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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »

There is another interesting tidbit which has emerged from the pre-release publicity surrounding Woodward's book, State of Denial. This tidbit, if I understand it correctly, has the potential to really stir things up down in Washington, D.C.

Apparently, according to interviews Woodward conducted, the head of the FBI at the time, George Tenette told Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, one month before the event, that there would be a terrorist attack on the USA on 9/11 and that it would involve aircraft! But, despite this specific warning of the actual day of the attack, no extra security measures were ordered.

If I am correct about this and it proves to be valid, then some rather large heads are going to roll!


P.S. No wonder Woodward wins Pulitzer Prizes...
On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by Mac »

If I'm not mistaken, there was some intel that something was possibly going to happen, but the when and where were unknown. Didn't you say in another thread there's a certain amount of "hype" to selling a book? ;)

Before 9/11 no one on the planet had ever commandeered a passenger jetliner and crashed it into a target, so what seems obvious now was still an unknown factor. And who would have thought they'd be able to overtake 4 of 'em.

Ya just can't have a free society and protect against every lunatic with a new idea though. My biggest complaint is this - there had already been attempts on the Trade Center towers, and yet this terrorist group was apparently not a priority target.

But like everyone else, my hindsight is pretty good... ;)

Cheers, Mac
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by primemignonite »

As Ken and others are NOW beginning to realize (NEWSFLASH: 'beginning to' is always too late), there is almost everything that is rotten about the 9-11 disaster explanation, and damned little that withstands close scrutiny.

This is in conformance with the general condition of the entire Federal Government itself which has become for the most part in surmisable if not provable fact , the very domestic enemy of the People, against which they take oaths to protect us from. Well, sort of *.

I believe that most who serve the ghastly creature haven't an inkling as to the decrepit ness they so-endeavor to further, and, that what they do (i.e. aid and abet criminality on a gargantuan scale, utterly unique to history) they somehow know to be not quite right, but, nonetheless, proceed on with anyway, regardless. There are bills to be paid after all, so insignificant niceties such 'right' as dictated by the heart and the conscience go bye-bye, and then, it's just more business as usual.

One cannot know for sure, but would suspect that it must be great fun for 'agents' of the beast to be able scare the hell out of us lowly ordinaries, by threatening that the whole tyrannical bully apparatus may be brought down upon any one of our heads at any time, upon a mere whim of theirs. Some pretty heady power, alright. This is what we now settle for, and allow to be visited upon our fellows. Feel 'free'? Distinguished?

[What excesses shall we next invite upon ourselves by our uneducated, know-it-all silence? This question does beg for an answer; what outrage next will we take from them?]

For those interested in the amazing history of the take-over and destruction of our former Great Republic, I would suggest starting with the Civil War and the extreme liberties that Saint Lincoln took on pretext of having to prosecute it. As is the identical case with our present Beloved Leader, the warring and hemorrhaging of blood and treasure was purely and solely elective on the part of the Chief Executive, and could have easily been avoided, rumors existing to-the-contrary, now-as-then, notwithstanding.

Lincoln himself suspended the Great Writ of Habeas Corpus, doing this illegally, supposedly pursuant to the so-called 'implied powers' of the Executive as Commander In Chief. The Constitution is explicit in setting out in Article I that this is reserved only to the Congress to do. At least this time around the Congress did it itself, and for once they got it right. Anyone grousing about this de jure suspension of the Writ should read their Constitution. As to the question as to whether it was wise to put such arbitrary, destructive power potential into the present possessors hands, this would be quite another matter for heated debate.

Later on, what happened in 1868 stands as proof, or at least it does for the more gimlet-eyed among us, that our collective goose was headed for the cooking pot forthwith. The supremely wicked Fourteenth Article in Amendment, among many other nasty things, caused the American Citizens of the several states to become directly subject to the Federal Government, and thus, the greatly vaunted "US citizen", so-called, was born into perpetual and inextinguishable debt, and directly subservient to what was formerly the servant. All was then set for a complete reversal of what The Founders intended for us. [It is this pot of porridge which we now accept as being 'sweet liberty'.]

Before that time, the 'Government by and for the States' had no direct authority over the Citizens of the several States in theory, that is, for this was before the later clarifying days of Posse Comitatus, and such matters were, at best, confused on account.

To be continued . . .


*Well, not exactly: The oaths I've heard administered never mention "'the People', but rather, about obligations to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic, and to take care that the laws of the United States and the of the States are dutifully executed, etc. I'm aware of no mention of defending or protecting us who labor and pay for it all!

Did I miss it?

