Weight is important.

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Weight is important.

Post by Guest »

Weight is important in this matter.
I have flywheel that can run for days with just small push.
This flywheel is 200 pounds. I sure can put some weight to lift and it will still move. It is only 26 inch around and 12 inches wide. If I adds some more weights to make centripedal I am sure will produces more.
So weights are important to solve.

re: Weight is important.

Post by carterhaines »

this is easily explained:
The more weight the wheel has, the more mass it has.
The more mass, the more inertia.
The more inertia, the harder it is to move, and the harder it is to stop.
This means that the bigger the wheel, the longer it will turn, but it will be much harder to get it up to a certain RPM.
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