"The foreigner who is in the midst of you shall mount up above you higher and higher; and you shall come down lower and lower."
How strange it is....when a world of willing minions can be programmed to react violently to supposed 'white supremacists' or anyone who simply declares appreciation for their Caucasian heritage....while swallowing the treacherous LIES whose stench of decay waft around their noses?
If the following isn't the worst form of racism ever published, then what is?
It's playing out around the world, just as scripted long ago. And those who manufacture control of the world are most happy to keep you 'medicated' to accept the dismal reality.
As His prophecies unfold, let he that hath eyes to see and ears to hear....be moved to share what he has learned, and thusly bear good fruit that he may be able to stand on the day of Christ's return in the heavens.
Blessings in Yahshua, Jesus Christ, be upon America in the days ahead.
Last edited by Techstuf on Fri May 26, 2006 3:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
Reading this just made me wonder something. I hope you do not mind me asking but do you also speak English as it was spoken at the time of King James in your day to day life ?
Techstuf wrote:As His prophecies unfold, let he that hath eyes to see and ears to hear....be moved to share what he has learned, and thusly bear good fruit that he may be able to stand on the day of Christ's return in the heavens.
I find your discrimination against people with disabilities a little unsettling in a post of this nature. :)
"The foreigner who is in the midst of you shall mount up above you higher and higher; and you shall come down lower and lower."
It's xenophobic verses like this that make me suspicious of much of the "teachings" of the "Good" Book.
There is only one race on planet Earth...the human race! All men and women are, in an evolutionary sense, truly brothers and sisters. I view Earth's people all as members of a single large family. Maybe if we could begin to act like we are all members of the same family the tragic and completely unnecessary loss of life worldwide would come to an end...
On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:
DJ, I've met teenagers less disposed to petty pejoratives. Perhaps you may find a more positive outlet for your frustration than responding to my threads simply to register the lack of depth to your character. Go play somewhere else, should you have the self control to do so.
God bless,
As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
Maybe if we could begin to act like we are all members of the same family the tragic and completely unnecessary loss of life worldwide would come to an end.
Doing so would absolutely require zionist Israel to give up her death grip on the U.S. government and the bulk of the world economy.
Let's you and I openly discuss the six pointed star, it's history and it's significance to free masons and modern Israel....it's connection to Solomon and the prophecy pertaining to it's significance in our day....wait, given that you have consistently ignored this topic and many more... time and time again on my threads....I am being presumptious.
I'm sure I am not the only one who notices that you speak largely from opinion and generality......and I have posted a good number of resources full of suppporting facts for my assertions. Your avoidance of these issues does not show you to be ignorant.....but does however imply a willing aversion to open discussion. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. If you remain unwilling to discuss these facts....perhaps you would be better satisfied posting on someone else's threads, rather than continually responding to mine in what seems an apparent attempt to muddy the waters.....or steer attention away from the damning information which indicts the beast who is ruling what was once the free world.
Righteous indignation is a far cry from racism....
For those that have managed to read through the whole of this post, to this point....A special blessing from God be upon you and your household.
And to he that reads the resources mentioned above, may He make special visitation upon you and your family.
As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
Mitch, you're blinkers are becoming so tight and narrow lately that I think we could rightly call them patches :D
It seems painfully obvious that your current crusade is the continuing test of your own personal faith and, dare I say it, your god.
It's also painfully obvious that you despise your fellow man. As you and I know from our past private discussions (I keep everything), your justification for using deception (most call it lying) stems from your belief that we 'minions' lay somewhat beneath you and it is your unfortunate burden to teach us right from wrong - and any means is fair play for dirty minions, right?
IMO, consistent negativism indicates fundamental insecurities and further suggests a considerable lack of creative vision on your part. While negativism might appear to be the safe option, it is surely restrictive and unrealistic. I'm sure you probably glimpse that from time to time.
Of course, none of this is really your fault - it is the nature of your disorder. I think that if people here were allowed to be brought slightly up to speed on that particular subject then it might be easier for some to understand where you are coming from and, therefore, to decide for themselves whether they should take all this "dark hour" jumbo seriously - or not.
