Donald Trump 2016?

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Post by WaltzCee »

jim_mich wrote:Yes, the poll workers COULD rig the election, they COULD turn in fake results. But such would require conspiracy. Most poll workers are older ladies from the community.

Halloween's over but wouldn't this
be a frightening sight at your polling place?
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by rlortie »

Now that it is all said and done, I would like to share my opinion:

If a presidential nominee was capable of keeping all his promises before elected, and was responsible for all that happens after elected, he would not be a president but a dictator!

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Re: re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by james.lindgard »

Oystein wrote:In my view, and many others outside US, this is what it looks like:

All Trump does is to push populism slander and beliefs that creates resonance among the less intelligent people. Like undocumented conspiracies and rage against the establishment. (against "them"). And putting the blame for their problems on others, outsiders and foreigners etc.

It is not hard to resonate among many voters, but that don`t mean that they are right. Rather the contrary.

Like a Norwegian philosopher and poet wrote (Henrik Ibsen). About voting and democracy 150 years ago:

"It is no discussion that the stupid is in great and shocking majority everywhere on this earth. But it just can't be right that the stupid should rule over the wise."

It\s not a discussion that Ibsen was right, and that this is what we now see in the US 150 years later. The problem will most likely persist/exist forever.
What I find disturbing is his claim that anyone who protests against him is paid by the media. I don't think he understands that some people did not want a President who said women liked him grabbing their vaginas because he was rich. After that, he said he won the election which was all he cared about and now people should do what he wants.
It could be many Americans wanted someone for reasons that Richard Sherman a Seahwak football player said. Basically that white Americans are tired of taking everyone's crap.
It is possible that they voted for him because people like reality television shows and thought having one from the White House would be nice because it would be entertainment. And also a way to let the 2 political parties know that Americans are tired of either party wanting control over America for their own agenda. The bipartisanship might have gotten old.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by justsomeone »

I think it would be great to make all candidates swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth before all debates. Make a lie at a debate punishable by law! Let's make it a felony!
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LOL! That would defiantly be a way to clean up the swamp of our government.
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Re: re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by WaltzCee »

rlortie wrote:Now that it is all said and done, I would like to share my opinion:Ralph
??? Really? All has been said? All has been done? Are we suggesting this is the final word?

Really? When in the hell has this ever been put to a vote? The cyborg wins? Really?

Well, shut my mouth!!!!! Give it your damnest. :)
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Post by Fcdriver »

There are about 60 million non-citizens in the US, allowing a portion of them to vote, is trying to rig a election! If 5% of non-citizens voted that would be 3 million votes! To understand how Texas was taken from Mexico, by people migrating there then voting for independence, then later becoming a State! Is it really that hard to rig a election?
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Post by Fcdriver »

Whether it be the West Bank in Israel or the history of Texas, why do you think it is illegal to go Mexico, but they allow their citizens to come here? Mexico does not want settlements of Americans, in large numbers, neither does Canada!
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by helloha »

The election is over, instead of holding on the past, we should focus on the future.

Let's see how's the next 4 years going to be like?

How's the policies brought forward by this mad man going to fare?
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by WaltzCee »

How's the policies brought forward by this mad man going to fare?
What ever the truth is, is there some new truth that was never comprehended? Is there something new under heavens sun? Fascinating. Should we dismiss the understanding of the past and move forward into this brave new world as you seem to suggest here:
instead of holding on the past, we should focus on the future.
I'm intrigued.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by daxwc »

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Re: re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by TGM »

helloha wrote:How's the policies brought forward by this mad man going to fare?
Typical press-fed response.

You cannot judge his policies since he hasn't even been inaugurated.

You can, however, worry about what will happen if faithless electors choose hiLIARy. Anarchy would result.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by Oystein »

if faithless electors choose hiLIARy
Typical populist-fed response.

Trump is THE huge liar that has been taken with his pants down many times already. If the election was rigged against him by the elite', as he ensured, how could he win??? He is just FULL of populistic and cinspiratory LIEs, (normally called crap), without any documentation or any respect for the many intelligent and kind people he tell his lies to. I have been working for such leaders many times. They always like to lead...and lie if it benefits THEM, because THEY ARE the ONE with any rights. They cheat on taxes...because they really believe they are the best and smartest. It's called egocentric and even has a diagnosis. This phenomena has been tested on rich people vs. poor people and on people with cheap cars vs. expensive cars. The drivers with expensive cars start to CARE LESS for the other people in the traffic. Like stopping for walking people or people with handicaps etc. Why?? Because they feel the success and the car really makes them better people! Yes. you heard me right. Your brain will in time make you believe you are a more important person. You even might start cheating on taxes, because you will feel you are entitled to. This is the reason Trump can grab pussies and cheat on taxes...because he believes he is better than YOU! He don't really care for YOU, but only what you mean to the market he has invested in. Believe me!! But when these leaders are presented to logical (IQ) tests, they often fail big time!! They seem to mix up IQ and being smart with money or objects and lack of empathy. Like when a person cheats he thinks he is smarter, but guess what, maybe I didn't want to cheat? Maybe I didn't want to use my life on making money on cheating others for my own economic gain. Trump reach out to people that he know will believe his undocumented lies without questioning them nor use them against him when the lies are exposed and proven wrong. It is always a corrupt elite to blame for anything. Even making Trump lie. Those voters will never even believe or accept that they did believed in his lies. For them people like Hillary will always be the big liars, and Trump the innocent whistle-blower...

Populism is a political ideology that believes that virtuous citizens are mistreated by a small circle of elites, who can be overthrown if the people recognize the danger and work together 'the pure people' against 'the corrupt elite' Ref. Wikipedia

(As I wrote, In my opinion)
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by daxwc »

Fear mongering how much the needle will hurt contrasted against the enigma of actually getting cured by the medicine.
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re: Donald Trump 2016?

Post by TGM »

This isn't going anywhere. Time to take a wait and see.
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