Apparently, the actual important thing is about all that other, and if the job description and laws being faithfully executed happen to include us, then what a good coincidence it is for us, but otherwise, if necessary to doing what is central means that "We . . ." happen to be in the way . . . well, the reader may fill-in the blank!

To me this explains handily why they can kill us with impunity, and often do. So much laboring, supplicating meat we are to them.

The President constantly prattles-on about "protectin' the American people" and other barely-blithered nonsense, but his oath as-administered does not include mention of or obligation put upon him, to do any such thing as I am familiar with, at least. And speaking of laws pursuant, the United States Code is a grand collection of prohibiting laws and laws all about protecting of property and assets of owners, but not us, do I see within it as to be 'protected'.

Why not? Is one left to suppose and hope that it is implied, and will be always inferred by the various executants, prosecutors, the would-be imagined protectors, and of course, 'the Decider'? Apparently, this is the case.

If so, then may God help us, for we will-to-not do it for ourselves.

The great "We . . ." are now about 'well-done'.
Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by docfeelsgood »

James-chief cynic ; well said, nicely stated !! i believe the best fighting blood this country ever had has been killed off in prior wars and that the wimps and wussies now left are concerned about nothing more than beer and monday nite football !!! take that away and maybe it would jerk their head around !!
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by primemignonite »


Thanks for the back pat. Much appreciated it was.

Admittedly, I do get carried away, but what I write stands up well according to the facts.

[Shall I now await that inevitable 'knock on the door'?]

The Lincoln story would appear to be a willful fabrication of lies, as almost all that has been taught to us about him for the past century or so, appears to be be quite opposite to what recently-revealed truth shows.

Just WHAT is one to make of this? Well, my answer, if I were to ask myself, would be: "Not much that's good; that's for sure!"

Doc, here is a link to the Thomas Di Lorenzo Archives: http://www.lewrockwell.com/dilorenzo/di ... -arch.html

If you are not already familiar with them, once you start reading you may not be able to stop for some time, I predict. In it are many articles exposing the utter fraud that Lincoln was, and proving still-yet worse about this bearded, dissembling killer. [Yes, DO let's get rid of the penny. I say design one with brother Patrick Henry's head upon it, if we want a strong dose of REAL 'patriotism'.]

In the list be sure to not miss the one about the wicked SEVENTEENTH ARTICLE IN AMENDMENT. It'll blow your spats off; it did mine! The link to this most delicious morsel of revelation is here: http://www.lewrockwell.com/dilorenzo/dilorenzo93.html

Just think: at one time "US Senators' were CONTROLLED by their States' legislatures, as a calculated check upon the relatively un-controlled Representatives; and they, in-turn, upon the Senators.

This WAS AND IS as it should be. The Founders exquisitely balanced the checks upon power that have now been essentially dissected to very nefarious purpose, over time. THIS is how we ended up with a filthy 'legislative democracy' which works beautifully to demagogues' purposes, but most contrarily to our own.

We got a "Republic; but could not keep it, Mr. Franklin!

Right now US Senators strut and puff and rhetoricise as if they were part of an actual Roman Imperium! THIS WAS NEVER meant to be, but, Rockefeller Sr. and Morgan Sr. desired this injury to be put upon us, and so . . . WE GOT IT, which we now endure the outrage of, in a state of quasi-mystery, because of being ignorant of various past realities that lead directly to it.

But . . . after reading the above lines and Di Lorenzo's piece - NO LONGER!

We Americans are so ill-informed on matters of our own actual history, and suffer-so on account. We sometimes wonder why this or that does not work, or constantly goes haywire, but THERE ARE REASONS that caused the deleterious effects we now grouse about, and it does no good and creates much loss to pretend otherwise, I believe.

REAL history is fascinating and directly relevant, by successive cause-and-effect actions, to what we now suffer!

Take care, Doc; onward and upward!

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »

Mac wrote:
If I'm not mistaken, there was some intel that something was possibly going to happen, but the when and where were unknown.
I think you are right about that. The head of the CIA, George Tennet, knew that something was up and imminent because they had intercept a lot of "signal data" indicating that a big attack "was coming". But, as you say, they were not sure of exactly where in the US, when, or in what form.
Condoleeza Rice was supposedly informed of this in early July of 2001, but neither she or anybody else in the Bush administration seemed that concerned about it. Now, she claims that she does not recall being informed of this impending attack.

It's obvious from studying the various presidencies of the US that they have consistently underrated the determination and abilities of Al Qaeda. In fact, nobody in the White House had even heard of this terrorist group until 1996 or thereabouts which is almost a decade after it formed!