It's also painfully obvious that you despise your fellow man.
I take your use of the term 'Fellow Man' to be singular.....in which case it might well be accurate at some moments. God forgive me. Certainly I do not despise those who value truth nor who despise evil.
your justification for using deception (most call it lying) stems from your belief that we 'minions' lay somewhat beneath you and it is your unfortunate burden to teach us right from wrong.
Since you proclaim yourself a 'keeper of everything'....and it is obvious to those reasonable viewers of my posts that I quite often do not hold back from sharing what I sincerely believe to be the truth, I will let the reader decide if my use of the term: 'minions' has been used derisively to elevate myself....or to identify those whose own beliefs condemn them as viewing all who are 'uninitiated' or outside their 'circle' as minions.....or 'goyim', dumb cattle.
It is obvious as well that you view the facts as I have shared them, and so too, those who would agree with them, as those self same 'minions'. For your own arrogance and aversion to acknowledging those facts at all identifies your position as one, who is at the very least, indifferent to the machinations of the beast of a world system....rotten to it's core.
Of course, none of this is really your fault - it is the nature of your disorder
Disorder....is that your preferred aphorism for chaos? I suppose, given all your references to brain reboots and medicines that you and or your associates are going to bring order out of chaos....at any cost...including your own souls.
Well, such is the way of most men. These days will not pass without God having dispensed some medicine of His own. Many of those, much like yourself, though perhaps even more deeply derisive of those with whom they disagree, will be prove deserving of a strong taste.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.....I know this from experience.....as will we all.
I hope that one day you will also come to know how uplifting an experience it can also prove to be....
To fall into the hands of the Living God.
When your turn arrives, may you find Him in a good mood....of course it's entirely His call.
Blessings in Christ be upon you and yours,
As most of humanity suffers under tyrants, misled by the devil and his cohorts who've recently been thrown down here, nothing short of Yahshua, King of Kings, will remove these oppressors and bring everlasting peace.
I'm glad Techstff is far, since I'm afraid this is a hard to support guy.
An aflictive soul pressed by confused, superficial and old-fashioned ideas and images.
Of sure, destructive and bother!
He's a shame to all other ''none'' in this forum.
Anyhow, we have to admit to diversity...
Take care! M.
Let's you and I openly discuss the six pointed star, it's history and it's significance to free masons and modern Israel....it's connection to Solomon and the prophecy pertaining to it's significance in our day....wait, given that you have consistently ignored this topic and many more... time and time again on my threads....I am being presumptious.
What's to discuss? It's a symbol from the Old Testament that wound up on the modern flag of Israel. That's all it is. It's about as relevant to life in the 21st century as is the fact that the American flag uses five pointed stars.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.....
Well, if He is responsible for all of the sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, slavery, and slaughter described in the "Good" Book, then I would imagine any rational person would fear falling into His hands!
On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:
I like your resfreshing, albeit harsh, approach. Keep up the righteous indignation but don't foeget to love! Here is a news story for you taken from yahoo news:
"If you're just a bit more cautious on a Friday the 13th, wouldn't fly on 9/11 or could never live in a house numbered 666, you are not alone.
With 06/06/06 looming (June 6, 2006), authorities in some cities are worrying prophecy theorists or hate groups might read something ominous into the date and use it as an excuse to stir tension. Some expectant mothers are making birthing appointments to ensure they avoid the date, according to the Sunday Times in London.
And for others, it is a marketing opportunity. 20th Century Fox's remake of "The Omen" and Ann Coulter's book, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," will both come out June 6.
The Beast
The number 666 is used to refer to the beast in the Bible's Book of Revelations:
"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666."
Among many coincidences that occur with numbers, life itself is based partly on these three: Carbon atoms, key to life as we know it, have six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons in their most common form.
That there is concern over the date at all is a reflection of how popular it's become to search for the hidden meanings in numbers, experts say.
"People have a tendency to latch onto things, like numbers, that help them make sense of the world," said Mario Livio, an astrophysicist and author of "The Equation That Couldn't Be Solved" (Simon & Schuster, 2005).
