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re: Current work

Post by Art »


What you are planning to do :- build a new sturdy larger version with whatever improvements you think you can make is definitely probably the best way to go .

A diameter of about one meter I find has been the easiest to work with and produces for me the most easily reproducable and dependable results .

Working at that scale I figure you are less likely to miss something that may not be apparent at "micro" levels due to all of the forces that you end up playing with in a rotating system .

In addition to what Wubbly points out above I would add Friction effects which only become apparent in torque situations under dynamic conditions.

While overbalance forces can become torque , it is not until they have become torque that you can determine whether you are getting a backtorque or not until the wheel has completed 360 degrees to a reset .

Static measurements of the overbalance which will produce the torque seem only to indicate the force involved but cannot say much about the backtorques due to friction ( and torque frictions unfortunately I have found seem to be natures way of ratifying Newton's third Law of Action /Reaction ) .

So my recomendation is : -

Mount one mechanism (or two if you can , to make it easier to balance the wheel) on a main "wheel structure or disk " .
Balance the structure as finely as possible , and then measure the number of times the wheel revolves clockwise and then anticlockwise when you drive it with a standard force.
If this measurement is substantially different then you know that you have (1) an asymetric torque producing system and (2) if you lock the mechanisms up and redo the measurement you will then know if it is actually producing excess torque or losing the torque to friction during rotation .

If the results of those tests are positive then my recomendation would be , (A) Break out the bubbly ! , (B) Tell the family you might be acting a bit strange from now on and (C) Concentrate on producing a commercial version that will produce about 200 Watts or thereabouts , and (D) find some investors with a bit of money , to organise manufacturing on a franchise basis worldwide .

I figure once you are at that stage then you should get some good legal advice on how best to protect the "intellectual property " , form a legal entity that you can distribute ownership through , and then be prepared to be a "Bill Gates " for the rest of your life and dedicate your time to philantropy (after you have taken over the world ! : ).

It sounds like a lot of work when you think about it quick , but don't ! , just enjoy the trip as relaxed as you can be .

Remember that working on a Bessler Wheel entitles you to be strange ! : )
Have had the solution to Bessler's Wheel approximately monthly for over 30 years ! But next month is "The One" !
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Jon J Hutton
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re: Current work

Post by Jon J Hutton »

Hey art, I'll go with your advice. I did more testing but I'm convinced that there is no way to be sure of the results without making the entire wheel. In short because i am trying to separate the effects of mass and torque and place them in different places on the wheel it is proving impossible to do as an experiment. I'll make the whole thing. What looked like an obvious oob from mass could of been a slight torque on my part. Good advice. I will just build it and stand back. No one knows what i am doing, i learned to not say anything until it is finished years ago.
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