This is a typical American response to problems. We tend to ignore them and hope that they will either go away or be trivial if they manifest. Only after a distaster that costs a lot of lives do we finally start becoming "proactive". I think this attitude was adopted a long time ago as a way of keeping costs down. Well, we have all seen where this mentality has led us.

To protect America and the free world from the terror that groups like Al Qaeda (and they are not necessarily the worst of them!), we will have to be prepared to spend trillions of USD and sacrifice many thousands of more lives. Just the insurgency / sectarian violence in Iraq may take up to a decade to fully qwell. The same will apply to the many more Middle Eastern states that the West will eventually have to be involved with if this oil rich region is to be kept stable enough until the last drop of oil is pumped out of its sands.

In fact, so far we have been in the Middle East longer than we were in WWII! although the cost is not quite yet up to that of that previous nightmare experience. What we are seeing now is a new form of global warfare that will pit the high technology of the West against the low tech fanaticism of religious zealots who are hellbent on a New World Order...theirs!

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by docfeelsgood »

James-Chief Cynic; a splendid array of links you have posted to date !! Thank you. it is good to refresh ones mind periodicly. two books i recommend are "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" and "kiss The Boys Goodbye" [how the united states betrayed its own pows in vietnam] by Monika Jenson-Stevenson & William stevenson . One must always be carefull and alert or there will be "that knock at the door" . i have known of several instances of it happening. in one a posse leader was subjected to a home search and finding nothing, the gendarmes took his legal shotgun sawed the barell off and sentenced him to 7 years in prison under the sullivan law !! no parole eather. another drawed lengthy time under income tax evasion after they confiscated his home , his business, his vehicle, and his old piper aircraft , everything he owned !!! the highlight of the latter was when they had him handcuffed and a marshall was questioning him he reared back and kicked that weasel square in the nuts which laid him flat. anothers home suddenly burned down. and many more instances of the ruthless establishment !!! yes,, do be carefull !!!
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by docfeelsgood »

IMHO, americas last hope was Ross Perot !!! even tho he had his own faults at least the man could think and take viable action !!! i live close to the border and am still hearing that "giant suckin sound" !! i have no sympathy for those that are now complaining but did not vote for him at the time !!!
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by primemignonite »


Thanks for the information on those two volumes. Although I had heard of both, I've never partaken of their offerings. I can just imagine what is in the first, but will take a look-see if in the library, which probably has them. Speaking of libraries, I am so impressed with how so ethically-bound the librarians are! If only it were so with doctors, attorneys and judges, how much better things might be.

Well, I really don't feel all that much in-peril, as no one really pays attention, as the agents of grief must be quite aware, so efficiently have the lessons of utter, pure service-to-self been taught and eagerly learned by most because so appealing to the false-ego.

It is so strange how the teeming majority somehow believes that just by voting, this somehow equates with their being in-control of something truly meaningful, when NOTHING could be more apparently the opposite! This is the wicked self-service part in action, at it's devastating worst, I believe.

Billions of hours spent writing and jaw-boning on this current battle of ways-of-being between the West and Middle East, when they should be raising hell about getting rid of the Amendments 14 through 19! The utter futility is a perfect distraction from important matters. Next month, it will be something totally different. What a wast.

YES, the Nineteenth too! Now there is a REAL 'PC' no-no! Better not utter such a sentiment around our 'betters'!

"There is no better way of influencing the men as by use of the women; therefor let them become our chief study, for soon enough they will do our own work for us, not knowing that they do so." - Adam Weishaupt to the Baron v. Knigge, c. 1777.

This devil was absolutely CORRECT! The males of all countries have been effectively neutralized, by means of over-blown emotionalism now dictating the making of public policy! What a perfect mechanism for dis-arming any possible male-generated, revolutionary fervor!

A perfectly wicked genius, Weishaupt was! If the results of the program had not been so uniformly destructive of all that was worthwhile, I would be in marvelling admiration; I swear it! How clever.

The destruction of our own version of the brilliant English Common Law was assured, concurrent with the rise of the Roman Civil Law replacement, and it's now MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of nutty, cracked-pot statutes, passed mostly by force of the steam of EMOTION, this compliments of our dearests and their decimated, cowardly male convert/abettors. It is SO subtle because to mistakable for the perfectly reasonable, but ultimately, TOTALLY destructive of the essential basics.

Over emotionalized, statutized and criminalized we have now all become, this due mostly to the Nineteenth Article in Amendment, actually. Suffrage should have been left to the States individually to decide upon, that way, when things got TOO bad (such as about fifty years ago) dis-enfranchisement of the feminine trouble-making vote could have been effected. Now, such self-protective correcting action could never be, pre-Mad Max, that is.

