Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

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Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by P.T. »

I just can't wrap my brain aroundthis one. I'm hooked on this (thanks to Vic) and would really like to build one of these if we can put our heads together and work out some of the specifics

re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by Sevich »

Hi P.T.

Your web address did'nt work.
I assume this is the site:
Interseting! .....I'll have a read.

Over 3 years ago I made an attempt with: "Atmospheric Electrical Generator" ivnented by Chauncy J. Britten in Dec 1930 website:

Mine is basically an insulated copper coil within a copper tube (pictured). Had a steel wire running through the center. At each end is attached and soldered to coil ends and further attached to (plugs) terminals. Includes a car tyre valve to have the air taken out and thus create a vacuum.

Had it all connected using an FM radio, 12 volt battery and so on.

In did'nt work?
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re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by jim_mich »

I would theorise that the reason it didn't work is that the dimensions and materials that you used are not exactly the same as the inventor used. Also the patent drawing shows a bend in the tube coil assembly. All these little details are very important to make such devices work, imo.

Also early radio stations were VERY powerful transmitters and I've heard that it was possible to tap into their energy, though it seems to me improbable that this would account for the total energy these devices were able to produce.

The inventor assigned his patent (1,826,727) to Britten Light & Power Company. Sounds like suppression to me since a power company would not want such a device to become known.


re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by Sevich »


I felt it would be a hastle to go out of my way and make a "S" bend on the tube cause I figured it was all the same to me! I just could'nt see the benefit at the time? ...(tried to same money & time) The other problem I had was not being sure what was the central wire going through the coil made of??....copper or steel?? ....I used steel!

Some things I did'nt understand and impatiantly through myself into building it just to have it ready for testing.

There are many different types of these "power from the air devices" on "rexresearch" website that I feel it could be done even without using a vacuum tube. And also I don't believe Mr Britten is showing the whole deal on his patent.

Sorry for the Mitch
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re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by Patrick »

Maybe it only produces small amounts of electricity like 'static'? Seems odd if it has been around since 1913 that nobody developed it into production? Interesting read though, thanks for the link.
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re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by rlortie »

Yes it is possible to gather electrical energy via a conductor stuck in the air. After all that is all a radio antenna is, it picks up the transmitted charge and sends the signal to the RF amplifier in the first stage of your radio.

I suppose their are few of us left here that remember the crystal and cats whisker radios of old. They picked up enough of the signal to activate a set of head phones.

My descriptive statement on another thread about running a wire along my property line will give the same results. If you are very close to a high voltage power line you can actually steal electricity from the 60 or 50 cycle pulses cutting your coil or antenna.

A current forum member educated in electronics is presently working on a transistorized version. He hopes to power a pulse powered pendulum. He has been at it for about six months now. I am assisting him on a need be basis and he shall remain nameless.

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re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by ken_behrendt »

About twenty years or so ago, I had a momentary fascination with the Hubbard "Self-Sustaining" Generator. Supposedly, after "tuning", it, too, could "pull" electrical power "out of the air".

I spent about two months constructing a model that was as close to possible to the drawings I had obtained of the device. I came to the conclusion that the device was actually a form of sophisticated feedback type transformer whose ac current was set flowing because its secondary windings were able to pick up a low frequency standing electromagnetic wave that exists between the Earth's ionosphere (about 180,000 feet up) and the surface of the Earth. Thus, Hubbard's device was actually able to tap the enormous energy trapped inside the our atmosphere and output it at an appropriate voltage to run conventional motors or heaters.

Well, I spend much time testing the finished device in various orientations and with different settings of its variable tuning capacitor, but I could not even get a milliampere trickle of AC current out of it. It was very disappointing.

Like practically all of these devices, there are associated stories of incredible performances and even "official" tests of the devices and patent drawings. Yet, for some odd reason, nothing ever comes of the devices and they slowly fade into the dim mists of free energy device history. Only decades later do their tales find new life in the various writings of another generation of fringe area science writers.

Well, maybe someday something "real" and usuable for everyday life will emerge from it all...

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by P.T. »

Gentleman -

I appreciate the constructive input. Now this is what I need to know a)am I being completly foolish in pursuing the idea of actually building one of these Meyers Attractors (seemingly very credible and subjective witnesses to his invention) or b) can I count on the very impressive brain power that I have observed on this board put your collective talents together - desipher a materials list and counsel me on the assembly. If it is worth a shot I will provide man-power and materials but I will need some serious guidiance about past failures (ways to avoid them) and greatest potential for success with respect to the construction.
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re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by Vic Hays »

The amount of electrical potential in the air must be tremendous. There are 4000 lightning strikes an hour(not sure of this figure) around the world and each one of these has tremendous potential. This is the kind of energy that Tesla was trying to tap into. I think it may well be worth the pursuit. Tesla is said to have an automobile that ran off a small antenna.
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re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by rlortie »

Tesla and Marconi both proved and fought over recognition of the use of wireless energy. Marconis wireless telegraph was probably the first viable commercial usage. It was the radio used on the Titanic that sunk in 1912.

Previous to WW II George Westinghouse back Tesla financially for his Lab in Colorado and the transmitting tower located in New York.

I know of no viable device that will pull enough energy to be cost feasible. I too have studied the stories of Teslas black box auto. unfortunately there is no substantial evidence to lead ones incentive to attempt a duplication.

In the past I have built Tesla coils using beer bottle and salt water capacitors powered with a 12 volt model train transformer. I was able to turn on or light up every fluorescent tube in my shop. Even a burned out one would light simply by holding it in my hand. The primary coil was 1/4" copper tubing and the secondary was made of telephone wire wrapped around a 12" length of 2-1/2" pipe. The drive circuit was a DPDT relay from Radio Shack.

