Osama's Message to America!

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by primemignonite »


Actually, you did not. I meant to get-over the idea that we are ALL in for great trouble, and even worse here because we need more controlling done because so barbaric, and evermore so on account of our porous, southern border. You have heard of this problem here, have you not?

Your genius Orwell wrote of our mutual futures most masterfully, and now, both our slave nations are simply carrying out what he predicted. We are 'joined at the hip' and thus "Oceania".

Really not complex at all.

Now, let's get busy constructing that "Ministry of Pain" . . .

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »

John wrote:
I was implying that perhaps Tony might be on the way out. I'm not sure we wish to divorce ourselves from you, even if we swallow all that you feed us. :-)
We in America have been hearing about Tony Blair's supposed political demise for years now. Yet he's still the PM and I think maybe 7/7, like 9/11 for Bush, will secure him in office until the end of his unprecedented third term (can he have a 4th term?).

Although Americans, Brits, and other assorted Europeans are certainly fed up with the problems of the Middle East and terrorism, in times of need, they will turn to leaders perceived as "strong" on defense even if they are somewhat less than impressive in other areas of politics.

Yes, I, too, am an Anglophile and it's nice for Americans to be able to visit a "foreign" country where English is spoken (although you Brits are still driving on the wrong side of the street). American and Britain were able to successfully join forces and stop Fascism, Communism, and, no doubt, will eventually stop TerrorISM. Although, quite regretably, the blood "price" will be high.

Most of America has an isolationist mentality at the moment and wants to see our troops pulled out of Iraq as soon as possible. I have no doubt that will be happening within, perhaps, 18 months. However, I think the American people will be in for a bit of shock when they soon discover that most of those troops will be redeployed to other terrorist hot spots in the region and, possibly, into Iran if a land invasion following an aerial assault on their uranium processing facilities is required.

We've been "promised" by Osama that all terrorist activities against the West will immediately stop just as soon as we are out of the region. Yes, that might buy the West some relief and cheaper oil for a while. But, what will we be required to give up doing when Osama's "Caliphate" is then established and all of its long range nuclear missiles are targeted on our cities?

I try not to be an alarmist whenever possible, but I see the potential for a really bad situation developing if the West decides to adopt a hands off policy concerning the fanatics behind such organizations like Al-Qaeda. In fact, the time to truly defeat them may be now or never! That's right, the best time to defeat jihadist fanaticism might just be right now...by which I mean in the next few years.

It's kind of like the situation in that movie The Blob. If it had been destroyed when it was just a handful of goo, then that would have been the end of the matter. Because that was not done, it grew to the size of a house and killed far more people along the way.

We have to think of the jihadists as the effective equivalent of the Blob. The sooner it is eliminated, the better off the world will be.

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by primemignonite »

When pondering such weighty matters, it might be of utility to keep in mind a few facts.

It was WE who gave to the world the atomic bomb and actually used it to mass mortal destruction, and no one else. On top of that, it was WE who went it orders better with the development of the thermo-nuclear class of improvements, and then, on to the neutron bomb, this meant to destroy that living but leaving infrastructure intact!

The Moslems, Arabic and otherwise, are this many human souls: 1,200,000,000+

And now it is WE, we who inserted that murderous technology of atoms into the world, who now seriously contemplate eliminating a very large portion of earth's population, or, if the Israeli Zionists could GET us to do the dirty work, ALL of that magnum number!?!

WHAT is wrong with this picture? Are we poised to give-up all our mortal souls as well as hearts, so as to please a very tiny number of persons merely desiring to STAY at a certain place?

Truth-to-tell, it is the capacity for KILLING BY REMOTE CONTROL that allows such humanity-crushing horrors to be considerable by otherwise sane and good people.

The decision as to how to proceed, and WHO is TRULY culpable in this entire saga now going forward, IS COMING TO YOUR TOWN SOON!

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »


Yes, indeed, it was the USA that first let the atomic genie (or should I say "demon") out of his bottle. But, that was due to the fear that others far worst then us (the Nazis) who beat us to it and then become unstoppable. So, much of the post WWII world's nuclear problems that soon manifested were the unfortunate by-product of the mandatory need to make sure fascist forces did not win that war.