Apparently so decrepit a failure the system has become, it INSISTS upon being able to "criminalize" any citizen, at any time, for any reason, such as even simple notionalism might conjure! The rise of mala prohibitum gone evilly INSANE!

One cop to another overheard: "Hey Joe; show me a citizen . . . I'll find you a crime, hah, hah, hah!"

And THIS honor is what we live and pay endless tribute in blood and treasure for?

To be continued . . .

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by scott »

primemignonite wrote:It is so strange how the teeming majority somehow believes that just by voting, this somehow equates with their being in-control of something truly meaningful, when NOTHING could be more apparently the opposite
It's not strange at all. It's a well known problem called democracy. It's exactly why our founders gave us a republic instead.

Too bad we couldn't keep it, just as Franklin predicted.

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by docfeelsgood »

James-Chief Cynic; of the two nooks i had mentioned probobly "kiss the boys goodbye" would be more informative for you. it takes you into the clandestine teirs of government above what we are exposed to. the conspiracy book was kinda a patriots bible before the advent of internet info. i'm sure you are familiar with it all already but its very good info anyhow. i used to buy extra copies and pass them to people i thought would at least read them and hopefully understand. now i'm just settin here on my own little dung hill waitin for the whole thing to collapse. hopefully it will in my lifetime and that the original will rise from the ashes !!!
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by primemignonite »


Some miscellaneous titbits:

Alright, the second one. You know, I think I had at one time, or have somewhere still, the other one. It was a paperback put out in the late Fifties or early Sixties, I think? I remember the "None Dare Call It" part. I'll rummage around in my book boxes and see if I can come up with it.

This just in from old Pat Buchanan:
http://buchanan.org/blog/?p=120 wrote:Should America lose her ethnic-cultural core and become a nation of nations, America will not survive. For nowhere on this earth can one find a multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual nation that is not at risk. Democracy is not enough. Equality is not enough. Free markets are not enough to hold a people together.

* * * * *

What of a belief in democracy being an indispensable part of the “American Creed”? “Democracy… wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide,” wrote Adams. “A democracy [is] the only pure republic, but impracticable beyond the limits of a town,” added Jefferson. Madison was more negative. Writing in Federalist No. 10, he declared, “democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention: have ever been incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” Said Hamilton: “The ancient democracies, in which the people themselves deliberated, never possessed one feature of good government. Their very nature was tyranny.”
The link is there to the entire thing which is VERY fine, I think.

I CAMPAIGNED for Perot! I thought him to be sort of a cross between Truman and Coolidge, and really a possible leader. Bush and his CIA faked him out, pushing all his family buttons and he jettisoned. Boy those psychologists know their stuff.

Buchanan is a true "America Firster" and would be a great Presi. His knowledge of history is daunting and his writing hard to beat. Of course, he was a presidential speech writer.

Will we survive this eight years of mad horror? Will it all actually END on January 20, 2009? I really wonder. The gang now in there may well panic and "pull the string", as Bela Lugosi so manically kept saying in "Glen or Glenda?"

Did my thesis re: the Nineteenth Amendment have any resonance for you? To me it is ALL EXPLANATION. Reading through the arguments pro and con the Amendment is most revealing. The warnings given by the 'old foggies' of the time who were against it, have all come true, and then some. Why can't we learn from past warnings and apply it? When will the failed progress at any price and no matter what come to a well-deserved dead end?

I feel a rant coming on, and I've done enough of it for one night.

Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel (Ret.); Perpetualist First-Class; Iconoclast. "The Iconoclast, like the other mills of God, grinds slowly, but it grinds exceedingly small." - Brann
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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »

Osama must be a happy man tonight...

There is a new rumor in circulation which, once again, has a ring of truth to it.

It appears that Bush has really gotten irritated by the sudden escalation of violence to unprecendented record levels in Iraq despite the US pumping in more troops and the promises of the new Iraqi government to start getting "serious" about the problem, especially in Bahgdad were they are finding about 100 bodies per day of innocent civilians that have been executed by Shia death squads disquised a police officers. In fact, Bush recently called al-Maliki, the Iraqi Prime Minister, and registered his strong annoyance of the situation which, of course, it the exact opposite of what he keeps telling Americans is happening over there.

Now, the rumor in circulation is that Bush finally realizes that his vision of a unified Iraq is an impossibility and attempting to create it will only cause the continuing loss of life that will, inevitably, lead to an all out civil war with the Western troops caught in the middle and trying desperately to duck sniper bullents, IED's, and mortar rounds.

