John Collins

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re: John Collins

Post by ovyyus »

Michael, you know when you have a leach attached to your leg. I guess you might let it suck it's fill and drop off when it's ready?
Michael wrote:There is a reason why alchemists hid their knowledge but made it available to the pilgrim, or why mystery schools, citing early christianity as the example, said don't throw pearls...It's all about character building.
Sorry, I don't agree. Keeping knowledge secret is all about power and control, nothing more.
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re: John Collins

Post by Michael »

When it comes to people sucking the life blood out of someone, as in trying to monetarily rip them off, I agree with you. Kick them out. Remember it was me who suggested the rating system in the first place for that very reason.

You might misunderstand me with your nothing comment. I never said anything about keeping knowledge for power or control. The alchemists never did that, and mystery schools of the ancient past were a lot different than the religions of today. When you work for something because you want it ( a pilgrim )you have a much deeper respect and appreciation for it and life in general than if it was handed to you on a silver platter.

meChANical Man.
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re: John Collins

Post by LustInBlack »

Michael, are you making a parallel with the current situation (silver platter etc..) !?
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re: John Collins

Post by rlortie »

Michael wrote;
When you work for something because you want it ( a pilgrim )you have a much deeper respect and appreciation for it and life in general than if it was handed to you on a silver platter.
Well said and to the point! I agree, my upbringing taught me this the old fashion way. If I wanted something I had to earn it or learn it...

IMO it certainly applies here whether in parallel or in general. That which is 'free sourced' or simply give away is not appreciated and the receiver will likely be back asking for more.

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Post by Grimer »

I often feel that people in Britain don't appreciate their National Health Service sufficiently. Likewise with free university education which has now been lost.
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