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Post by Flywheel »

I havn't thought of this Idea all the way through, but technically a weight on a perfectly level plane then with the slightest of push it should move along. Going at a slight incline it takes very little effort. A weight going straight donw could push a weight up a ramp at about 2 o'clock posistion.

I don't think I'm making any sense, just start playing around with ramps, I think that it's key.
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re: Ramp

Post by 10x »

ramps to a runer that is level and up the next ramp are interesting items to play with.

Shows fat that them rules acording to gravity exist in such a way to block the reset without help.

I can think of a fast one that can be set up using magnetics and a pendulum to cause a reset and possibly an acceleration. Intend to play with such a bit to see if this could provide a POP.

Strangely enough even using magnetics is such that gravity becomes the real motive force to allow such to work.
Georg Künstler
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re: Ramp

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi Flywheel,

I think a single car wheel can prove your ramp idea. Buildt a ramp, and let roll down the car wheel. The car wheel will not reach the same high as before,when started. So the solution isn't as easy.

It may be different when your ramp has a saw chain shape. Then you get an acceleration when rolling down, and a fast up, jump.

Also this construction will not work alone. You need an additional free moving weight in your car wheel. I discribed this as the parasit in earlier posts.

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Re: re: Ramp

Post by GraViTaR »

Georg Künstler wrote:It may be different when your ramp has a saw chain shape. Then you get an acceleration when rolling down, and a fast up, jump.
That is very astute, Georg.

A clothoid ramp will give you that little burst of energy at the end: Just enough to send something back up and to keep a wheel heavier on one side.

This is something on which I am currently working.
Georg Künstler
Posts: 1758
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Location: Speyer, Germany

re: Ramp

Post by Georg Künstler »

Hi GraViTar,
the ramp alone is not the solution. In the rotating wheel, you must have a free moving part. This free moving part isn't stopping when the outer wheel stops. The free moving part will be lifted against gravity. This energy can be used to accelerate the wheel again. The free moving part is fracturing the symmetry !!

Have a look to the wheel in wheel construction or turn the turner which I had posted earlier.

Hope you can understand what I am explaining.

the future has begun

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