Troubled times
The perceived importance of numbers becomes especially true during troubled times, when finding wisdom in numbers can be a comfort, says professional numerologist Sonia Ducie. "Humanity and individuals are attracted to numbers during times of great transformation," Ducie said. The Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks are an overwhelming example. Conspiracy theorists in the years since the tragedy have tried hard to thread together "eerie" numerological coincidences, especially those tied to the number eleven. A few of the best known:
9 + 1 + 1 = 11
The first plane to hit the World Trade Center was American Airlines Flight 11; AA can also be "translated" as the alphabet's version of 11.
The State of New York was the eleventh state added to the union.
The names George W. Bush, New York City, Air Force One, Afghanistan and The Pentagon all contain eleven letters.
Despite its modern manifestations, searching for deeper meanings in numbers is a practice that goes back to ancient times, Livio said.
"Numerology has a long history," he told LiveScience. "You can trace it all the way from the followers of Pythagoras, whose maxim to describe the universe was ‘all is number.'" Thinkers who studied under the famous Greek mathematician combined numbers in different ways to explain everything around them, he said.
Modern numerology has since morphed into a kind of para-science in the same vein as astrology, according to skeptics. Still, many numerologists claim to rely on Pythagoras' ancient system to divine the hidden connections between numbers—often a birth date—and an individual's life.
Our attraction to certain numbers has to do with the cycles of birth and death those numbers have seen through many millions of years in existence, said Ducie, who trained at the Connaissance School of Numerology in Hertfordshire, England.
"People are subconsciously drawn towards specific numbers because they know that they need the experiences, attributes or lessons, associated with them, that are contained within their potential," she said. "Numerology can ‘make sense' of an individual's life (health, career, relationships, situations and issues) by recognizing which number cycle they are in, and by giving them clarity."
Mathematicians are quick to dismiss numerology as having any scientific merit, however.
"I don't endorse this at all," said Livio, when asked to comment on the popularity of commercial numerology today. Seemingly coincidental connections between numbers will always appear if you look hard enough, he said.
Lucky numbers
When it comes to lucky numbers, at least, Ducie agreed."People can also ‘make' numbers lucky simply by believing they will be lucky when they have those numbers around them; these preconditioned thoughts strongly contribute towards their manifestation of luck," she said.
The obsession with particular numbers also tend to wax and wane according to the trends of popular culture, Livio noted.
Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" (Doubleday, 2003) has played a part with its showcase of the golden ratio, or divine proportion, which Livio explores in his book "The Golden Ratio" (Broadway, 2003). The very precise number is said to exist mysteriously in various places in nature and be extremely attractive to the human eye. Spin-offs in the worlds of architecture, art and even diet books are a result of the "Code" phenomenon.
Ronald Reagan's 666
The supposed number of the devil falls in and out of favor with the public, too. It is unclear just how influential the number was in the centuries after the Bible became widespread as literature, but it was certainly ingrained in popular culture after the 1976 release of the movie "The Omen", in which the neck of a demon-child is stamped with the digits 666.
When former President Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy retired to their last home in California thirteen years later, they forced officials to change their address from 666 to 668 St. Cloud Road, Livio said.
No word on whether the former president whose full name is Ronald Wilson Reagan, was bothered by the number of letters in each of his first, middle and last names.
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With 06/06/06 looming (June 6, 2006), authorities in some cities are worrying prophecy theorists or hate groups might read something ominous into the date and use it as an excuse to stir tension.
I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Al-Qaeda decided to launch their next attack in America on that date. They are really into numerology and believe in the "power" of numbers.
However, I am convinced that those with an excessive preoccupation with numbers and their possible meanings could be suffering from a form of obsessive compulsive disorder. Individuals with this problem must constantly seek perfection in themselves and their enviroments or they can not relax. They can become obsessed with hygiene, morality, guilt, timing, accuracy, and a lot more that inevitably begins to interfer with their ability to function normally in life. Tragically, as in the case of terrorists, such obsessions can sometimes lead them to commit criminal acts that hurt or kill their fellow human beings.
Hopefully, 6/6/2006 will come and go as did 6/6/1906, 6/6/1806, 6/6/1706, etc. without anything of consequence happening...
On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by: