Senax wrote:You're not just a pretty face, ME, are you. ;-)
I don't know if you ever have seen my face but, besides my pretty face, I also have this amazing stomach which is apparently able to turn and crumble when I read some of the replies here.
And please don't forget and underestimate my gut feelings here. Even though I suspect its environment is not meant to be pretty at all, I still feel free enough to happily let it go and share its results with all of you.
Apparently some share the same motivation and posted their thought processes with seriously less consistency. At some points I slip and totally get flabbergasted. But that's totally my bad.
I know it is an unrealizable illusion, but let me return a counter strike to protect all our egos.
Sorry guys, I really can't hold it any longer… here I go. What's the saying: "Duck and cover"?
Oystein wrote:This one was so easy, and in my opinion, your erea and Germany is full of this tradition. So full that it seems like it was more the standard than exceptions. This example is just to illustrate that you just have to look around, and this is why a FreeMason would be depicted as me :) So simple, for all to spot...but we don't if we are not shown.
(I still assume to be on ignore, so it’s like firing blanks)
You get used to what you know. And will see precisely that exact thing that's imprinted in your brain just about everywhere you look... I personally like to choose what I see, but I understand some are incapable of independent critical thought... but what do I know... :-)
Seriously, I ask rhetorically, who really cares about other one's made-up codes.
Is it 'fear' in general, 'greed', this 'Fear Of Missing Out' syndrome, spying, voyeurism, lack of imagination, lack of self-control?
What? Why? Yes, codes may be interesting up to some point: do your thing, ask annoying questions, expose all the secrets if you please, but just bugger off with the assumed nonsense... it's just worse than any "secret".
Trying to expose Freemasons? LMAO, perhaps unaware of your grade or level.
It is not ignorance to stay away from all those so assumed important codes; we just have to live a life. Otherwise it's just better to join that group, because there are simply more "codes" outside the range of visibility so we have to go deep. And joining such group is perfectly fine too. What better way to learn a thing, than just joining the group exercising that exact thing you want to learn more about – I suspect this "open-mind"-theory fails badly here, so I would advice a critical mind as a way to filter out the nonsense and to keep the things of value. (For some reason mine slams shut completely on some replies).
Sure, many can relate with the search for hidden relations and the thrill of finding secret message here and there... If that helps to discover a physically possible mechanism; then why the heck not. Perhaps it points to something better than random.
Codes as a watermarking method just like current DRM, to ensure ownership and the likes... seems valid. That possibly has some historic value. But strangely we already know what the source is when the only place we look is actually that exact source.
So in my opinion that proofs not a single thing. Some have another opinion, that’s ok too.
I read here that Bessler's wheel is definitely powered by codes, electromagnetism, piezo electric propulsion, and possibly goes near or perhaps faster than the speed of light
-- Is this all inclusive, or do we need to pick one?
And although I know it's difficult to expect a tiny bit of sanity on a forum for perpetual motion research... but babies? Really ... ing%20(me)? Yes, you told us you think it is metaphor.
Here's a possible metaphor, but I actually mean it:
- I really hope everyone's kid has the capabilities and the abilities to study something interesting to kick start new and awesome discoveries, whatever that may be.
(with or without parental permission or fear)
Sometimes mistakes are codes, sometimes mistakes are just mistakes. And how do we know? (oops, collateral damage) Let's find out:
John Collins wrote:I also can point to apparent mistakes which are in reality guidance to the solution. They don’t relate to historical methods such as yours do but they are still ingenious. No woodcut by Bessler ever retained any mistakes, if errors are found then they are deliberate and an explanation should be sought.
So now we have *at least* two totally different methods of decoding the same stuff. That this happens to be one's own discovery is surprisingly the most ingenious ever? [...] o_O
That doesn't ring any carillon, a bell, ... a single
Mind me to observe that this is seriously one of the better replies in this topic with the title it has.
Holy smokes.... Casualties!
It looks like Nuance died, Common Sense seriously injured, and Reason is MIA!!