Gene wrote:
I couldn't argue that Robert hasn't been offensive. He's offended me. He hasn't done a good job at it yet Robert has made the point that some have offended him. When you reduce everything as much as you can people have been offensive on both sides. The real question is, 'has Robert been fraudulent?' I don't think he has.
I tend to agree with the observation that Robert really has not claimed to have a working wheel yet and he has not tried to profit by such claims. As far a being offensive is concerned, sometimes, on any forum, a name calling contest can start up because one member says something that is misinterpreted by another and the matter escalates until someone gets banned from the board. I've seen it happen on other discussion boards with some frequency. Each of the parties involved will claim the other started it and then proceed to post past quotations of the other in an effort to verify their charge. It goes around and around and nothing is finally accomplished.
That's why I have tried to cultivate the ability to disagree with someone else without becoming disagreeable in the process. I agree when I can and disagree when I must. But, on the other hand, I've also had many experiences in the past where others have successfully managed to point out my mistaken assumptions to me and when I can accept my mistake, I am willing to acknowledge my error, change my mind about things, and then get on with life. There's nothing wrong with being wrong in life just so long as one can learn from one's mistakes and try to use that new knowledge to make progress.
As far as George is concerned, it is difficult for me to determine if he is a fraud or not. One the one hand he has posted copious amounts of graphics and talks as though he has working devices. But, on the other hand, the few who have tried to replicate his devices seem to report that they do not work. I guess that, in the final analysis, we must look at the "weight" of the evidence in any case. If a single person or even a few people claim that a device works and there is a growing body of individuals who say that they have attempted to replicate the device without success, then a point is reached where one can not merely dismiss all of the failures as due to imprecision or an error in replication. One must eventually realize that either a case of fraud or delusion is involved. Sadly, much time, effort, and money can be wasted before such a judgement can finally be rendered with confidence.
You posted an intriguing photo from George's site showing what appears to be a wooden scale model of the Merseberg wheel. Does it work? I do not know. Would a video clip of it accelerating prove it did? No. The video could be faked. Would the testimony of one of the inventor's friends prove it did? No. They could be deluded or part of a scam. Suppose a newbie showed up on this Discussion Board and claimed he had built the device and it worked. Would that prove it worked? No. They could also be deluded or part of a scam. We must always remember that this Discussion Board can act as a giant magnet for fraudsters looking for victims to market their worthless devices to.
So, how can one ever know if a device is workable? There are only two ways I know of. Either build the device yourself and prove it works or receive the testimony from someone else
that you trust who says it works. Unfortunately, these conditions have been lacking in all cases I am aware of regarding free energy type devices...with the single acception of Bessler's wheels. Although Count Karl may not have been an angel in the morality department, I feel I can trust him when he stated Bessler's Kassel wheel was the real thing. That is enough to keep me searching for a way to duplicate the invention. When it comes to George's devices, so far, I have not heard or read about any sort of
independent collaborative information that would convince me 100% that they were, in fact, genuine. Will that change in the future? I do not know, but I will try to maintain an open mind pending further information.
On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:
Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