Gravity motor motto...

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cloud camper
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by cloud camper »

Alex buddy - what are you doing now spending your time pushing trebuchets?

Dude, you had the wheel totally dialed four years ago with the Gravity Self Pulsing Eccenter idea.
You're a brilliant guy - you know "Here it is full, there it is empty".

So lets get back to your earlier idea. Or would you like me to patent it first?
iacob alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi Cloud !

Really,the specific feature of a possible gravity motor is the continuous unbalance : CoG of the sum mass must be out of the center/fulcrum ,on the same side of it.

Gravity is the pushing action, as a pulse/"wave" of energy for an eccentered mass : a free falling inverted pendulum is a plain image...

Our problem can be simplified ,starting with this pendular equivalence.

Let's try it ,as a three steps "movie":

-an inverted pendulum falling up-down 180*

-a counterweight inverted pendulum falling up-down 180*

-a variable (one arm ,only) counterweight inverted pendulum falling up-down 180* ,and then half-turn ( 180*-360* ) , a full turn and even more...this is that I I have a single problem:a bigger size !

Anyway ,in my opinion,we can easy modify a trebuchet ( a war machine with a definite status as a simple gravity machine ) into a gravity power
supply (a "peace" simple gravity machine )'s my personal "bet" !

All the best ! / Alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

well, even if it doesn't lead to a gravity motor, i stand on every american's 2nd amendment right to keep and bear a trebuchet
but don't get a cheap crappy one
you want to be sure it fires in an emergency
iacob alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi !
You can call it (trebuchet,counterweight catapult...) or use it (motion given to an object situated in front of...) as you like.

Our problem is a "classical" one : to play long arm-short arm (we have it as a "self",in the bottom point ,due to gravity ) ,and especially short arm-long arm (we need it as a "self",in the top point,due to rotational inertia ).

If so,it can "lead to a gravity motor"...

All the best ! / Alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

i'm sorry, but i didn't understand a word you just said

when you write "self" are you refering to some term in bessler's cryptic code poems?
iacob alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi !
The word "self",when we talk about a possible gravity powered device, is reffering to self-action ,an independent selfsustaining continuous unbalance ,self-maintaining motion due to gravity fall and rotational inertia..

As a particular point of view ,we use this term for the well-known biphase commutation of the variable arm:

-long arm into a short arm,in the bottom point (we have it so's a very old solved problem),due to gravity .

-short arm into a long arm ,in the top point (we need it in some's an unique and "perpetual "problem,question set for solution )due to rotational my opinion.

All the best ! / Alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

oh--ok--i get it
yes--i believe what you propose is possible--but would require a molecular cheat (in some way) utilizing energies tapped from the quantum level, and would probably have to be applied to the wheel from the outside
it wouldn't be a facilty of tricky internal flippers
but i could even be wrong about THAT


sometimes i see people throwing out references to terms bessler used in his cryptic code poems
and i never read those things, all the way through, super closely
they give me a headache

all codes and puzzles always have--(just my particular feeble brain)

the secret could be in there, but i would be as likely to read a whole phone book
or all the 20,000 pages of the obamacare bill
iacob alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi Dwylbtzle !

I appreciate your quasi-poetic,but sincere are thinking "outside the box", from your deep inside.

About some aspects regarding the word "quanta",you can find some explanatory messages ,if you type "play quanta..." ,at :

-"Play quanta..."(May 2012)
-"Newton's suggestions..." (Apr 2012 )
-"Gravity as a quantum state" (Vic Hays,Jul 2012)

Everything around us,if set free,plays quanta...

All the best ! / Alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

those little subatomic dancers have all kindza surprises for us, i'm sure
as above so below
despise not the day of little things
finally, i'm sure, you eventually find it's all generated by consciousness
it was all SPOKEN into existence
"Let there be light" and there was
iacob alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi !

Perpetuum mobile/continuous motion is everywhere , from the subatomic scale ("little subatomic dancers ...",as you say ) to the huge scenery of galaxies.

The dance of the dust of flowers (pollen) ,you can see at :

...and that of stars , at :

The appearance of chaotical motion ,is explained by the evolution of histogram over time (the shape is a normal distribution...) , as a wave regularity.

The problem is that everything is supplied with free power , in a manner suited to his size and shape...

Our problem can be :what is our model to get free power?!

All the best! / Alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

" Just because we's hypnotized, it don't mean we cain't dance."
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by Richard »

dear jacob alex and cloud camper:

I have missed you guys so much that my heart aches in me

I love you with all my heart and all my soul

where man meets science and god meets man never the twain shall meet...till god and man and science sit at gods great judgement seat..a tribute to Bessler....kipling I think
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cloud camper
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by cloud camper »

Hi Richard - wow I didn't know anyone cared!

Seriously tho, Alex and I have been busy oscillating parametrically. Alex is currently contemplating trebuchets and I am finishing up a wheel concept.

Spill your guts to us! We care about you too!
iacob alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by iacob alex »

Hi !
It seems to me,that a kind of hypnosis,"sleep" alike condition (reffering to Zappa's quote...) of this forum,can be the wheel concept (see "Bhaskara cage..." topic , to be more accurately...).

By the way,Richard ,we care about quiet.

The perpetuum mobile concept is a natural, huge one : reffering to mechanical motion,the near to us Sun-Earth-Moon can be a real model to "copy".

How can we do this?

Inside the existing theory,in my opinion,we can evolve the lever concept of Archimedes into a self oscillatory lever,due to gravity fall and inertia in-out -storage.

So,for the moment we have "wheel"(including Cloud's one...) vs. lever" :a honest difference can be a hope for a suitable advance...

All the best ! / Alex
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re: Gravity motor motto...

Post by Dwylbtzle »

oh i was just refering to most americans being hypnotized by television
and stuff, (mostly)
(and bright and/or moving objects in general)
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