Stewart Quote:
And I have seen it cause problems for that translator, which then causes problems for people here who hang on Bessler's every word.
Guilty as charged; but I love the chase of the mystery. Like a drug I end up going to the translator, even though it has bitten me in the ass so many times. My only defense is you come drag me out and members learn the truth.
I nearly died laughing at that! 'orgiis' here means 'fathoms' (German: Klafters)!
Also it's not even the right quote that Bill was originally talking about. The quote Bill is refering to comes from a letter from Wolff to Leibnitz (dated 19th December 1715), whereas that quote comes from the attestation of the Merseburg wheel that was reproduced in DT.
That was me looking for evidence on Bill’s theory; I didn’t mean to confuse people by changing the subject. I realised soon after that I had made a mistake on orgiis and should have come clean, but… well you know why.
"... Which rapid motion it likewise maintained when a box together with six whole wall-bricks, weighing about 70 pounds approximately, was attached several times in fact by an awkward rope sloping from the perpendicular 8 yards, proceeding through a window and rising all the way to the roof and from there hanging down several fathoms into the courtyard, and is raised aloft all the way to the roof by the machine's impetus, as often as of course was requested. ..."
Thank you and even more for the German version.
It does seem possible grammatically to also get the following for the last part: "..., in order that the ascent would be slow enough.". The difference between the two would be the slow ascent being the desired result of using the pulley reduction, rather than a negative result of using it to try to increase the power.
Did they have a mechanical use in mind that needed to be slower? Ideas Stewart?
What goes around, comes around.