There was a time during the '50's and early '60's when the West was promoting the concept of "Atoms for Peace" and, like the figure in front of the UN building, trying to help the world beat this new nuclear sword into an energy producing plowshare. It all sounded good at first, but then as the nuclear club expanded its numbers the new technology was immediately used to produce weapons stockpiles that still, fifty years later, endanger humanity.

Steps should have been taken back then to make sure that the new technology was very tightly controlled and could only truly be used for "peaceful" civilian power genration. So, much of the problem the world is now having with the potential proliferation of nuclear weapons throughout the Third World countries is all related to that past failure.

You wrote:
And now it is WE, we who inserted that murderous technology of atoms into the world, who now seriously contemplate eliminating a very large portion of earth's population, or, if the Israeli Zionists could GET us to do the dirty work, ALL of that magnum number!?!
At this point, the West is only interested in eradicating the less than 0.1% of the self-professed muslims who are fundamentalist jihadists. However, IF that tiny minority is allowed to control all muslims everywhere, then there is the possibility that many victims of these fanatics could be part of the "collateral damage" that would follow a nuclear exhange between the West and the newly formed nuclear "Caliphate". This is, of course, why the terrorists must be stopped now before they realize their bizarre ambition. I have no doubt, at this point, that they will be stopped. Of course, they are convinced that, since they think Allah is on their side, that they can not be stopped. That erroneous belief on their parts is what will make the next decade or so one of the saddest ones in human history...

Well, August 31st came and went and all that happened, as I predicted, over in Tehran was that Amadinejah gave another speech emphasizing Iran's "right" to develop nuclear technology for "peaceful" purposes.

As a result the AIEA has declared Iran to be in violation of the requirements of the UN Resolution that they must cease all uranium enrichment by this date. Next week, the UN Security Council will be meeting and deciding what sanctions to begin imposing in order to force Iran to comply.

Of course, as we saw in Iraq, such sanctions tend to have little effect on the "governments" of dictatorships. All that happens is that the common citizen's standard of living takes a plunge while the government propaganda mill uses his distress to increase his anger toward whomever the government tells him is responsible. That anger can then serve the purpose of gathering recruits for the military if a war breaks out.

I expect to see the Iranian government immediately react to any sanctions by trying to interfer with the flow of oil through the Persian Gulf which will, of course, raise prices and the tempers of the citizens of Western countries whose governments are enforcing the sanctions.

Right now, folks, we are in the prelude to the actual war that will be taking place in the region come next year. For students of history and warfare (such as myself), this is an excellent opportunity to observe the events that preceed and then cause a war to break out. If the past is any reliable indicator, then the chain of events that lead to war will be very difficult to break or alter. All serious conflicts between human beings tend to be resolved by bloodshed rather than compromise and, I fear, this time will be no different.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »

I'm hearing some interesting little tidbits from "on the street" western reporters in Teheran, Iran.

Apparently, the average Iranian citizen actually admires the USA and the freedom of her citizens! That's right, we are not universally hated over there. Also, the average citizen considers it their country's "right" to be able to develop nuclear technology for peaceful civilian power generation.

Yet, only today, another high ranking Ayatollah there gave a speech in which he said that Israel was a "cobweb" ready to be destroyed and, if the United States decides to take on Iran, we will share the same fate as "the House of Israel"!

A weird idea has occurred to me.

Suppose that the leadership of Iran, fanatical as they are, really do not intend to use nuclear fuel to make warheads with which to intimidate their neighbors? What if they actually just intend to use the technology for "peaceful" civilian power generation and nothing else? The possession of such technology by a country is a great status symbol and would, of course, do much to enhance the prideful feelings of the Iranian people. Many there feel like second class world citizens nowadays in light of Iran's glorious ancient past when it was known as Persia.

If that is the case, then why all the anti-Western, anti-Israel rhetoric? They must realize that such irresponsible talk only heightens the West's fear that their intentions are, ultimately, malicious and a threat to the region and the larger world.

