Crazy as can be wheel concept

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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by Tarsier79 »

Just build it Raj, to the best of your ability. Then you will see the problems.

Just having an offset COM and an incompetent mechanical engineer won't make it turn, just as an unsubstantiated link to besslers wheel doesn't create a fact. Just because you think I have not comprehended your wheel exactly, doesn't mean I haven't comprehended the forces correctly.

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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by raj »

Tarsier79, You are a bit late with your advice.

I am an inventor, with inventions on public records.

As an inventor, I follow invention proceedures:

1. Present full descriptions, drawings, explaining how your invention will work and how it can be built by anybody.
2. Apply fora patent before somebody can make claim to have invented same thing before you.
3. SEEK peer review, (that's what I am doing here on
4. SEEK voluntary or paid collaborators, possible investors for prototyping, building project.

THIS IS WHERE, I find myself right now, with my open invitation to forum members for quotations for paid simulation and build of my wheel concept, which has been posted days ago.

Maybe you didn't notice my invitation for quotation.
That's why you keep repeating ---build ----build ---build...................

I am also in contact with prototype companies, waiting to go ahead with the build which I want to do, without YOU YELLING at me.

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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by raj »

IS THERE a feeling of uneasiness about the outcome of my Pendulums Wheel concept OUTCOME on this forum?

I wonder.

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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by John Collins »

No uneasiness here raj. 🙂 JC
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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by raj »

JC, First of all, I am pleased to see you on my thread.

I am going to repeat something that I have said on this a few years back.

My total income is my half UK pension plus a small local work pension amounting to a total of about 500 GBP, and luckily my expenses are food, electricity and water regular bills monthly. I can easily save 200 GBP every months. But I spend ALL my money on my wheel search. I am not spending my time and money in search of MAKING a fortune. I am only doing all this to keep myself mentally and physically fit.

I have said sometimes before if in a multi trillion to one chance I find a working wheel, It will be in public domain, in return that I am recognised as the inventor.

I am constantly being asked to build. But I have so often conceded that I am just a layman with regards to science, engineering, metal works and works .
Yet you will see how many crude models I have tried and posted on this forum, in the last 10 years I am on this forum.

Finally , maybe you are right. There is no uneasiness on this forum.
But I can’t help seeing signs of uneasiness by ways of some personal comments.

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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by raj »

A proposal:

I am proposing to any forum member/s to join me as joint patent applicants for uk patent application with me being inventor and applicant with other/s as just applicant/s.

I shall pay the application fees, on condition that we all work together to make a successful application and a patent granted and the IP shared in agreed proportion.

Interested members PM me

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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by Robinhood46 »

I sincerely hope that your wheel is a runner. If i could make a suggestion, the first thing you should buy with all of your profit, is a sense of humour.
Visual problems are common, some people can't see things that are there and others see things that aren't.
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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by silent »

I always have hope that your designs are runners. If someone else invents the wheel and shares, we will all benefit from it and what fun it will be. I just want a simple little charging station for my smartphone and to charge batteries on my acreage. I don't care if it's just a trickle charger - it's still OU at that point.

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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Raj,
My sister has visited Prague some years ago and told me that there is a clock/watch which is running since 1410 without being rearranged, rewinded.

Maybe Bessler was inspired from this clock when He visited Prague.
Definitely you can see here Bessler's "Herde", with 12 movable weights.
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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by Fletcher »

It was originally a hanging weight driven clock, weights manually hoisted by ropes.

In 1865 whilst under repair the hoist was changed to electric. ... 104829.pdf
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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by Wubbly »

Raj wrote:Below, is a concept drawing I posted way back in 2013/4, where Path_Finder made a comment worth noting.
Ralph also made a comment worth noting: ... 091#114091

And AB Hammer made a comment worth noting: ... 098#114098

edited to add:

Below is a simulation of a variant of Raj's concept.

It uses a variable radius ramp to move the dual-ended weighted rods.

As the radius of the ramp gets smaller on one side, the weight rolling along the ramp is pushed toward the center while the weight on the opposite side is pushed away from the center.

If one did a static analysis of the torques, one might conclude there is more torque on one side of the wheel than the other.

One might think it's a runner until one understands the concept of the counter-torque that the ramp is exerting on the weights.

The simulation shown is driven by a motor. If the motor is turned off, the graph of the angular velocity trends downward, and the wheel slows to a stop.
WM2D script file to build the above simulation in WM2D.
(31.22 KiB) Downloaded 88 times
One of Raj's wheel concepts
One of Raj's wheel concepts
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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by raj »

To help visualize my Pendulums wheel concept...

Picture2 is the front and back sides of wheel(1) and inner rim(2).

Picture6 is wheel(4) with two smaller fix wheels on either sides to rest/roll on inner rim(2). Pendulums/bobs/weights not been attached yet.

Picture10 shows wheel(1) and wheel(4) assembled.

Pendulums Wheel - build parts - picture  10- 180520.jpg
Pendulums Wheel - build parts - picture  9- 180520.jpg
Pendulums Wheel - build parts - picture  6- 180520.jpg
Pendulums Wheel - build parts - picture 2 - 180520.jpg
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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by Tarsier79 »

Nice work Raj. I love the use of random parts. Is that a cap for a PVC pipe?

After you finish testing, try attaching only 1 pendulum and rotate by hand. This will give you an idea of how 1 will affect rotation both positively and negatively.
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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by raj »

NO T79, they are lids of 20 lt plastic drums.

these pictures are self-explanatory:

Picture12 showing two diametrically pendulums on wheel(4).

Picture13 and picture14 showing wheel(4) with the two pendulums etc being installed on wheel(1).

I am making a genuine and sincere confession:
I SHALL never be able to give proof of concept of my wheel by MYSELF.

I am trying to get help from voluntary or paid engineers.

And I'll keep trying till the end.

Pendulums Wheel - build parts - picture  12- 180520.jpg
Pendulums Wheel - build parts - picture  14- 180520.jpg
Pendulums Wheel - build parts - picture  13- 180520.jpg
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re: Crazy as can be wheel concept

Post by raj »

Just for fun, I followed Tarsier79 advice above this afternoon.

Having finished with my pendulums wheels assembly with two diametrically opposite pendulums with bobs/weights, and not being able to put them on a stand, I decided to stand the pendulum wheel on the floor to see how it will behave.

IT rolled clockwise on the floor a little, as expected, because of torque as shown in my drawings.

But I noticed something odd. IT wasn't the large main wheel1 on axle3 that moved first, but wheel4 moved first as the pendulum at the 12 o'clock position swung and the opposite pendulum at the 6 o'clock close to hub5, moved up counter-clockwise, making wheel4 roll/rotate clockwise, against the concept of latency.

I repeated the test several times, and the result was the same.

NOW, I think I know the reason:
The main wheel1 has nothing to do with the rotation of the pendulums wheel concept. IT IS just a vertical circular road on which wheel4, like a cart, is moving pulled forward by the swinging pendulums, THE HORSE.

IN FACT, it is not the cart and the horse that are moving, but just toing froing, like a hamster in a hamster wheel. It is the vertical circular road that is moving/rotating.

It is a presumption for now. BEATING mechanical latency.

putting horse in front of cart - 190520.jpg
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