assemble those loose boards. Anyone who has actually built something knows it takes time and to build the Museum of Unworkable Devices is nothing to be boasting about.
Like I said, trying to work openly is not worth the hassle, get no respect for it.
Information about shipment
Ship Carrier: UPS
Tracking Number: 1ZAV17000300381805
Status: In transit
Order #: 104-8725132-6579436
Shipment Date: July 23, 2013
Destination: RICHMOND, KY, US
Estimated Arrival: July 29, 2013
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July 23, 2013 09:53:00 PM Phoenix AZ US Package received by carrier
July 23, 2013 04:32:49 PM Goodyear AZ US Package has left seller facility and is in transit to carrier
I see you are still trying to weasel out of a corner Lindgaard?? Purchasing equipment are still not finished wheels.
Again where are your completed wheels? A few loose boards don't count as a build of a wheel.
PS The Bessler's wheel don't revolve around just you, and you are not the last word on credibility because you have none. Get down from your self made 50 ft pedestal and come back down and join the human race.
Last edited by AB Hammer on Wed Jul 24, 2013 9:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Our education can be the limitation to our imagination, and our dreams"