The solution? What many have been advocating all along. Split Iraq up into three separate countries...Kurdistan, Shiitistan, and Shiastan. Preferably a high wall should be built around each to keep their populations from mixing at any time. I suspect that there is about a 90% probability that this "partitioning" will eventually, like during next year, be undertaken.

How does this fit in with Osama's plans for a globe girdling "Caliphate"? Simple. It will be much easier for Al Qaeda operatives to take over individual smaller muslim states than a single large one in a chronic state of civil war.

Osama is now a little bit closer to the realization of his lifelong dream...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »

Well, today (Sunday) just could be the day...

I am referring to the official announcement of a successful test of a North Korean atomic weapon. As I reported several weeks ago, military leaders from a variety of Third World states have been congregating in North Korea and awaiting the successful demonstration of an atomic weapon. North Korea already has up to a dozen nuclear weapons, but they are all untested and based upon designs that were leaked to them (actually they paid for them) from Pakistan.

It is also highly probable that, if the test is successful, that there will be a long line of states, with Iran at the front of the line, eager to buy North Korean nuclear arms. Even at a cost of $1 billion USD per bomb, it's a bargain.

Right now the Western world's eyes are riveted on three possible test areas inside of North Korea. That state is under continuous 24/7 spy plane and satellite surveillance and there are about 100 underground sensors located around the world waiting to detect the first anomalous tremors from a successful underground test.

What will the consequences of such a successful test be? Well, it will make Iran a far greater threat to the stability (and I use the word loosely) of the Middle East and, most highly probably, we will see most of the pro-West, democratic Pacific Rim states opting to "go nuclear". The result will be an increase in the tensions that already exist there and the possibility that "limited" nuclear conflicts with tactical nuclear weapons will break out in that region in the near future. In short, the world, as a whole will be a lot less stable than it now is. And, of course, the risk of a "loose nuke" falling into the hands of a terrorist group will increase...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

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re: Osama's Message to America!

Post by ken_behrendt »

Well, the official testing of North Korea's first nuclear device is now history! It happened yesterday at 01:36 GMT or about 9:30 pm Washington time and 10:30 am North Korean time. The US found out about the detonation from the Chinese government about 20 minutes before it occurred. The blast of the device, which was placed into a mine shaft in northeastern North Korea, produced a 4.2 on the Richter scale tremor that was detected down in South Korea and by the US Geological Service. The blast is estimated to have been equivalent to about 550 tons of TNT which would make it very small and about 1/40 of the blast produced by the bomb that leveled Hiroshima. Now, US military craft are airborne and attempting to collect the faint traces of radioactive gas that, even with underground tests, are inevitably vented into the atmosphere. That evidence will probably be coming in soon.

Obviously, from such a small blast one can conclude that either the device was so crude that it only successfully fissioned a small percentage of the plutonium in contained. Or, that the weapon was physically small in size. Most likely, both scenarios prevail. The North Koreans are probably trying to make nuclear weapons as small as possible so that their two stage Taepodong-2 missiles can carry several of them in a warhead, yet as powerful as possible so that most of the plutonium will undergo fission during detonation. This is a real challenge to achieve and can require much trial and error testing.

Kim Jong Il is apparently hoping that North Korea will, at worst, now be treated like Pakistan was when it tested its first nuke. That is, there will be international condemnation and UN sanctions, but in the long run nothing real (i.e. militarily) will be done to stop their nuclear weapons development program. Will that happen? Most likely YES! North Korea has already stated that if any UN sanctions are imposed on them or an effort is made to attack them, then they will immediately launch a retaliatory attack on South Korea with its million half starved man army which will start with the bombardment of Seoul which is very close to the DMZ established between the two Koreas.

Meanwhile, Iran looks on to see what will happen to North Korea. When it becomes apparent that nothing will happen, then Iran will be emboldened to continue and accelerate its own nuclear weapons program. The truth is that the West has never attacked any state which possessed nuclear weapons and this is a fact that brings much comfort to Jong as he desperately tries to secure his shaky regime in a country that can only be described as a disaster.

So, as of yesterday, the biggest threat to the continental US is no longer either Iran or Al Qaeda, but North Korea whose new long range missile is estimated to be able to strike both Alaska and the western coast of the continental USA. We can expect this threat to increase in the coming decade as other Third World regimes seek these weapons for "peaceful" purposes.

Meanwhile, over in Japan, the government there is having emergency meeting in order to decide what to do about the enormous threat posed to them by North Korea. They will, of course, reach the most obvious conclusion. That is, they will decide to start taking some of the approximately 20 tons of plutonium they've extracted from "spent" nuclear power plant fuel rods and begin turning them into nuclear weapons. Expect them to announce their own test of such a device within the next year...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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