It's easy to just dismiss the Iranian government's obsession with nuclear fuels as the result of their efforts to create some sort of regional hegemony. A regional influence that, with nuclear weapons, could lead to a serious nuclear war there in the future and a major and expensive disruption in the world's supply of fossil fuels. This is an easy assumption to jump to in light of their ruling theocracy's various fundamentalist beliefs and their sponsorship of groups that the West has identified as terrorist.

However, maybe, just maybe, what is going on now between the West, the UN, and Iran is far more complex than it appears on the surface.

Could it be that this whole affair is a "tempest in a teapot" concocted by the Iranian leadership to stir up nationalistic feelings in their population. That is, the plan would be to get all of the average citizens in the country thinking that the West and any soon to be announced sanctions are the cause of all their problems rather than the miserable economy over in Iran that has prevailed there now for over a year? Thus, the average citizen, especially the young people, would turn their focus away from thoughts of revolution and toward hating an external enemy that has actually been artificially created for them.

From the political rhetoric coming out of Teheran, it almost seems to me as though the Iranian leadership wants to be attacked by the West! The idea would be to provoke a limited attack of their nuclear facilities and not another Iraq style invasion. Then, just like the leader of Hezbollah did, their President Amadinejad will, after the smoke has cleared, pop his head out of his bomb shelter and announce to the world that Iran has won its war with the West. Of course, the country's infrastructure will, like Lebanon's now, be a shambles following a prolonged air campaign.

Such a "victory" might be just what Iran is actually looking for with all of the recent provocative anti-Western / anti-Israel rhetoric they are spewing out. With that victory their status in the muslim world would be increased.

Of course, I could be and probably am wrong about all of this. Their desire to obtain nuclear materials for both peaceful and military applications does seem the more probable one to me. At the moment the only thing that would really convince me otherwise would be if Iran agreed to allow AIEA inspectors complete and unresticted access to examine any aspect of their nuclear processing facilities or suspected facilities. If they were to allow that type of scrutiny then even I would have to admit that they might be sincere in their promise not to divert nuclear fuels into the fabrication of warheads.

Well, as with all things in life...time will tell. Meanwhile, I do not think the West or Israel will have the patience to wait much longer. As I write this, war planners in major western capitols are already drawing up plans and running war game simulations...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »

More sad news from one of the fronts in the "war" on terrorism.

It was just reported on the news that an RAF "Nimrod" long range radar surveillance jet crashed in southern Afghanistan and its entire crew of 17 Brits was killed.

Because of the high altitude of the plane, its crash is being attributed to "mechanical failure". Maybe, because it would see improbably that the Taleban has high altitude anti-aircraft missiles...but then again, maybe they do! So far, I'm in agreement with the mechanical failure explanation. But, there is also the possibility of sabotage...maybe someone managed to sneak a barometric bomb aboard that jet before it took off.

Anyway, this loss marks Britain's largest single day loss of military personnel in the ongoing effort to stablize Afghanistan. No doubt, the story will be big news in Britain and cause for national mourning.

On another topic, I notice that UN Secretary General, Koffi Annan, was recently in Teheran and met with their President Ahmadinejad. I suspect that Annan has decided to try appealing to the Iranian leaders on a personal level in an effort the resolve the ongoing stalemate over their insistence on enriching their own uranium. I think this approach might be workable if Iran could be allowed to continue their nuclear research and the UN could be assured that no "peaceful" nuclear fuels were finding their way into warheads. Is that possible? Of course, but it will require the complete cooperation of the Iranian leadership.

So far, they have not been that cooperative. But, as the prospect of sanctions and an overwhelming, civilization reversing air campaign loom larger on the horizon, things may change...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by scott »

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »


Yes, the non-combatant civilian casualties, especially of children, are very sad news, indeed, especially when the side responsible for the tragic losses just belatedly issues a short regretful statement for the "collateral damage" and then gets on with business as usual. This is one of the reasons I am, generally, strongly anti-war and have been a pacifist since the Vietnam "Conflict".

It is, indeed, a very difficult matter to "know" when it is "right" to engage in a conflict with one's fellow human being. It is, indeed, difficult to know if any particular issue is worth fighting for and losing human lives over. Often, I believe, wars are the result of mutual ignorance, fear, greed, and a lack of love and communication between Earth's various peoples. It's probably been this way since the Stone Age and, quite unfortunately, shall probably be this way for the next few centuries.

