Why would Bessler do this?

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Why would Bessler do this?

Post by frankie »

Hi all,
First of all, let me say that I am not on this forum to make fun of anyone. I am here simply to ask a question or two.

I read about Bessler's death, where he fell from a four and a half story windmill that he was creating. My question is this: Why in the world would he be working on a windmill? I mean to say that it would have been much easier to simply construct one of his earlier wheels. I read where one of his wheels was 12 feet in diameter. He could have built one of these wheels MUCH easier than building a windmill. PLUS, this wheel of his design, was supposed to be basically a perpetual motion machine. I just have to ask: Why go to all the trouble of building a 4.5 story windmill that depends on the wind for power when you have already acknowledged building a perpetual motion machine in the form of a 12 foot diameter wheel.

I appreciate any responses, and feel free to educate me on anything that I may have incorrect in this statement. Learning comes from listening.
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re: Why would Bessler do this?

Post by AB Hammer »

This would be better under general discussion. but still welcome to the forum.
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re: Why would Bessler do this?

Post by Fletcher »

Hi frankie .. IIRC [If I remember correctly] Bessler was commissioned to build the windmill - it was his design & he was building a horizontal version I believe - if my memory serves me correctly this information was & is contained in John Collins first book about Bessler [Perpetual Motion : An Ancient Mystery Solved ? (PM:AAMS)] - so perhaps John is best to forward any relevant information & detail.

The question in my mind was his untimely death, by "slipping & falling" from the structure before completion ? - was in fact Bessler so disillusioned with the outcome of his endeavors [at the age of 64 & still no sale] that one day he was less "careful" than usual ? - I'd only be guessing & his death may have been purely accidental but it could also have been an act of desperation & a final 'up yours' to the great unwashed who were the unbelievers & detractors, & so his secret went to the grave with him in a statement orchestrated with absolute & certain finality.
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re: Why would Bessler do this?

Post by frankie »

I agree that this would have been better put in General Discussion. I apologize, as I did not know that it was under this part of the forum. Believe me when I say that it was an honest mistake on my part. Again, thanks for the "welcome" and answers.
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Post by scott »

Moved to the General Discussion forum.
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re: Why would Bessler do this?


Maybe had had bills to pay.
The Gravity Wheel wasnt making money so he had to fall back on his other skills
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John Collins
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re: Why would Bessler do this?

Post by John Collins »

Hi Frankie, briefly, firstly his reputation was damaged by the accusations by the maid and despite Karl's dismissal of them, mud sticks. Secondly he was moved to a small village and Karl eventually died and Bessler lost his sponsor. He had spent all the money and had no income and was forced to seek other ways to earn a crust. He designed a number of ingenious items, such as automatic fountains, non-stop carillons and a submarine all of which he approached the wealthy with, but the only contract he won was to build a windmill at Furstenberg. Typically it wasn't your average vertical windmill but one to a new design. He needed money to build it but the money only came in drips and drops.

He had recently remarried and had a child but with no income and his reputation shot to pieces and no longer any kind of powerful support he was doomed. He had tried for over 20 years to interest someone in his PM but he was never going to just give it away so he just kept working on new ideas. He did win a contract to build another PM machine in 1743 but lacked any spare funds to build it.

Don't forget that as well as the lack of support for himself he also had to fight public opinion among the scientists who were of the same belief as now that such machines are impossible.

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re: Why would Bessler do this?

Post by greendoor »

To put a working wheel into anything, for anyone, would be giving away the secret. Unless that person stumped up the full cost that Bessler wanted, why should he give it away to the world?

Also - I believe there are forces that shape history that are far bigger than mere mortals. Sometimes rare individuals get a glimpse of the future, but things that are not to be are not to be until the time is right.
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Post by jim_mich »

greendoor wrote:Also - I believe there are forces that shape history that are far bigger than mere mortals. Sometimes rare individuals get a glimpse of the future, but things that are not to be are not to be until the time is right.
At times I've given this some thought. Maybe it was not the right time for Bessler's wheel? Maybe the universe just wasn't ready for such a device? Maybe mankind wasn't ready for it? A PM wheel would be like opening up a bottomless pit where anything dropped into the pit would fall forever and could perpetually turn a wheel. Would this be a cause for good or for evil. Most wars are won by the side that has the most resources and energy. Peace usually comes when the resources and energy run out. Would mankind have endless wars if we had endless free energy? If Bessler had revealed his wheel would heat engines have been developed? Would electricity have been developed? Without electricity electronic communication would not have been developed. If Bessler had revealed his wheel we might still be communicating with letters, newspapers and books read by candle light. So just maybe it wasn't the right time for Bessler's wheel to be revealed.

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