It was a great toy to play with, but raised hell with radio and TV reception. I could not find any value for it other than lighting fluorescent tubes hanging on a spruce tree at Christmas. Just do not attempt to watch TV at the same time. Not exactly approved by the Federal Communications Commission!

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re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by ken_behrendt »

If one makes an tall antenna, like a hundred feet or so, that extends up away from the ground, then an electrical potential can be measured between the ground and the antenna. I have seen electrostatic motors (not electromagnetic!) that could be continuously run off of this voltage difference. Their power outputs where, indeed, very small, but they demonstrate that there is a usable voltage difference in our atmosphere that can be tapped.

However, I think that devices like the Hubbard Self-Sustaining Generator tapped into an even more powerful form of atospheric energy. Some sort of low frequency standing waves that exist between the Earth's surface and the upper regions of the atmosphere.

If you are impressed by a design and have the time and inclination, then these devices are certainly something to tinker around with. Generally, they are easier to build than gravity wheels and...who knows...maybe you will actually get one of them to work and then your name will be added to the legends involving such devices.

The only thing that "bothers" me about such devices is that, if they actually did work, then WHY are we not using them now instead of merely reading about their past fabulous performance demonstrations? For example, what ever happened to the electric car that Tesler powered for several hours with a small box of circuitry? Why is my home not now powered by the Hubbard generator? Etc., etc., etc.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by P.T. »

From Ken

The only thing that "bothers" me about such devices is that, if they actually did work, then WHY are we not using them now instead of merely reading about their past fabulous performance demonstrations? For example, what ever happened to the electric car that Tesler powered for several hours with a small box of circuitry? Why is my home not now powered by the Hubbard generator? Etc., etc., etc.[quote]

Ken -
I believe that answer to the(se) question(s) that you raise is just like the answer to most other 'why is it done this way' questions - The All Mighty Dollar. Given our Econo-Political climate since the late 1800's there are are four (4) factrors that drive our economy (minus the computer boon between the 1980's to 2000) Petroleum, Coal, Credit, Taxes. For the purposes of brevity let's focus on the first two factors. There was a time when these items were the only two readily accessable natural energy resources that were available. Petroleum and Coal are/were BIG business - fortunes were made, but more importantly jobs were created and that not only fueled our cars and homes but most importantly our economy. And as of this very day our economy is almost exclusively Petroleum based. Can you imagine what would happen if we never used another drop of crude oil - our economy would disentegrate. My belief is that individuals in power (commerce and political - if the two can even be stated seperately anymore) are well aware of alternative, clean and free energy generation but it is not in their nor our COLLECTIVE best interest to employ such creations.
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re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by ken_behrendt »

P.T. wrote:
Can you imagine what would happen if we never used another drop of crude oil - our economy would disentegrate. My belief is that individuals in power (commerce and political - if the two can even be stated seperately anymore) are well aware of alternative, clean and free energy generation but it is not in their nor our COLLECTIVE best interest to employ such creations.
I can imagine all of the air pollution and Global Warming going away which I would certainly welcome!

I think that the percentage of the Earth's population involved with the extraction, refining, and distribution of fossil fuels is probably very small. If their jobs were phased out by the introduction of some sort of free energy technology, I think the impact both to them and the rest of the world would be minimum.

On the other hand, automobiles using free energy power plants would still need to be built, sold, and maintained. Gas stations could provide routine maintenance for these vehicles and repairs instead of selling overpriced gasoline to us.

The cost of manufacturing items would drop if the energy needed to do this was free or, allowing for the cost of maintaining a nation's electrical power grid system, minimal. That would mean more profit per item sold and higher wages possible for employees. Perhaps the minimum wage could be tripled overnight!

Actually, I see the benefits of free energy technology far, far outweighing the negative aspects of it.

On 7/6/06, I found, in any overbalanced gravity wheel with rotation rate, ω, axle to CG distance d, and CG dip angle φ, the average vertical velocity of its drive weights is downward and given by:

Vaver = -2(√2)πdωcosφ
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re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by Vic Hays »

The tall antennae idea may work or running a wire up a mountain. The outer atmosphere is constantly bombarded with electrons from the solar wind. There is an altitude gradient associated with this energy. Lightening is the result of this energy stabilizing.
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Re: re: Can Somebody (or Everybody) Help Me Figure This Out

Post by jim_mich »

Patrick wrote:Maybe it only produces small amounts of electricity like 'static'? Seems odd if it has been around since 1913 that nobody developed it into production? Interesting read though, thanks for the link.
Why didn't we have electric lights before 1879?

Despite what you have been taught, Edison did not invent the light bulb. What he did was commercialized it. Inventors in the United States and Europe had been trying to build incandescent electric lights for about 50 years before Edison. Edison was so convinced that he could make a light bulb work that he lied to the public and his financial backers saying that he had a working light bulb. We've heard stories about how Edison tried thousands of materials searching for a filament that would burn longer than a few hours. It was not the filament material that caused him to succeed. It was the vacuum in the bulb. For over a year he kept testing different filaments. What saved Edison was a newly manufactured vacuum pump and new methods developed by his glass blower so as to make a light bulb that contained a higher vacuum. Previously the small amounts of air that remained in the bulbs caused the filaments to burn up. Three things caused Edison's success. A better vacuum. A better method of sealing the bulb. And enough money to keep going. Simultaneously he developed generators, electric meters, switches, and methods of running the electric wires.

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