Now the West finds itself in the bizarre situation in which it must fight the terrorists "in their own backyard" to in order prevent them from committing terrorist acts in Western cities. And, on the other side, the terrorists feel impelled to keep the West under constant attack so as to drive them out of muslim lands. Each side blames the other and there is no real communication possible. Whenever such a dilemma develops, the combat will continue to either one side "wins" or one side gives up. The present "war" on terrorism, I fear, will be no different.

Oh, BTW, the casualty figure I quoted for the crash of the British "Nimrod" was not 17, but rather 14. Yet, it is still the highest one day loss for Britain in the ongoing struggle.

And now for something completely different (as they used to say on the Monty Python Show):

ALERT! The USA may be in imminent danger of a nuclear attack by terrorists!!!

Yesterday, Saturday the 2nd of September, I saw something in the news that made my hair stand on end.

The story, not being carried by the American news media, told how Al-Qaeda has just released another video tape. But, this one had an interesting twist to it.

It presented an American who had converted to Islam and then joined Al-Qaeda. During much of the tape, he requests that all of his fellow Americans immediately convert to Islam. There was one cutaway scene in which Osama's second in command then says everybody in the West should convert to Islam also. The video then returns to the American who, after making the offer, goes on to list all of the evils of the United States and, toward the end, focuses on the use of atomic weapons by the US at the end of WWII.

Well, apparently, the terrorists in Al-Qaeda believe that the Koran requires them to request that people convert to Islam before an attack! Also, I have this feeling that the references to Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not accidental on that tape. This makes me think that there is now the possibility that Al-Qaeda's next attack on US soil could involve nuclear materials...either a "dirty bomb" or some sort of crude, low yield nuclear device.

I also found the timing of the release of the audio tape disturbing. It was released on 9/2 and that is exactly 9 days before 9/11 or the US's upcoming 5th anniversary of the attack on the WTC towers. Coincidence? Hopefully so, but I am surprised that the content and implications of this tape are not being mention on US news shows.

The number 9 is an important one in the pseudoscience of numerology. It can be written as 3 x 3 or 3 + 3 + 3 and 3 is a number associated with God. The release of the video tape just 9 days before 9/11 could be intended to insure that Al-Qaeda's next attack on the US is successful and produces the maximum number of casualties!

If it was up to me, I would be raising our terrorist threat warning color to bright RED which means an attack could be imminent!

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »

Yesterday, Al-Jezeera aired another video tape from Al Qaeda which was most interesting.

It shows Osama meeting with and praying with some of the 9/11 hijackers in the weeks before the attack.

What could the significance of this be? Was its release designed to be a sort of perverted "anniversary" celebration video of the atrocity? Perhaps it was intended to show the world how powerful Al Qaeda is by bragging about their most deadly attack on US soil?

But, then again, perhaps it is a signal to "sleeper" cells within the USA to begin the next 9/11 level casualty producing attack on a US city.

It is now September 8th and we only have 3 days to go until the 11th. I would say that if there is another attack coming this would be the most logical time for Al Qaeda operatives to launch it.

Yet, the US Office of Homeland Security says they are unaware of any evidence of an imminent attack. Well, that, of course, does not mean there is no attack in progress. It might also mean that Al Qaeda has refined its security on the attack with new methods that, unfortunately, we will only learn about IF they are successful.

During the next few days, I will be avoiding using any commercial airlines, trains, buses or visiting any major cities just as a precaution...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by racer270 »

http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/ ... 0FCEFA.htm

what about this ken:....................?
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by Vic Hays »

Just a word from the grapevine.

I don't know if this is authentic information or not. In the wake of the invitation to convert to Islam. This did seem pertinent considering the proximity of the anniversary of 9-11.

"Osama must get permission from his religious superiors. He has received permission to kill 10 million Americans."
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ovyyus »

"Osama must get permission from his religious superiors. He has received permission to kill 10 million Americans."
I predict that Ken will predict that Los Angeles (pop about 10 million) will be the intended target for a nuclear attack. He will also confirm that this makes sense in light of the aggressive central position that LA (Hollywood) takes in promoting both the values of the West and of Zionism upon the World.

