Forecasting Weather Long Range using the Moon's gravitation.

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Forecasting Weather Long Range using the Moon's gravitation.

Post by Fletcher »

For those interested. Worth investigating. Trev's full moon comment reminded me.

Ken Ring successfully (85-93% accuracy) predicts long range (days, months, years, decades ahead) weather systems anywhere in the world.

A parallel system to current Meteorological theory, which is only good for a few days out.

Ken says the moon's gravitational effect on the upper atmosphere enables him to determine the weather patterns to come which he calculates from an almanac.

He has much credence & following by farmers in New Zealand, many of whom use his service rather than the traditional Met Service.
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re: Forecasting Weather Long Range using the Moon's gravitat

Post by ken_behrendt »


Yes, I think that the moon does exert a lot of influence on our planet as well as its inhabitants...human and otherwise!

I checked out the link provided and found this tidbit:
The old cultures knew that was the time for planting and fishing and so, over thousands of years they grew the lunar planting and fishing calendars. Data coming now from NASA suggests that lunar calendar systems used by many ancient and surviving cultures to determine seasonal climatic fluctuations indeed had a sound scientific basis.
So, I guess if our moon can affect the tides in our oceans, then it could also affect "tides" in our atmosphere that direct the movement of air around the globe. Also, during the time of the new moon, our Earth is partially shielded from the Solar Wind and this then has an influence on the levels of ionization in our atmosphere.

However, most people (like the 95% or so who are not farmers or fishermen) are more interested in accurate short term weather prediction. For example, Ken Ring's theories might tell us that over the next decade the number of tropical depressions in the mid-Atlantic Ocean that become catagory 5 hurricanes will increase, but can not predict where on the Texas/Louisiana coastline hurricane Rita is going to make landfall next week.

I'm sure that when we finally have a complete theoretical model for the weather patterns on planet Earth, we will see that it includes the influences of our moon, our Sun, and perhaps even the other planets in the Solar System!

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Forecasting Weather Long Range using the Moon's gravitat

Post by ovyyus »

Thanks Fletcher. Interesting comments about global warming on his main website...
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re: Forecasting Weather Long Range using the Moon's gravitat

Post by Fletcher »

I heard him speaking on the wireless early in the week & I had heard of his predictive prowess a couple of years ago.

He makes very telling comment's about Global warming & Kyoto etc.

Ken, he predicts hurricanes their strength & positioning etc. I heard him say that he likes to give himself a couple of days leeway each side of predicted events due localised effects i.e. he might predict heavy rain in your area next week, but you live in the valley over so don't get it exactly on the day it arrives locally. He recently did something similar for Sydney & I understand he was dead on.

The difference imo Ken is that mainstream meteorologists look at a satellite map & taken along with ship & aircraft barometric readings etc compare it to previously seen maps to predict out. This works quite well for a couple of days out but that's the extent of it. Ken Ring looks at the positioning of the moon, its orbital path etc & its influence on the atmosphere. He then looks at a date in the future in your area & predicts based on that.
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