Definition of "Gravity is conservative" ?

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re: Definition of "Gravity is conservative" ?

Post by getterdone »

Hi Bill, I just wanted to say that I agree with Trevor. There's just too many different configuration that can be built within a wheel to rule out the possibility that we may be loop-holes in Newton's law.

I'll set up a demonstration before the end of the month and try to prove to you ,Jim and Fletcher that there are ways around Newton's law, something simple and beyond dispute.

With regards

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re: Definition of "Gravity is conservative" ?

Post by ovyyus »

getterdone wrote:I'll set up a demonstration before the end of the month and try to prove to you ,Jim and Fletcher that there are ways around Newton's law, something simple and beyond dispute.
Now you're talking! I look forward to it Leo.
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re: Definition of "Gravity is conservative" ?

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi bill,

the only wheel based experiments I have seen back up and support my own findings, so ignore my experiments if you want, as that is what you are doing, and look at those.

Perhaps you could show me just one experiment that will not prove that multi levers will balance, my design is a counterbalance lever reset, a path not taken into account by the founders of the energy laws, all the evidence says that levers system will balance, there is no evidence to say other wise, I guess it is better to ignore it.

Regards Trevor
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re: Definition of "Gravity is conservative" ?

Post by ovyyus »

Trevor wrote:so ignore my experiments if you want
What experiment? I keep asking you to present just one experiment that supports your belief in a non conservative gravity. I keep asking you to be specific. You keep beating around the bush and saying it's my job to prove you wrong. How can I take this seriously?

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re: Definition of "Gravity is conservative" ?

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi All,

let me just say that my theory’s based on my own observations on a path to reset falling levers taking less energy than you would get from there fall, providing that the falling levers energy is tapped and store for reuse, this path being wheel mounted multi levers that due to the balancing nature of gravity and geometry provide a counter balance lever reset.

This observation and over 30 years of experiments, has brought into question my understanding of whether or not gravity is a conservative force, I believe gravity is not a conservative force because if it is then there can be no exceptions to the rule, I believe that the force of Gravity,
is just that, a force of gravity! Why people need to call it anything else is beyond my logic.

This theory is my thinking on the subject and I ask no one to believe it, But personally it has open my eyes to the large cracks in physics teaching because when you start to question it you find that other peoples Theory’s are just that Theory’s, and there own observations can only be based on what they have seen, I believe I have seen different paths that most people have not and in some cases will not see.

For those who WANT to see the balanced nature of multi levers there are Photos of some multi lever experiments on my web site this site is a mess and needs up dating with some more information and drawings but I have not had time as I have been building more experiments.

Regards Trevor
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Re: re: Definition of "Gravity is conservative" ?

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

ovyyus wrote:
Trevor wrote:so ignore my experiments if you want
What experiment? I keep asking you to present just one experiment that supports your belief in a non conservative gravity. I keep asking you to be specific. You keep beating around the bush and saying it's my job to prove you wrong. How can I take this seriously?

Leo has a more practical approach.
Hi Bill,

you believe in your Gravity and I will believe in my Gravity I have seen no proof of it being a conservative force and you have not showed me any apart from earth orbit is like a fidge magnet.

I have shown you no experiment that will change your mind that is a fact!

I ask early on that people who want to believe that gravity is a conservative force are welcome to do so, I would not expect you to believe it to be anything else, so you are welcome to your belief, and I should be welcome to mine, lets leave it like that.

Regards Trevor
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Post by nicbordeaux »

Trevor, the first vid: 8 to one OU and you claim one megawatt in 8 out. No generator is 100 % efficient. Small detail, ok. You've gone to the trouble of building your device, salvage 8 bicycle dynamos (the bottle type) or if you hit a stash 8 hub generators. Mount them. And run the thing. It works or it doesn't.
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re: Definition of "Gravity is conservative" ?

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi Nick,

There is room to play with the ratios to counter friction loses, as it is based on a larger torque of the leverage system to totally overwhelm the generators needed torque.

This is my next step, I have to find 2 suitable generators one is to drive the devices motor the second is for a lighting array there will be no cables connected to the device, there can be no battery's, so the generator will have to be powerful enough to drive the drive motors, the Geo Genny will be started with a hand held electric drill to take it up to speed until the generators kick in and takes over, the loop then can be shown closed and the lighting array will show the output no meters just a clear demonstration. I know what puts me off the stuff I see on youtube and I want to be free from it.

Thanks for you input Nick, Regards Trevor

Edit I am not to worried about proving the 8 to 1 at the minute, anymore output than the paid for energy input will suit my purpose.
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re: Definition of "Gravity is conservative" ?

Post by Tarsier79 »

Trevor, you know my viewpoint on the Geo-Genny. But I have some advice.

Having an open mind, be just as prepared for it not to work, as you believe it will work.

In the case that it doesn't, don't be disheartened by failure, but learn why it doesn't work.

Good luck!
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re: Definition of "Gravity is conservative" ?

Post by Trevor Lyn Whatford »

Hi Kaine,

Thanks, as we know there is no point arguing over fiction, although I hope you are wrong, the fact is it needs to be built, that is the only way, if I am right or wrong, it looks to good not to be built, I have spent so much time in my life on such things why stop now, people think I am stupid any way so its not like I have a reputation to keep, who knows I might even redeem one, whats life without challenges?

With respect Trevor
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re: Definition of "Gravity is conservative" ?

Post by ovyyus »

trevor wrote:you believe in your Gravity and I will believe in my Gravity
Trevor, I try not to hold a belief one way or the other. I tend to think belief often makes us less knowledgable than we might otherwise be. Particularly when trying to solve a mystery.

Demonstration is the ultimate argument winner. To date there is no demonstration showing that gravity acts non conservatively. We can believe what we like but until someone can demonstrate otherwise, that is the current situation.

Who knows, maybe that someone will be you? But clearly not today. Good luck.
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