Ken might also suggest that, in the mind of Islamic radicals such as Bin Laden, no self-respecting Moslem would live near such an unclean place and therefore, particularly since all people have been fore warned to convert or die, only infidels will be killed in such an attack.

Am I close, Ken? :P

PS: if this prophesy came true, I wonder what retaliation number Bush would request from his god? If history repeats, then the ratio would probably be about 100:1 - that's around 1 Billion 'terrorists'.
Last edited by ovyyus on Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »

Yes, I am aware of Osama's promise to kill millions of Americans. And, 10 million would be about the population of a city like Los Angeles.

Such mass death certainly suggests the use of a nuclear weapon...or some sort of artificially caused plague.

There are, however, problems with the USA responding to such an attack. If one morning Americans awaken to the news that, overnight, a large American city was destroyed with a crude nuclear weapon, then against whom does the American miitary fire a retaliatory nuclear missile at? The only response might be to launch hydrogen bombs at the border between eastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan and hope to kill Osama and his supporter with such an overwhelming attack.

Of course, if he was not in that area then it would be a waste of nuclear power and a LOT of innocent people would be vaporized in the process. That would, truly, be a war crime.

No, I think the better solution is to do what we are doing now. Make the security of the USA and her allies as air tight as possible and engage the terrorists around the world through both direct military action or via police work with local officials. Sooner or later, this should eradicate the movement and make the world safe for democracies and moderate muslims to practice their faith. However, the process will be long and expensive both in terms of money and lives lost.

The American people are mostly fed up with the war in Iraq and I fully expect to see this demonstrated during the upcoming mid term Congressional elections as the Republican Party suffers a major loss of power. Actually, Americans want to see the terrorists eradicated, but they are not "buying" Bush's line that Iraq is a major "front" in the war on terrorism.

Whether or not it is is becoming more academic by the day. The fact is that if Iraq is allowed to succumb to sectarian / insurgent / terrorist violence and to descend into chaos, Al Qaeda will release another tape proclaiming is as another great victory against the "Great Satan" (the USA) by the freedom fighters serving Allah in the defence of Islam. Any perceived "victory" in Iraq will have a profound propaganda value that will make it even harder to eradicate terrorism in the future.

Anyway, in another couple of years, Bush's "tour of duty" as POTUS will be over and a new leader will assume command. I do not expect to see much change in current policies by him even if he is a Democrat. What I think will happen is that the war against terrorism and western involvement in the Middle East will intensify as the military forces of the West begin to be deployed through more states in the region.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ovyyus »

Ken wrote:If one morning Americans awaken to the news that, overnight, a large American city was destroyed with a crude nuclear weapon, then against whom does the American miitary fire a retaliatory nuclear missile at?
Ken, I think my above 100:1 estimate of a retaliatory strike figure is a bit off - I didn't allow for ratio decrease with scale which reduces that figure by an order of magnitude. Perhaps a closer estimate is around 10:1 at the higher end of the slaughter scale, which pans out to around 100 million vaporised and terminally irradiated men, women and children 'terrorists' - or about the population of Iran and Iraq combined. Pure coincidence or not?

Of course, Wile E. Bin Laden won't be in town at zero-hour, otherwise the "war against terrorism" might come to an abrupt end. Luckily, with all those oil fields up for grabs, the cash COW (Coalition Of the Willing) will have a relatively stable energy supply with which to fight a protracted and orderly ongoing multi-generational terror war.

I'm sure some may feel that slightly radioactive petroleum products are a small price to pay for a sense of future security. But perhaps that sense will be tested in a hotter future climate - we're currently planting palm trees and opening surf shops down here in polar Tassie. Let the good times roll - well, for a little while longer at least :P
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by racer270 »

hi guys,
the population of Southern California is in excess of 36 million people....!

all they would have to do is take out hoover damn.....which supplies most of our water and electricity.....
Southern California is a desert without this damn.

what do you think it would do to the economy,if all of a sudden all these peoples power and water supply became finite.......?

also there are enough nuclear weapons aboard ships in San Diego bay to turn Southern California into a barren wasteland...........all thay would need to do is have something to detonate one,to start a chain reaction......maybe it's time to plan a road trip.............!
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