Thought you might like to see this puppy.
He's an English Mastiff named Hercules and he weighs 282lbs.
Definitely NOT a "lap dog".
A very large dog !!
Moderator: scott
re: A very large dog !!
Where did you find that? I have seen dogs similar in height but not in weight... I am hesitant to say "faked"...
I have seen dogs of "pre-historic size"... that were scary to be around.
My neighbor had a "huge" mastiff... he said when the get old they get very aggressive, even growling at the owners... He has had several mastiffs for past twenty years...
I have seen dogs of "pre-historic size"... that were scary to be around.
My neighbor had a "huge" mastiff... he said when the get old they get very aggressive, even growling at the owners... He has had several mastiffs for past twenty years...
"A man with a new idea is a crank until he succeeds."~ M. Twain.
re: A very large dog !!
The lead looks like it goes to a smaller dog (or Hurcules hindquarters ?) & the shadows don't look right imo.
re: A very large dog !!
I am a lover of Humanity, It's people I can't stand.